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Desired reward: +1 to Power or Discipline (random), and +1 Cost
Effect of stat changes, if applicable:
+1 Cost: Magic use reduces the caster's mobility or reflexes. As Arianwyn has focused on amplifying her magical abilities without the appropriote time practice to build the stamina, her magic now requires increased mental focus. Her reflexes are impaired when manipulating silver as she cannot pay attention to both her magic and threats around her.
if given +1 Power: Arianwyn can now manipulate more silver at once, allowing her to make larger objects up to 5 lbs in size.
if given +1 Discipline: Arianwyn's manipulation of silver now has greater fineness. She is better able to notice and remove contaminants and flaws in the silver ore, making her creations more durable and allowing her to create smaller and more intricate shapes such as jewelry chains.

Arianwyn’s masterful display may have garnered the admiration of her peers and professors, but through the gleam of silver, she can feel something else watching, too. Next time, the intricate silverwork may come easier to her, though at a cost… Arianwyn has gained +1 Discipline and +1 Cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character’s log and update their magic accordingly!