✒️ Writers' thread ✒️

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by castra

I didn't see a thread like this and figured it'd be nice to have some sort of chillout chat for writers! ; v ; 

Talk about your current writing projects, your stories, planning, plotting, whatever as long as it's even vaguely writing related!
Anyone who identifies as a writer is more than welcomed; there is no strict definition for the word or anything!

Here are also some questions to start things off:
✒️ Who are you?
✒️ How long have you been writing?
✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?
✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?
✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
✒️ Any current writing projects?

And some rules, just to make sure this thread will stay nice for everyone! 

✒️ Make sure to be polite and nice to each other
✒️ No vagueposting about other users or people in general; let's keep the negativity in vent threads!
✒️ Don't attack / insult other people's interest / favourite genres etc. Discussion is good and disagreements happen, but attacking and insulting are hardly a respectful way of communication.  
✒️ Preferably keep things SFW and black out sensitive / upsetting / NSFW-ish content like this

* In problem situations you can contact my main account Caine

Related forum threads:
  Writing Threads Masterpost

  Respond to the line above you (prompt forum game)

  Positive vibes (writing sharing thread)

 Post your written line you really like 


I added some writing related threads on the list on the OP post + edited my @ to correspond my current ones (I changed handles here after I made the first post; it's Caine speaking here!) o/
I'm genuinely happy seeing this thread still alive and running! Honestly I didn't expect this to live more than a week at best haha you guys are the best! 


I honestly joined this site in total confusion when I got an invite. At first glance  I was like "Oh, this is for artist and I can't draw" but I was desperate. When I found a writers thread I got really excited so I'm super glad it's here and running! Thank you so much! I've really enjoyed connecting and sharing with everyone. 


dearalese Yeah, TH is definitely more art-oriented probably due the fact this is very adopt-focused and adopts kind of are an art thing, haha. I'm an artist myself as well, but I also consider myself a writer and write pretty regularly so I figured I could? try to connect with the writer side of this site as well, even if it's a minority! It's hard to find nice writer spaces anyway when most writing sites are questionably modded / fanfic only / mashed in with tons of other content that isn't necessarily writing related or otherwise oddly functioning/have a super small and inactive userbase. 


So how is everyone's day going? I'm almost done with chapter 2 and then I start editing!


Good! I'm embarrassed about what I'm writing so I kinda stopped :/


@orinscrivello, IF you're doing something you're passionate about you should never feel embarrassed for it! What was it if you don't mind me asking?


Taking some time to draw instead of writing (juggling those two is sometimes difficult), but I have gotten some chapters done for multiple different stories I like to work on :')
Recently I have been writing this small children literature inspired story and feeling pretty good about it so far, but I'm already slowly preparing myself for this year's nano stories as well. 


Caine bless you for being able to multitask. I came up with an idea for a short story Last night but I'm much to lazy to start on it plus schools started and I've got to get these college classes done. I'll post the idea below and someone have a hayday with it! (I was half asleep when this came to me so if it sounds a little delusional that's why)

Imagine a story where you go through the whole thing and it's the really successful woman who becomes president and makes all of these changes and thinks she doing good and join the world together under one government but it all slowly starts to go south and only then on the very last page as she's standing among the ruins and devastation of her nation does she realize that she is the antichrist/ bringer of end times/ destroyer of worlds or whatever 


I hit 80,000 words on my story today, so I feel like I'm actually making progress, woo!  It's amazing what a word count tracker app can do for motivation :)


Ayyy a writing thread. Yo. Lesky here I guess.

I've been writing ever since I remember, starting with little stories when I was smol and eventually getting into novels that I still (unfortunately) haven't managed to finish ;-;

I write like, fantasy/horror/paranormal stuff. Basically anything with monsters or magic. My current main project has a bit of a tangled/interconnected plot, but basically someone's looking for the blood of these beings called creators bc if you drink it you'll get their power. Eventually he finds a creator and attacks them but they escape, and he later finds them when fighting another person who he also wants dead bc they took over his town, and he finds out the creator's after them too so they agree to form a kind of awkward alliance to find and stop the dude.


tori34 HAPPY MILESTONE!!!!!   

@Leskychuchu Welcome to the group! That story sounds pretty interesting! If you ever feel like sharing, please do! I made a place for people to share their works and get some positive feedback!


Can anyone tell me what the trick to getting readers on Wattpad is?


dearalese tags. lots. of. tags.
I think anyway?


dearalese Can't speak from personal experience, but people definitely favour long stories over short stories and short story collections (which are all I have been submitting so far). Also, regular updates, being active on the forums & advertising your work there apparently works for most. And yeah, lot of tags and tags people actually USE regularly. Also it also depends on your story too I guess, I know werewolf and vampire stories are a big thing there (especially werewolf stories) and this kind of dark gothic fantasy?


Caine and @Teddy-Bear I'm about to tag the crap out of this story