✒️ Writers' thread ✒️

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by castra

I didn't see a thread like this and figured it'd be nice to have some sort of chillout chat for writers! ; v ; 

Talk about your current writing projects, your stories, planning, plotting, whatever as long as it's even vaguely writing related!
Anyone who identifies as a writer is more than welcomed; there is no strict definition for the word or anything!

Here are also some questions to start things off:
✒️ Who are you?
✒️ How long have you been writing?
✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?
✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?
✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?
✒️ Any current writing projects?

And some rules, just to make sure this thread will stay nice for everyone! 

✒️ Make sure to be polite and nice to each other
✒️ No vagueposting about other users or people in general; let's keep the negativity in vent threads!
✒️ Don't attack / insult other people's interest / favourite genres etc. Discussion is good and disagreements happen, but attacking and insulting are hardly a respectful way of communication.  
✒️ Preferably keep things SFW and black out sensitive / upsetting / NSFW-ish content like this

* In problem situations you can contact my main account Caine

Related forum threads:
  Writing Threads Masterpost

  Respond to the line above you (prompt forum game)

  Positive vibes (writing sharing thread)

 Post your written line you really like 


✒️ Who are you?

I'm Night, 18, part time zoo worker. (No I don't work with any animals :P)

✒️ How long have you been writing?

About 2-3 years seriously, the rest has been offhand ideas and sporadic bursts.

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?

My only language sadly. English.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?

I liked to write mostly developmental scenes, but I've been told most of my stories have an end and not a beginning - my teacher said that to me by the way. I think I enjoy writing angst though, but I'm a sucker for a happy ending as well. ✒️ Favorite genres for your own stories?

Modern Fantasy, Modern, some sci-fi here and there.

✒️ Any current writing projects?

Yes, I'm currently brainstorming a story about siblings stuck in a time loop. Probably not original I'm aware, but I'll make sure to add some twists to make it more believable and enjoyable. :V


✒️ Who are you?

My name is Alessa, and I am an obsessiv H.P. Lovecraft and Elder Scrolls fan, which are both large inspirations for everything I write and draw.  

✒️ How long have you been writing? 

Basicially since I was 5-7, when I first learned how to write. There are some times were I write less and draw more, and some times were I would draw a lot more, and yet there would be a large drought of writing. 

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

I used to write in german, since it is my mother tongue, but have since then transferred to english. 

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

I love unreliable narrators. I don't think I have ever not used that trope, simply on different levels. In my opinion people in the kind of sitiutions I put them in (usually a traumatic experience already based on their biases or fears) would not be able to notice the flaws in how their memory alings with basic reasoning and logic.
It's like a way more extrem version of when you talk to someone who is, let's say, afraid of insects, and he tells you how giant a bee that landed on his was, that it was larger than his fingers, yet you know that the only type of bee that lives in the area is incredibly tiny.

The only diffrence would be that what I'm writing is based on fiction, meaning that everything that makes no sense, could be perfectly sensible. 

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 

I think it's obvious, but I like to write horror. 

I think the pure potential of horror books is often overlooked, and the many ways to abuse the short comings of books are rarely used as a advantage. I'm pretty bad at doing it myself at the moment, but mastering that art is one of my main goals as a writer. 

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

I'm currently working on a small little collection of my newest stories, hoping to get some more criticism if I actually show people what I've been working on. 

I hope I have not sounded to pretencious, but I don't wanna go back and re-write everything. It's pretty late over here, so there might just be a few grammatical or sentance building errors. 


✒️ Who are you? 

Hi, I'm jell-oh! I'm also known as just Jello or even Papu, I'm 19 years old human being from Finland and a big cat lover, as well an an anime nerd.

✒️ How long have you been writing? 

I remember always having told my own weird stories as a tiny kid, and I don't remember the exact time I actually started writing. Maybe around 10 or 11? 

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

My native language is Finnish, which I also use for writing as it is what I am able to use the most. I've also tried writing in English, but since my skills in English are quite basic, the text comes out very flat and boring, yet I try my best to try to learn to write better in English too.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

One thing is for sure; I always write in third person. For some reason I'm not able to enjoy writing, nor reading stories in first person, nor I know why. I'm mostly a fantasy- or slice of life -writer. I enjoy creating worlds and open them up in stories (if i just ever could finish one..) as well as moving the story on through the main character's thoughts, the area they're on and the overall feeling of the story. I love describing things in stories, and it usually shows quite well. 

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 

Fantasy and casual life for sure! I'm a huge sucker for fantasy in "normal world", like in Harry Potter, I could use that as an example, as well as urban fantasy. While I'm less likely to enjoy writing a story with no fantasy elements in it, with a good plot I'm able to enjoy those too. 

✒️ Any current writing projects?

YES, I do! Oh boy, I'd love to tell the whole plot of the story I'm "writing" (more like imagining in my head, as well as trying to finalize the plot) right now. Shortly told, it's about a young student who gets a surprise roommate, a witch girl of the same age, who ends up showing the main character the magical world inside their city. The witch has a familiar, a cat, who suddenly runs away in the middle of the so called magic market, and witch has to run with her friend to find her familiar, as she is not allowed to stay away from it for too long. During the journey the student learns a lot about the dangers of magical world, as well as the witch. Almost losing their lives in the area where no normal magical creature is allowed to go, the so-called Godmother area where the strongest and most dangerous magicals live, witch has to learn the importance of promises and bonds, as well as do the right choices to save herself and her friend.

The story is set in half-fictional modern Finland, where normal people live as they do in real world, and magical creatures and people can go to the magical market, a big area inside the city where every magical creature that lives in there, even tourists, can be seen. Normal humans aren't allowed to be there unless they are with the magicals and can be trusted fully. While magic in that world has a lot of positive effects - such as teachers being magically able to help their students study, circuses having shapeshifters in the place of actual animals and faeries helping the seasons change - its dark sides can easily be found in the magical market. During the story the main characters will see both sides of the magical world, as well learn about themselves and their own feelings. 

The story doesn't yet have an official name, so I just call it by the names of the main characters, Viola and Fauna for now. Once I have the whole plot in my mind, I'm going to try writing it out and even write out the whole story - and hopefully I will be able to finish my long-time dream of writing a book. I'm sure people would enjoy the story of Viola and Fauna, at least I really hope so.


@jell-oh Suomi mainittu, torille :3c

Can I just say I really love your take on magical Finland? It's so unique and I love the positive effects you came up with like shapeshifters taking the place of circus animals to make it more ethical! Also the main character names are so so pretty I love them, I wish you the best of luck in writing your story! ;o; 


✒️ Who are you? 

I am-

Good question I ask myself that every day

Jk jk. I go by Raven_ online, but most people skip the underscore and just call me Raven. Raven is also my unofficial pen name. I am 14, but it’s going to be my birthday in under a month so. 

✒️ How long have you been writing? 

Technically, I’ve been making up stories since before I could actually write them down. I used to dictate stuff to my mom when I was three. Very few people know this, but I think the first things I wrote were like 

Dora fanfictions

I’m serious. I still have them somewhere. I used to write Dora and Disney Princess mashups. Congratulations you now know my deep dark secrets.

I started seriously writing in seventh grade, so if we’re counting since then, about three years. 

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

English. I know some French and a bit of Spanish, but I don’t know enough to write in them. I mean, I can speak conversational Arabic, but I don’t know how to read or write it  

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? 

Angst is kind of a guilty pleasure. I also like writing fluff. Completely opposite ends of a spectrum, I know. 

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? 

Fantasy. But lately I’ve been lazy with my worldbuilding and I’ve just been doing slice of life stuff. Also I went through a phase from when I was 10-13 and hated any and all romance but now I’m going through a phase where I’m like SHIP EVERYONE ROMANCE IS GREAT AAAA

So I’ve been writing more romance lately. 

Wait is that even a genre. I’m tired I don’t want to look it up. 

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

Haha no

Actually yes I wrote a short story last night and if all goes well I’ll type it up and edit it today. I’m mostly a short story writer, so I don’t really have any big projects in progress.

All my Blue Chiffon v 2.0 characters- WHAT THE HELL WHAT ABOUT US

Oh no they’ve come back to haunt me-

Blue Chiffon v 2.0 is another project I should be working on, but I’m not because of inspirations issues. 

All my characters from that story about Venaala and Moklare that I haven’t given a name to yet- HEY HEY HEY NO YOU STILL HAVE TO FINISH



Lmao me ten months ago was the last post on the previous page! I’ll just do it again anyways! I have changed, that is, so it’s justified.

✒️ Who are you? 

Hi my name’s Jukes! I’m currently a sophomore in high school, but I’ll be a junior by the end of this week 😎 when I write, it’s either for NaNoWriMo, or for my main project TMOL- I can’t stand writing short stories. I also don’t read a lot, so that must really say something about my writing... (I really don’t read unless I have to)

✒️ How long have you been writing? 

I don’t know, a while? I’d done some smaller projects years ago, but I began my main project TMOL a couple years ago in my Algebra class. From there my writing really began to improve. (I also preffered only to write on paper back then, which is cool! But it means I’d have to go back and type it onto the computer afterwards, which is just...)

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? 

English :) I STILL plan to do Hebrew at some point, I even started taking Duolingo for it.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy 

Idk, I kind of just write what comes out of my head. It’s generally pretty poetic, and I prefer writing dialogue over action because I can capture the personalities and essences of my characters well, but action scenes are a different story. I really want to get better at those... it’ll just take a lot of hard work and practice, I guess.

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

TMOL (The Meaning of Life), although I haven’t really worked on it since the beginning of April, when Camp NaNoWriMo began. I never finished last November’s NaNo story, I Will Not Drown, and I may never do so, but now I am getting rather motivated to finish it... it currently sits around 19,000 words.

My most recent novel from last month (TIC) is actually published in my literatures, although it’s still a rough draft. That one does sit around 30,000 words (my goal!). April is a lot more doable for me in terms of NaNo than November is anyways, because November is the peak of marching band season.


✒️ Who are you? I'm RU-HX, I turned 26 recently and I identify as NB (any pronouns work at this point because gender is confusing rip) and pan aro. I guess you'd call me an armchair historian because researching for my historical plots has become something of a hobby, going out and finding neat new books/magazine specials that'd contribute to research in charity shops/book fairs makes me happy. I write because on leave I have more time than I know what to do with so I'm prone to excessively daydreaming as escapism from the tedium of leave periods and writing is the best way to log those ideas I really liked. 

✒️ How long have you been writing? 13 years give or take, I generally go by when I started drawing but I don't think I seriously started writing until 2008-9. It's always been an on/off thing though nowadays I write more than I don't. I'm still learning, finding my voice and don't have a whole lot to show for it but the main thing is I'm having fun and being able to write helps me to process and safely vent emotions and deal with my shitty mental health and tbh that's all I really care about.

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing? English. I can't speak/write any other language yet though I'm learning German and I'd love to get to a point where I can write/translate mini fics in my target language. 

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing? Anything that feeds into escapist fantasies involving living in a different era; past or future it doesn't matter because for me historical stuff is as much escapism as my first love which was sci-fi. Angsty hurt-comfort is my go-to for reading fanfic and that preference def reflects in my writing at times. I'm interested in psychology, when working with wartime plots I prefer to focus on the human side of war and explore how it's affected people in different ways as well as getting into people's heads and figuring out why they think/act the ways they do. I also enjoy exploring and building character dynamics. I handle queer fiction within my chosen genres. I'm used to being surrounded by LGBT folks and I'm LGBT myself and that reflects a lot in my characters.

With historical fiction I like doing slice of life stuff that focuses more on the daily grind than the battles; I do write dog fights, raids and battles on land, sea and air but mainly I want to to humanize all my characters. ESPECIALLY my RAF boys because much as I'm enamored with those warbirds and reading the stories related to them, the RAF gets glorified and romanticized a lot that people forget the pilots and air crews went through hell too. Imo slice of life is a great way to humanize wartime characters so I love to utilize that. 

With sci-fi I love Star Trek/Star Wars kinda space operas; idk the idea of exploring/transiting deep space, far away planets and the unknown is something I've found very cool and alluring since I was a kid and always lowkey pined to do. I really wanted to be an astronaut when I was younger. Plausible Fake ScienceTM is both a joy to read and very fun to work with; I like my sci-fi to have a grounding in reality even if I'm working with vague theoretical astrophysics so hard sci-fi is fun to work with too and the research required to pull it off is often really interesting.

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories? sci-fi and historical fiction! I'm lowkey interested in alt history and kinda want to do something in that vein; I was going to take my sci-fi plot down that route but I ended up dropping the idea.

✒️ Any current writing projects? I have several plots dealing with various parts of history and a sci-fi plot. I'm not writing a novel, I'm the sort of person who prefers to have a timeline spanning over a few years and write down odd scenes as and when they come to mind. Some of these characters have been around long enough for me to feel sentimental about them so I have this weird mental block where the thought of finishing stuff and letting the plot and it's associated characters go is something I don't want to do which is part of why I prefer to picking at bits of story. The other part is because slipping into something that's comforting and familiar with is part of what makes these plots effective escapism. 

Sci-fi plot [Digitalis] - A freighter is carrying human cargo (future colonists) to a newly discovered earth-like planet in deep space but things are complicated when 3 soldiers; 2 Englishmen and a German POW who barely speaks English from the WW1 period find find themselves on board. Later on the plot deals with aerial survey crews from the ship mapping the largely uncharted Haal. Half of this is a love letter to sci-fi; the rest is because I wanted to explore the psychological impact of "time travel" especially when it's unintentional and figuring out how these guys would fit into this strange, new reality. My current project is developing this plot past a vague idea that sounds cool before I go back to writing within this universe. So far I have a 10 page document and 5,000 words of a plan for year 1 (that'd probably be book 1 if I was writing a novel) which is the most I've written in one hit all together let alone for a plan. It's a plot that spans over 3 years. The next step is to start developing those bullet point lists into an actual timeline.

WW2 - focuses on rookie pilots Hendrix and Beck who become jaded Spitfire aces and are later transferred to crew Lancasters half-way through the war. I'm still researching Lancaster ops so I'm focusing more on the Spitfire side of things for now.

WW1 - Technically this is part of my sci-fi plot but I tend to write this plot as it's own thing because I am interested in WW1, it was originally it's own plot and I still want a chance to explore that period so I let Jasper and William have a few years (1914-1916) in their intended setting. It deals with Jasper and William's experiences before they get stuck in my sci-fi timeline. I'm thinking about flicking between Jasper and William and Friedrich but I'm not sure if that'd over-complicate things or not. Whilst I don't have research material to hand to write about the German side of WW1 I'm hanging fire, going down this route would probably require me to make at least one another character to fill a plot hole and so Friedrich has someone to interact with (part of a writing hangup of mine; I can't write stand-alone characters they need a buddy :'D) but I'm not too keen on making new characters atm. I already have a handful of brain kids I need to design and I've gotta draw characters out before I can develop and write them in fics. It is an idea that interests me though and I may explore this option further when I'm caught up on designs.

Age of Sail - Deals with Francis, a Post Captain trying to live long enough to make Admiral who doesn't realize there's an admiral who knows he talks shit about him and is waiting for him to make the tiniest fuck-up before bringing a shitstorm down on his head. It's set from 1802-1805 over the Napoleonic Wars era (may run for longer but the material I have only covers those years right now). This one's my most developed plots and has a plot timeline that's down to an almost day by day account of events despite the fact I'm missing research to actually write within this plot. Some gaps still need filling in this timeline but I'll worry about those later.


✒️ Who are you?

I'm Barbara, I'm still a smol student (will turn 17 at the end of the year-) but I'm highly planning in studying animation outside of the country once I finish next year.

✒️ How long have you been writing?

Despite having drawn practically since I have memory, I have just started to write around 2015-2016. I remember starting because of a friend, she had a Wattpad account at the time and always asked me to help correct her grammar in her chapters there. Eventually I made an account and write my own stuff (but now I'm inactive there).

✒️ Your preferred languages in writing?

Spanish, as it's my native language and... well, it's the only language I have written until a few weeks or a month ago xD I'm trying to move to English slowly but surely, and plan on making it my main language to write.

✒️ What kind of things do you write / enjoy writing?

Mostly emotional scenes and ones with a lot of tension, like fights or chases. Though when I'm having kind of a writer's block I really enjoy writing nonsense or shitpost-ey one shots xD

✒️ Favourite genres for your own stories?

All of my stories have some Adventure and/or Action in them... I love those mm. Though I like writing more futuristic settings than magical/fantasy ones.

✒️ Any current writing projects? 

Oof, I have a lot of WIPs. All of my stories are part of a single, big multiverse project, and I have 100% completed none-

Though I have been very motivated to develop a group of plots that occur in one world called The Nova Earth, specially two of those stories called Grapestar and The Collector Of Human Amethysts. Funny thing is one of my most "recent" stories (Made around August of 2018, and most of my stories have been worked on since 2015-2016) and I may have gone a little too overboard with its worldbuilding :'> I was planning to do it one story only (and not even a serious one-) but now it's one of my favorite projects... I'll start submitting a few oneshots once I get the hang of writing in english, yesyes.


Y'ALL who is gonna participate in the camp nano in July? What's your goal? What will you be writing? 

I'll do artfight too so my goal is only 10k words this time and I'll be working on Sinfonia afterstories because I'm really itching to write new stuff instead of editing things 



What is camp Nano?  I've been out of the loop with NANOWRIMO stuff for so long lmao ;v;


tori34 It's basically a more chill version of nanowrimo, held every April and July! You can decide your own word goal (or hour or minute goal, those are options too) and you can be sorted into cabins with other people! I have always been sorted with Finnish people though so idk how other people do their sorting and how they get in camps; our nationals make camps for us. 

You can easily log in with your main nano account from here https://campnanowrimo.org



Thank you for the explanation ;v;  It sounds pretty neat, so I went ahead and signed up.  I'm writing anyway, so why not?  I only set myself a little goal of 6000 words, so I don't get burned out (but I'll probably get carried away, knowing me :') ).


tori34 OH MOOD I set mine at 10k but I'll probably get carried away too :'') But better too much than too little!!