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November 2023 Story Prompt:

The time of the Harvest Masquerade is upon us! People don their best costumes and masks, and take to streets in revelry and celebration. Some people work for months on their attire, others put on something they simply had laying around. Regardless of their reasons—to trick any roving spirits, or to simply have fun—costumes are a big part of the festivities.

Does your character don a costume, and if so, how did they attain it?

  1. They took it from someone else. 
    • Your character has earned +1 Corruption.
  2. They painstakingly made it.
    • Your character has earned +1 Power.
  3. They were given one.
    • Your character has earned +1 Discipline.
  4. They do not wear one.
    • Your character has earned -1 Cost. If they already have 0 Cost, you may give them +1 Corruption instead, if you want.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.