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Link to Character:

Link to Quest (Roleplay, SkyofBee will be submitting their end for gold, my end is for the quest)

Desired Reward random +1 to power or discipline and +1 cost

Effect of Stat Changes: If power, extended size of soul vault and range of magic. If discipline, her environmental illusions can remain anchored to points in space rather than Aihonistra so long as they stay within her power's range. the extra cost will be that magic use fatigues the caster; after having the emotions drained from her, Aihonistra finds it more tiring to resist Namestealer and use her power now she wants to, and Namestealer finds Hon’s resistance more exhausting.

A struggle indeed. Rest can be just as hard as fight. Aihonistra earns +1 power and +1 cost

Please add the stat changes to your character's log, and update their stats and magic accordingly.