Artist pet peeves master thread

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 4 months ago) by Petalofdreams

Hello friends!

I thought it'd be fun to create a thread so people can share stories  of their artist pet peeves. What do you hate about the community? what  do you hate about some people in the community? Is there something you absolutely hate but was never really able to say it out loud? Your chance is now! 

Personally i really dislike it when people gatekeep stuff. Art is for  everyone and should be for everyone. If you want to draw something then  go for it unless it's outright hateful.  You don't have to have amazing  skills to do art. You don't have to be a certain way. You're an artist  alright? alright.

2021 edit: Thank you all for being respectful of each other! Its great seeing the differentiation of opinions and have an open minded discussion about it. Thats what i wanted. So thank you!


Mostly because I use watercolors & wet media in my sketchbooks, the most disappointing thing is using a pen and loving how it feels to use only to find out later it's not waterproof

anyways I need to see if there's waterproof inks i can use to refill my pens


When you want to look at a few art pet peeves but end up spending half an hour looking through each one.

Also when people compare OCs to existing popular characters in media. My girl with long blond hair is not Rapunzel. She is also not that character I don't recognize. Nor that one. Long blond hair + thin figure apparently means get ready for a lot of comparisons...

As for another one, when people ask for general art tips randomly when you don't have time to sit down and have a long talk. Like mate, this isn't simple stuff I can tell you in 5 minutes. Had a friend do that with me today and I just- you know people often go to college and/or take hours of classes for art, right? It's not so easily learned.


^ I agree, though I don’t mind comparisons as long as they aren’t offensive, passive-aggressive, or random. I don’t really want my characters to be compared to other characters either, I personally find that weirder especially if I don‘t know that person or even worse, know that person but hate them with a passion. It’s a case for case basis, though.


People who ghost ( aka never answer of confirmation ). Like c'mon, disable ping or comment notification is ok, but you cannot take 5 minutes to look my comment ONE TIME? 

Of course, some are on break or on hiatus, but it hurt too much to tell, rather than let me without any information? 


Ah I've got a bunch. 

1. Saw an earlier comment about people liking old posts. For some reason, people have been liking this drawing on deviantart a lot lately, and it kinda irks me. Compared to now, there's a lot of anatomy flaws. It feels weird when people will fave bomb your old art, but your recent stuff gets half as many as the old ones. Especially since the drawing I linked is in my old art folder, meaning you'd have to dig through my old art from when I first joined Deviantart to 2019-ish to find it.

2. Gonna put a spoiler because this mentions gore and stuff

As someone that does darker, gorey stuff from time to time, it gets on my nerves that the people who make this kind of art are villainized. Like no, people who wanna draw morbid stuff, or whatever are not gonna murder you. Some are just drawn to darker subject matters. 

3. Kind of an odd one, but because I'm a woman and have drawn lots of them, people have questioned my sexuality. Which is kinda weird. Don't do that ya quacks.

4. More of a nitpick, but it always weirded me out how some closed species traits in the uncommon/rare section may not fit the actual species. Like adding it purely for aesthetics.

5. Having tons of funny, cool, and great drawing ideas but completely blanking when you actually pick up your pencil

6. Growing up as a "gifted artist". AKA, everyone ego stroking you, classmates wanting to partner with you for art projects, and feeling soul crushed when you meet other artists more skilled than you. Still struggling with this currently. Yipee.

7. Treating artists or fellow artists like they're deities. It's ok to fawn over stuff, but to act like their stuff is perfect and react to everything they make like its the most gorgeous piece humanity has ever seen is a bit much.

8. The weird attitude that if a character is drawn ugly/non-conventionally attractive, their design is bad.


Just a few I could think of off the top of my head:

1. Art pieces not being tagged properly and showing sexual NSFW. Though it seems to happen the most on dA, its also happened around here and FA. I'm sex repulsed ace and have the mature filter on for most art sites I post on, so seeing graphic sexual imagery grosses me right out and irritates me to no end. This could also apply to pieces being put in the wrong categories/tags just to get them shown. 

2. Lopsided images. As in a picture not being rotated to be right side up. If you are knowledgeable enough to make the piece, you can figure out how to go to edit --> rotate, you lazy little moron. I don't want to have to put a crick in my neck just to try to figure out what I'm looking at.

3.  Simple and/or badly made base memes. Unless you drew it, its not art, keep that crap off art sites. Fight me (lol).

4. The typical ignorant/entitled "your prices are too high" comments. I don't care about your garbage opinion on it. Those are the prices, deal with it or go away. Preferably the latter.

5. Comparing artist's art or OCs to others' stuff. Most mean it as a compliment, I know, but for me and many others, its really not. Please be aware of this before posting such comments.

6. Not everything has the same anatomy as a dog. Not cats, not horses, not hyenas. Stop using it as a crutch and learn the proper anatomy. "It's my style" isn't an excuse forever.


1. when the magic wand tool doesn't fill in all the fractions of pixels and it makes your art look weird. it actually terrifies me; i don't know why...
2. when you start coloring/shading on the wrong layer
3. when the drawing program quits on you and you lose all your progress
4. when the proportions are slightly off but you don't know how and you can't fix it
5. when someone calls your terrifying characters cute


^ I feel the last point on a deep personal level lol

the fact that effort doesn't matter. it´s sad and true. people don´t care about how long something took or how much effort was put into it. 

sketches and simpler styles just interest more people, especially when you draw simple shaped cute animals or fanart. I stopped worrying about
how much attention my art gets. especially about my personal oc art (where it´s even worse). It leads to nothing but frustration and depression.


The stupid art “tips” like the ones saying not to shade with a darker version of the base color

Shadows on blonde hair aren’t going to be pink. They’re going to be a darker blonde color. You can shade everything like it’s plastic if you want to but you can’t say it’s a realistic art tip because it literally isn’t?


^ ranted abt a similar thing here before but I swear none of those "do this not this" posts consider color usage. Like if I'm drawing blond hair in a blue/cool environment why shade it with a warm tone?

OT: I hate that charcoal & dry media is the standard for art studies/classes. It's messy & easy to smudge unless you spray seal everything + at least to me it's some of the worst feeling & sounding things I've used (could be down to sensory issues though. Idk I just wish I could use supplies in classes which don't screech & feel horrible)


^ charcoal’s the standard bc it’s very flexible and forgiving, but yeah it can be a sensory nightmare. i personally prefer vine charcoal bc it doesn’t squeak as bad, but unfortunately it’s way messier! 


drawing something that took you a while only to realize it’s on the wrong layers and you can’t move it without redrawing it lmao

or finding a random dot on your drawing that isn’t supposed to be there, but your file has hella layers and it takes you forever to figure out which one has the dot


- when you can see the entire eye behind hair, fully colored and shaded and all. case in point

- when shirts are drawn as if it's vacuum-sealed the boobs like this 

- designs with so many ruffles, accessories, and intricate details that must've taken the artist hours to draw

- this isn't so relevant in the year 2021 anymore but i remember as a 10-something years old feeling like i must have a wacom tablet to become a real artist. i actually got one and use it like... 5 times lmao. that darn thing is so buggy. nowadays there's so many more options for digital art. i'm on ipad myself and couldn't be happier