destiny shrine

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago by Franknsteins


the shrine of destiny

One of the three mysterious Patrons in magical myth, Destiny controls glory, doom, and fate. At this shrine, your character can call upon Destiny for their blessing, and use the Hymn of Destiny item.

For more information on Shrines, click here.

Destiny's power is sought by those who wish to change their story, leave their mark on history, or avoid a terrible end. In stories, Destiny is often petty and capricious, known for playing favorites and acting on whims.

The Patron and the Shrine

Of all three patrons, Destiny is both the most-named and the least-known. Destiny is an invisible but omnipresent entity whose influence and favor colors many of Ivras's oldest stories and exalts their greatest heroes and villains. Destiny is by all accounts a tempestuous and capricious being, prone to holding grudges and choosing favorites among mortals.

Destiny is the giver and taker of greatness, and their pettiness is a common scapegoat for missed opportunities, poor luck, and failed enterprises. Those who seek Destiny's favor (and the fame, success, or adventure that comes with it) try to get Destiny's attention with song and dance, or through intricate rituals. It is said that Destiny's eye can be caught by grand displays and lengthy performances; some desperate enough for Destiny's intervention may recite verses of the patron's greatness for hours or even days on the eve of a great achievement, in hopes of earning the prideful being's goodwill.

Though a Destiny shrine can be anywhere someone creates, performs, or recites, the greatest of Destiny's structures lies on Ivras's balmy eastern coast. Sandy, tropically-bright canyons by the sea create a natural amphitheater where pilgrims gather in the dark. There, hopeful recipients of Destiny's favor dance, sing, and offer their efforts all through the night, until the sun rises fully from the water on the eastern horizon. With the rising sun acting as Destiny's unblinking eye, supplicants hope that their performance will fall under the patron's gaze.

The seaside stage here is a slab of rock worn smooth by centuries of dancing feet, with an ever-changing face covered in paintings, woven offerings, hand-strung jewelry and other creations left in hopes of winning Destiny's conditional love.

Destiny's rewards

Destiny can bestow the following blessings to mages who seek their favor:

  • Choose new magic Costs
  • Change a familiar, or banish a current Familiar and summon a new one
  • -1 Corruption (this prompt can only be completed twice per character)
  • +1 to Power or Discipline (random), and +1 Cost
  • Convert one existing Power stat point into Discipline, or vice versa (this prompt can only be completed twice per character)

Shrine quest instructions

Shrines offer in-game rewards to characters who visit them and complete shrine quests. Shrine quests are art/writing prompts that are randomly generated when a character visits a shrine. Read on for instructions on how to generate your random quest prompt.

  1. Select a desired reward from the list above.
  2. Once you're ready for a quest, head to Anathema's discord server and go to the #rolling channel. In the pinned messages there, you will find a form! Fill it out and drop it in the channel to roll your dice and get assigned a randomly generated quest prompt.
  3. Using the numbers the bot rolls, staff will reply to you with your specific quest prompt. At this point, you can choose to accept or reject the prompt. You can roll once per character every seven days; rejecting a prompt will still use your weekly roll for that character.
  4. Complete your quest by creating a work of art, literature (or a mix thereof) worth at least 5 Gold.
  5. Upload the art or literature submission to your character's Anathema gallery, and put your quest prompt and shrine reward in the caption in place of your gold count. Quest prompts do not earn gold on top of quest rewards.
  6. Post a link to the quest on the respective patron's shrine bulletin (right here!), using the form below. Staff will review it and give you your rewards, which you can then add to your character's Log!

Completed Quest Form

Once you have completed your Quest, reply to this bulletin with the form below:

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward:
Effect of stat changes, if applicable:

Using the Hymn of Destiny item

Once you have purchased the Hymn of Destiny item from the shop, your character must complete a special quest to activate the item. The art, literature (or mix thereof) created for this quest can claim regular Gold rewards.

Create a piece of art, writing (or mix thereof) worth at least 5 Gold depicting your mage's change of magic. How did they change their magic? Did they perform a ritual at a shrine, or was some other magic used? Was the change intentional? What else about them changed? How does the change affect their relationship to their magic, or how they view themself?

When this piece is complete, add it to your character's Anathema gallery and link to it in their Log to indicate the change. Write a summary of your new character's new magic and new stats (you may redistribute their stat points as you see fit). Submit the piece and the description of your new magic to staff through ModMail on the Anathema discord server to finalize the change. Staff will approve your magic and award you the Gold for your piece at this time.


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It is not every day that a mage earns a second power! And on top of it, Aihonistra earns +1 power and +1 cost

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest: (it's sort of a two-parter, it was going to be until I went to post it and realized I had missed the 'include another person's character' part of the prompt)
Desired reward: +1 to power or discipline, +1 cost
Effect of stat changes, if applicable: 
power - Wanderer's strength and willpower is growing, and his fear is able to overcome more powerful and strong-willed creatures
disc - Wanderer's aura of fear grows more nuanced, and he's able to subtly nudge those it effects in specific ways (emphasizing fight/anger reactions, panic/lack of coordination/flee, paralysis/freeze/hide, etc).
cost - As Wanderer's abilities grow in strength and versatility, he begins to struggle with his control once more. He finds himself fighting to stay coherent and clear-headed when pushing his limits.

As the swampwyrm crumples to the ground, Wandered feels his magic swell with power... but there is something nagging in his mind, as well. He has earned +1 Power and +1 Cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Alessia

Link to finished Quest: an Obstacle to Destiny

Desired reward: -1 Corruption

Some days are harder than others, but what better way to spend them besides some self-care? Alessa finds herself shedding one point of corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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Destiny is suitably impressed with Labrea's efforts. She has gained +1 Discipline and +1 Cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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A struggle indeed. Rest can be just as hard as fight. Aihonistra earns +1 power and +1 cost

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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Destiny can't say no to some creative PR. Vizon earns+1 discipline and +1 cost

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character: Kivo on Toyhouse

Link to finished Quest: Ready For Confession {Shrine Prompt} on Toyhouse

Desired reward: -1 Corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: his tail will begin to grow back

An outstretched hand, an answer to prayer. Aren't all rules made up by someone? Kivo has lost one corruption point.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

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Well, he got Destiny's attention for sure, but what does a non mage do with that??

Gold logged!

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Hello! Which one of these links is the one you want to use for the Shrine Quest?

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A beautiful mural... The colors almost seem to shimmer in the sunlight. Destiny seems to approve; Aihonistra has gained +1 Power and +1 Cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:
Chapter 6 specifically (noted in the author's note at the end of the chapter) when Mord manipulates the situation so that the skull housing his familiar, Llyr, is resurrected. 

Desired reward: Change a familiar, or banish and summon a new one 

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: This is essentially a pretty way of ridding Mord of his familiar because I kept forgetting to write the familiar IC over and over and over again, Mord won't be getting a new one

Manipulation, or something more? Destiny is impressed either way, and banishes Mord's familiar

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:
Link to finished Quest:
Desired reward: +1 to Power or Discipline (random), and +1 Cost
Effect of stat changes, if applicable:
+1 Cost: Magic use reduces the caster's mobility or reflexes. As Arianwyn has focused on amplifying her magical abilities without the appropriote time practice to build the stamina, her magic now requires increased mental focus. Her reflexes are impaired when manipulating silver as she cannot pay attention to both her magic and threats around her.
if given +1 Power: Arianwyn can now manipulate more silver at once, allowing her to make larger objects up to 5 lbs in size.
if given +1 Discipline: Arianwyn's manipulation of silver now has greater fineness. She is better able to notice and remove contaminants and flaws in the silver ore, making her creations more durable and allowing her to create smaller and more intricate shapes such as jewelry chains.

Arianwyn’s masterful display may have garnered the admiration of her peers and professors, but through the gleam of silver, she can feel something else watching, too. Next time, the intricate silverwork may come easier to her, though at a cost… Arianwyn has gained +1 Discipline and +1 Cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character’s log and update their magic accordingly!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +1 to Power or Discipline (random), and +1 Cost (1st time)

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: +1 cost: Magic use has a short-term adverse effect on the caster's mood/frame of mind.

In her restless sleep, Amanita can feel the blazing eye of Destiny turn upon her. Great things come to those they deem worthy... she has earned +1 Discipline and +1 Cost.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly!

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: Change of familiar design

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: n/a

As Anastasiya greets her friend, she feels the sunrise of Destiny's favor bloom in her chest. Her familiar has gained a new appearance.

Please add this change to your character's log, and also please include a description or link to an image of the new familiar design! 

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: -1 corruption

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: n/a

As Kerelas lets his magic dissipate, and they move away from Elouan's sleeping form, he can feel Destiny's gaze leave him. It takes something with it: perhaps he feels a little lighter now. Kerelas loses -1 corruption.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.

Link to Character:

Link to finished Quest:

Desired reward: +1 to Power or Discipline (random), and +1 Cost

Effect of stat changes, if applicable: ^

While grappling with their own nature, Tadgh felt the gaze of Destiny; a twinge of magic in their gut made them feel altered, new. They gain +1 Discipline and +1 Cost.

Please respond to this comment with your stat changes for approval, and link to this comment in your character's log! 

(sorry if im not doing this right)

+1 Discipline - Tadgh can resist the urge to wolf out under stress a Little Bit Better
+1 Cost - "Magic is weakened under specific circumstances" Tadgh gains a weakness to weapons or objects comprised of (or mostly comprised of) silver. Contact with it can either force him out of his beast form or prevent him from transforming in the first place

Looks great!! Feel free to update your  magic tab and Party On 😩💕

As the light of dawn touches the twists and curves of Vulcan's creation, he feels Destiny's attentive gaze. He gains +1 Discipline.

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update his stats and magic accordingly.
I'm  going to add a form to this bulletin to use next time! Bc this is all  new, I just wanted to let you know it will look different for Vulcan's future quests!