Comments on Write a novel in 4 weeks, obsess over it for years All Comments

AW YEA you know I love seeing these funky lil dudes!

For real though, I'm so happy to see that you're getting more comfortable in indulging in your OCs and their stories. It's definitely not something anybody should make you feel ashamed or guilty over, and you SHOULD take pride in what you've created. Your worldbuilding, your details, the complex characters, writing an entire novel and deciding to share it with the public--it's so good and I'm glad I get to read about and see them!

more art for the art gods. >:)

Waaaa I'm still so thankful and honoured you read along with the novel as I was publishing it - that meant the world to me! it also makes me happy to know you like the characters and world, in my hrad they're so human and lovable for their fallibility, and if the writing has managed to capture any part of that then that's really exciting to me. Thank you as always! 💙

Of course!! now I just need to catch up on Revolving Door lmao

and one day I'll get around to those fan OCs. ONE DAY.......