How did you come up with your CURRENT username?

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by colorful

It's nice to talk more about ourselves sometimes, ayy? I also sometimes wonder... why do people have that username? I'm so curious about that haha;;



puppy alien............................................................ nice

I got afternath as a suggestion from a then-friend :v I wanted something with Nath in it, since that's the nickname I started semi-recently going by in place of my old one (Dktr/Doktor). And I....... like puns, it's a personal rule for me to have usernames be punny if I can, so! Afternath = aftermath (which people frequently confuse it for a lot, HAH)


OK SO... mine is pretty simple like alleycatIrony was a online handle i made for my first fantroll takaio say about four years ago give or take? tho i just... found it unique and just ended up using it as my username on sites bc i actually quite liked it 

takaio ended up w/ a new handle that suited him better and i kept this one for myself ;0


I'm......... so boring but Caine is literally just an extended version of my irl name Cai. I use Caine as my artist handle name because it looks aesthetically more pleasing in watermarks (lol) and makes it easier for me to blend in with people and avoid being found out by people who know me irl since Kai is a super common name here but Cai with C is not so much :')


Hedgemaze Expo is the name of the main characters' band in my comic, so I've been using Hedgemaze or HedgemazeExpo as a username since... 2003, ow.

But people just call me hej for short.


I just nicked the name of the asshole in my icon. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


I was in my physiology class when my teacher put up a vocabulary list with the two types of dentition on it (heterodont + homodont) and I just really. liked the way heterodont sounds and looks. I had to wait for a month for it to be freed up on tumblr because it was being used by someone else and I immediately swooped in on the url when they let go of it haha.

and because I'm dumb, I didn't realize it could also read as "hetero, don't" - hetero as in heterosexual. It's genuinely very funny when people think that's what it means and don't realize its actual scientific terminology.


My usernames tend to be puns on my name (Ni) because I love puns and so Niidles is a combination of Ni and Doodles and is meant to be a pun on Needles which isn't the best pun but it sounds and looks nice so I've started using most places. My other favorite is Raini-day but that's taken much more often.


I've had this username for the last


14 years? 

It's from Tales of Symphonia really, I wanted "Luna Ray" but that was taken obviously so I went with "Aska Ray". And it's been my online handle ever since.


well, xavier is my name..... so that's how. mindblowing, right? i was going to make my username honggseok or hongseokki, but since this one wasn't taken i chose it instead.


I like songs in waltz time ;)


It's dumb, but I liked a paricular anime character called Koizumi a lot when I was younger, so I took the -zumi from that name and threw it onto my first name, and hey presto, a name that rolls off the tongue and gives a "zoomy" feel to it!