That Weird Thing You Do With Food

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by Isoprene

Everyone's got at least one. Maybe you cut your sandwiches a VERY specific way, maybe you bite into a candy bar instead of breaking it apart, maybe you like an unholy amount of a condiment, maybe you dip fries in apple juice, maybe you demand exactly X slices of lunchmeat on your sandwich, maybe you only like a certain food if it's of a specific brand, or maybe you really like two foods together that don't seem to get along. Whatever it is, you're probably thinking about it right now. Well, here's the place to share it! Maybe you'll even find someone else who has your weird food habit and finally feel validated! And, who knows, maybe you'll pick up someone's weird habit you think sounds kinda good!

The only real rule here is plz no foodshame, if I have to lock this thread bc people get into a heated debate over whether pineapple on pizza is valid I will age 70 years instantly and die, doomed to haunt this thread forevermore. Spoilers: it's totally valid. All food is valid. Even the stuff you don't like. It's just food!! You're welcome to ask people why they like a certain thing or how they got into it provided it's clearly just curiosity instead of "OMG how can you LIKE THAT!!!!!" or whatever, and likewise you're welcome to discuss with people how you relate or about other people you know who do something similar!

I guess I'll also mention it doesn't really matter how minor or major you think your quirk is - I'm not gonna hunt you down because I didn't think the specific way you eat an Oreo wasn't abnormal enough! You're also free to talk about things you're done in the past but don't do anymore, things you just picked up recently, etc.!

Here's a couple of mine, honestly I'll probably post in here more at some point bc I do a lot of weird things:

  • I put sugar in my spaghetti. My mom's always put a little bit of sugar in her pasta sauce since it helps balance out the acidity of all the tomatoes and whatnot a little, but my sister liked to put more on after the fact during dinner proper. I followed suit bc I thought it was tasty and I only found out later in life that this isn't a thing everyone does?! It's like... not even a thing people consider a possibility or see the appeal of?!?! But I can never just have tomato sauce plain now bc it doesn't taste right to me without some sugar in it... I can never go to Italy they would throw me out instantly...

  • Whenever I make PB&J I always specifically cut it into fours - and in squares, not triangles. I remember I did a poll on DA once to see how people cut their sandwiches and my world changed forever when nearly everyone always cut sandwiches in half diagonally?! Once again I was shaken by the revelation that the way I do food things is apparently strange and alien... I also eat said squares in a specific way, too. Take a bite into the corner, bite off one side of the resulting L shape, peel the remainder apart, eat the peanut butter side, and then eat the jelly side. Fear me.

  • Whenever I put ketchup on a burger I always draw a smiley face on both sides first. I don't even do it consciously at this point, it just... happens. I saw it on SpongeBob once (well he drew smiley faces on the pickles but WHATEVER) as a kid and I've been doing it ever since. Also anything I put ketchup on I also dip into ketchup bc I crave the texture and contrast of a condiment... even if it's already on it it doesn't matter, I have to have that extra feeling on the outside, too. I use less the older I get, but needless to say I was kind of a mess as a kid. Also, note: this doesn't apply to other condiments. If I feel like having mustard on a burger I just make a little swirl and call it a day. Only ketchup gets the elusive smiley face.

  • I was talking about mac & cheese with friends recently and they were all baffled by the fact that I love putting corn in mine?! Like we always had corn as a side to mac & cheese, and as I get older I increasingly care about stuff like contrast; I can't just eat a straight bowl of mac & cheese because I feel too overwhelmed by all the cheesiness. Cutting out the middleman of taking a bite of mac and then one of corn is amazing, though, now I have a dish where each bite is perfectly balanced!! You got the soft, savory, salty gooeyness of the mac & cheese... and then you also have the crisp, sweet moisture from the corn. It's SO good I swear, I can't even eat mac & cheese alone anymore... it's just too much...
This is a mere fraction of my food weirdness but if I listed everything at once I'd never get this dang thread posted SO, without further ado, post away!

I like marmite and cheese toasties. It's a great combo and no one can change my mind. I also like marmite and scrambled egg sandwiches but this one especially will get a lot of raised eyebrows. 

I don't do it so much now but I had a phase where I'd end up gagging on chicken bones often enough that eventually I started stabbing my chicken to see if I could find any bones before I ate it.

When I'm on a work rotation I tend to dump an unholy amount of ketchup or mayo on my dinner. Sometimes I'll go for salad cream if the sauces are really low. People think we get what the passengers eat - we don't. It's super low-grade crap that often isn't what it's claiming to be and it's so bland cardboard has more flavor. 

I can't deal with chewy food. If it takes too long for me to chew it will trigger my gag reflex and it's not pretty. I get a lot of people rolling their eyes when I'm being super fussy with cutting off fat on beef, gammon and bacon but that's why I do it. Chewing gum is fine until it looses it's flavor then it will start to trigger my gag reflex if I can't get rid of it right away that I only have it when it's offered to me and I feel rude saying no.

My weirdest one of the lot; I have sensitive taste buds that when I'm ill change just enough the taste of potato (something I usually love) becomes nasty. It's actually one of my early tells I'm coming down with something, if I'm finding potato very metallic and unpleasant tasting I know I have lurgies on the way. It's pretty unfortunate the one thing I often end up craving when I'm ill is a plate of cheesy mash. 


- icing must be separated from cake. I won't eat them together (not all that uncommon or weird but). Actually I don't even eat the icing most of the time anyways.

- I won't eat hot foods that went cold. Like, something meant to be hot. Soup and such. I just cannnnnttttttttttttttttttttt. But I won't microwave nuke them either. I'll go the extra step to pop it in the oven (if I can) or its getting fed to my dog. I might eat cold meat, though. 

- peeling blueberries and grapes LOL I can't help it, it's fun.

- I eat each part of a sandwich individually /seperate sometimes? Not usually if it has a condiment, but smth like a breakfast sandwich. Bread, then meat, then lettuce or whatever. Picking apart foods in general I kinda do.

- peanut butter and pickle sandwich. Js it's a good contrasting mix. 


Yeah dry food isnt fun at all owo ;; But I love rice too much XD Sometimes theres just those days where I might as well eat it as is ;o; if theres nothing else with it oof

With ice cream yep that's true, I really dont like it melting over me lol biting it is just easier XD or just getting it in a cup owo Though rly when I think about it, I dont really lick ice cream, it's more like... idk how to describe it but, kinda ... suck(?) On it or just scoop it up somehow (???) These sound horrid omg

And omg yes Ferrero rocher!! I love those; I eat it layer by layer too but I tend to eat the nut and then save the chocolate insides for very last xDD 


Crust first. Doesn't matter what it is..... I need to eat the crust first so all the good stuff comes after. Sandwiches, pies, pizzas...... Crust... First...


iinasmuch & Isoprene I do literally the exact same thing with my Ferrero Rocher and Kit-Kats omg. I used to also eat peanut butter cups by biting all the chocolate off the sides, then peeling off the top and bottom, balling up the peanut butter and and eating it last.

I just... have to dismantle my food. I don't even understand why...


If it isn't chips or anything, I eat it with a fork. End of story. 

....actually. i just don't like grease on my hand. 

I also tend to over-salt most things. It's a legit problem at this point so I'm trying to cut down on it. 

I also sometimes just eat the insides of a sandwich and throw out the bread or I just cut up the cheese and lunchmeat (i don't like veggies or anything), throw in mayo, and eat it like a salad. I also don't always eat hamburgers or hot dogs with buns. Just the meat.

Edit: I also prefer my sandwiches in fours. Cool lol.


I dip my popcorn in a dipping sauce like you'd do with normal chips and it actually took me YEARS to learn this is not a common thing people do here?? Which is weird because popcorn isn't any different from chips to me both are salty and not good for your health so I'll dip them as I please 

This is more of a drinking thing really but I always drink like a hamster and store everything into my cheeks first and only then swallow; I literally can't just gulp right away without choking 


i used to eat a straight up pads of butter with granulated sugar sprinkled on them sweats and looks away- 


- If its a chocolate covered candy I eat the chocolate of the outside then eat the rest.

- I eat sandwiches made on plain bread in a circular motion so the last bite or two is a circle. 

- Ketchup goes on mac and cheese

- Ketchup also goes on eggs.

- I eat the toppings off my pizza first, then the cheese, then the sauce, then the crust.

- Most food I will find a piece that I dub to be the "best bit" and save that part for last.