The General Comments Thread

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 27 days, 3 hours ago) by teddiebearie

have you ever felt like saying something that didn't quite fit the positivity or complaints/vent boards? look no further! this is the board for that.

some base rules:

  • in general, use general common sense and decency when posting here.
  • use general common sense when it comes to naming or vagueing others, especially if they're also on and/or otherwise likely to see your message (yes, even if they're blocked).
  • this is not the place for discourse and/or heated or otherwise unfriendly discussion, especially not about particularly serious or controversial topics. please take that somewhere else. regular discussion is perfectly fine! use your best judgement here.
  • if posting explicit and/or heavy content, spoiler and appropriately warn for it! this means either put it in a spoiler box or change both the text and background to the same colour (like this).
  • keep this thread pg-13. it's accessible and used by both minors and adults, so don't post anything you wouldn't be comfortable with anybody in this age range seeing. here is the 18+ counterpart of this board.
  • don't forget to drink some water and get up or stretch for a bit if you haven't recently ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  • if you don't like the way this board is working or have any suggestions, feel free to shoot me a message!
  • breaking the rules will recieve a comment/PM warning from me. if it happens a third time, you will get banned from this board.
    • bans have yet to happen in the 6 years this thread has been up. let's keep it that way!

please note I have this thread muted due to not having the time to check every single message. I do check occasionally, but if you see anyone breaking the rules, please PM me and I will deal with it accordingly. thanks!

similar boards that are worth checking as well:
Vent Board
Chat board
Spill it with Images.
The Complaining thread | complain here
The Potpourri Thread
The Positivity Thread [2.0]


spoiler not spoilers?? idk but gonna hide anyways because Deltarun

At first I hated Susie from Deltarun but I guess she's kinda cute
I'm torn between liking her design and her change at the end of chapter 1 but
I just..... what the fuck, I want to like her but something is just making it so fucking difficult to
My friend likes her and I want to like her but I can't??? she was a massive bitch and normally I like her kind of characters but she just???
makes me mad idk
I also fucking hate the name of the character we control in the beginning of it because it the name of someone I don't talk to and when it fucking juxed me in the beginning and gave me the name I was so fucking upset because I thought it was randomly generated so I remade another time and got the same name and was like great im gonna have to play a character named someone I once called my best friend thats cool after I found out thats the name lmao

maybe susie will grow on me idk, I really want to like her I really do, her sprites are really cute at the end of it too which makes it even worse because FUCK I WANT TO LIKE YOU BUT WHY DID YOU ACT LIKE SUCH A BIG
Maybe once the other chapters come out I'll feel differently and I did just play it to see what's happening with it but





Bakugo_ and I experienced this:

I had a sub one day in class and she said we could listen to 1 song in the class at the end of the class. our  class choose...........Megalovania. so at one part the song got really loud and the sub asked a student to turn it down.  THE KID TURNED IT ALL THE WAY UP AND IT WAS BLASTING IN THE HALLS. me and a friend yeeted out of there so fast (we had a reason to go anyways,). the next day a few friends told me she was fumed.


I want to scream about my ocs, but I also don't wanna be a dick and talk about my ocs the entire time 


Edit whoops I thought I was in vent board for some reason and forgot to check before posting. Sorry folks!


me, adding ppl's characters to my bookmarks in preparation for artfight even tho it's still months away:



I used to hate eating pepperoni pizza, because I just didn't like the pepperoni, but I since got used to its taste.


I get so thrown off by the delay in the fave button. Most of the time I wonder if it registered the fave or not


I think I'm cursed. Whenever I have nothing to do, life is chill. I'll go seek out stuff to do, but then it's suddenly like 20 thousand things happen right after I began/started something and they are completely out of my control, and often like really random...... fjdfdjk *hand reaches up from abyss*



*laughs as my semester break only lasts for two weeks and will start with a new one after*


Time goes by so fast 

I got to talk to my Korean host I met back in 2014 and welp now it's 2019 and I'm glad we still have contact but god time goes by fast it's like 

Wowie where did that all go??? 

It's also odd to know that I've met so many wonderful people irl from exchange programs like I sit and think "I honestly would have never met you were it not for that" like d a n g the world is so big 

Lowkey miss all my friends from all over the world. Hope ya'll are doing fine <3 

M a n the world is just h u g  e e e