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🔸⚓🔸 Mage Story Prompt

In four corners of Ivras's coast, four small fleets approach. They are massive barks with sails unlike any native vessel of Ivras, and a spyglass would reveal that its sailors themselves are of a different land...

When these ships make port, your character finds themself at one of four locations: (The location you choose will not affect your prize; choose whichever place you like!)

  • The East coast adjacent to Namarast
  • The Northeastern cove where the Rithan Ocean meets the continent
  • The Faline delta to the mid-West
  • The Southwest coast of the Mirror Bay

For reasons of their own, whether curiosity or business, your mage has arrived at one of Ivras's four coasts as the Outlanders arrive with their heavy carts and crates. Your fellow Ivratians have gathered to ooh and ah. They are individuals of strange shapes and sizes, but one thing is for certain: they are mages, make no mistake. In fact, many of them seem to be fairly liberal with their magic. As one of the crates threatens to break from its rope, one of the Outlanders conjures a massive, magical hand to catch it. This is a very public display of considerable power, and the crowd starts to murmur and grow uneasy.

What does your character do?

  1. Your character, taking pity on (or fearing) these mages who may be unfamiliar with your country's austerity, steps up to assist them in a more discreet, non-magical fashion. (+1 Discipline)
  2. Your character, inspired by such brazen power, jumps in to assist the Outlanders using their own magic.  (+1 Power)
  3. Your character begins cheering for the Outlanders, but remains safely hidden within the crowd, drawing no attention to themself. (-1 Cost)
  4. Your character is repelled by the newcomers and uses whatever means they can -- magical or otherwise -- to incite further discontent among the crowd at the docks. (+1 Corruption)

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.