Fandom/Kins Rules Update Feedback Box

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by admin
This will be left up for a few days so everyone can have a chance to get their thoughts in.

I'm currently reviewing a change in our fandom character ruleset in light of feedback regarding fandom characters. This was supposed to be a reply to the following thread, but I thought it'd be better to split it off into an official thread for better visibility:

To clarify, our current rules do not disallow upload of fan-characters as long as the canon permits derivative content, the characters are correctly credited, and all fanart is being used with permission. The reason being that up until now I haven't minded this platform being used for fandom RP. 

I'm up for changing the site rules if fandom characters are a nuisance, but just wanted to verify since there seems to be some confusion: do people want both canon characters and derivative characters banned, or just canon characters? Where these are defined as the following:

  • Canon characters:
    • EG: Re-uploading Naruto with no changes made to his design or history (usually includes GIFs and screenshots from the anime or copy pasted paragraphs from the character's wiki page)
  • Derivative characters:
    • Any characters derivative from canon content - this includes:
      • Explicit redesigns (eg. Naruto as a dog or furry)
      • Characters that're described as an OC or sona but resemble the canon character in both personality and appearance or cosplay them 24/7
      • Personalised playable MCs (eg. customised Kamui/Robin, Frisk, Gudako/Gudao)
      • Personalised pet site/game characters (eg. FlightRising dragons, Neopet/Subeta/ChickenSmoothie pets)
      • Characters belonging to a canon species (eg. pokemon OCs, LOZ OCs) 
      • Characters belonging to a canon setting (eg. BNHA/Hogwarts OCs that use the school uniform taken from canon designs)
    • This is quite a wide range, so if you have specific thoughts on what you find unacceptable or acceptable for a derivative character that'd also help with gauging the community's opinion for the new ruleset.
I won't be making this a poll; please do post if you have feedback even if you just want to add a +1 to banning one or both of the options. 

For people who would prefer not to post in thread but would still like some input, I've popped up a Google form where you can drop off your feedback:


I totally agree the banning pf having canon characters and the kinning canon characters, no one should own the exact or a replica of any canon video game/anime/show character OR a redesign of a canon character (ex: Kokichi Ouma for DRV3 copy pasted on a dogs body with all the EXACT traits that the character has). Especially if they "owner" CLAIMS the character as their own (when it's not theirs to begin with) or buying/selling them. It's disgusting,,


I don't agree that the canon universes should be banned to everyone though, like for BHNA, you can design a character for that universe and it wouldn't hurt anything because it's a fan character for that universe. Is kinda like a "what if" scenario for your fan character if you get what I mean? It's called an AU for a reason.

ALSO gijinkas (pokemon, ponies, SU gems, etc.) shouldn't be banned because it's a variety of different species, and you can design them in unigue ways and stuff. It's how you want them too look.

I've actually talked about this topic before in a post a while ago, you guys can read it if you want:


Sorry that you can deal with it easier than I am. But first of all I never said I'm claiming to "own" any media or character nor discredit. They're on Authorized instead of Public for a reason - because they are personal and no one's business.

But a bulletin can't hold what they need which is a separate page and a gallery. Which no one but me and the artists I commission see.

Thanks for calling me disgusting for the way I cope though. If Charahub wouldn't shut down I would keep it there. But I can't post these types of things on Tumblr or dA sadly.

My stance stays. If I'm keeping them on Authorized and these are not carbon copies but rather Derivative I don't see a reason for name calling. Speaking of disgusting.


PiersNivans don't put words in other people's mouths. they weren't calling you disgusting, they were calling the actions disgusting. and i'm sorry but mental illness is not a scapegoat for breaking rules and laws. if you tried to defend yourself with that in court, they would probably throw the case out in rule of the other party. the guilt tripping needs to stop; it doesn't matter if they are on authorized or not. if it's against the rules, it isn't allowed period. no exceptions. 

if they are truly non carbon copies and look incredibly different and can stand on their own as a unique design, then you have nothing to worry about. 


Nobody's guilt tripping and it's literally not illegal because does allow it for now. I'm discussing against it because I'm against it.

If me giving my reasoning made it sound guilt trippy I'm sorry. But no that's not the point. I'm trying to tell staff I'm agaist the ban.

Different opinions aren't gross and neither is me giving my reasoning behind it.


PiersNivans that's why i specified "if" it is against the rules. 

people have their opinions, doesn't make it fact. theft is pretty awful in itself, which i'm sure is what they meant by disgusting/gross, but i am not either of them so i won't speak on their behalf. 


Oh, yes, sorry. The word was gross not disgusting, it makes it so much better.

But anyway the entire thing I was going on about is just talking about why, in -my- opinion shouldn't go ahead and ban Derivative characters. Me voicing why other websites don't work for me and bringing my own reasoning and point of view is not guilt trippy. Saying "I don't feel like I can organize and keep up with other websites like this one because this one was literally made for character sorting" is not guilt tripping. It's me voicing my opinion. Stop gaslighting maybe.

I've never used stash so I can't comment on it. I'll give it a try. But on Tumblr while you can code lists which you've seen I'm already doing, I can't really code a gallery or anything. Charahub shut down and google docs I also don't know how to use but I can try?

Though I really don't get why it was so hard to suggesting these things without being so passive-aggressive.


gonna just slide in here.

in general, +1 to banning canon characters in general (with a catch i'll explain), -1 to all derivatives as regulating that could become a very slippery slope.

for the catch regarding canon characters - one of my main fandoms has a lot of canon characters that have no design, just a name and a voice, we know very little about them, and this seems to be by design. in this fandom, its completely the norm to design your own versions of the canon characters and extrapolate off of what's been left. due to the characters having no defined backstory or even appearances, everyone's interpretation is very different. we all are very conscious of the canon media and it's owners (especially as it's technically an indie game), and understand that our designs are really just expansive headcanons. this should not be allowed... publicly, but i feel that i/we should be allowed to make unlisted/private profiles for our interpretations of the characters so we can share them among eachother for RP, request/trade/commission purposes, etcetera (yes this is permitted by the IP holder). i don't know if this argument even applies to characters that are kept unlisted/private, but i would just like to throw that in there as a weird edge case. 

i don't have much to say regarding the derivative bit, except that my other main fandom, Toontown, is an MMORPG that's entire selling point is to create your own toon character and play as them. the fandom survives mostly on people's MCs/OCs rather than any of the main NPCs, thing is as well, a lot of the lore/worldbuilding used in the fandom comes from multiple sources. Toontown Online, Toontown Rewritten (it's fanmade revival), Who Framed Roger Rabbit (what it was based on), and multiple other rubberhose/toon lore tends to come together in this fandom. not to mention a lot of people have their own version of the events that happen in the game's canon as they are very loose to begin with. nonetheless, these characters are attributed properly to the general IP we consider 'Toontown'. if these characters were, for some reason, banned, i'd be extremely upset. thankfully though it seems as though people aren't keen on that, so that's good.

so noone gets at me, i am both kin and a recovering multiple, but i would still not consider that an excuse to allow public listings of canon characters. i don't think anyone can really tell you what you can and can't post privately though, since that's more of just using TH's layout and tools for other purposes, but without claiming those characters as your own. i hope that makes sense.


Every day we stray further from the original question of the thread



Welp, this thread is doomed anyway. :\