I know there are LGBTQIA+ threads, and I'm almost certain there's been a thread for ace folks of all types, but I'm lazy! Show me your ace folks, tell me a bit about them, their quest, favorite color, and if they'd own a swallow.

To start, I'll go with Yaime:

He's, as far as I know, very asexual/aromantic and was, in fact, "scouted" by his Homeland for this - being seen as asexual/aromantic is considered to be one of the desirable traits that helps you be the best King/Queen. They do not allow for inheritance of the throne based on blood. His goals center around aiding his people and ensuring prosperity for them and future generations. His favorite color is yellow and he has several birds, owning a menagerie that he supports so his people can see parts of the world they've never been able to go to.

Makoto RadiantzRain

This idiot is ace. I have some others but I can't really remember who they were lol

I know theres Era, whos aroace

Venus LittleTurtleNerd

I have these characters on the ace spectrum!

This is Venus, they are demisexual and have a partner

This is Noame, he's asexual and sex neutral/favorable

And this is Dusk, she's bisexual and aromantic
She's a witch who practices green magic and has lots of plants, and lives semi-secluded near a forest

Rainil endiria

Rainil is definitely an aroace, can't see him in an other way


Lorna definitely started off as a vent character for feeling disconnected from love, before I realized I was aromantic. Her whole storyline is about untangling her feelings of trauma and abuse from her first romantic partner, and learning to value the friendships around her. 

I have a few more that play with aromanticism- Prism is performatively flirty, but can only enjoy intimacy in a highly abstract sense, and gets tense and confused when actual romance/sex is offered to them. Shyloh is asexual, which is part of why she's pretty chill with having been turned into a mushroom hivemind. Roxanne MIGHT be allo/aro, all the need to be desired while feeling itchy about being idolized, and therefore only comfortable with being loved physically or at a distance. And I think Xeno has something complicated and contradictory going on, given xer complicated relationship to touch, but I haven't managed to put a name to it. Xe might just be run off the mill traumatized. 

Iunno, I have a lot of thoughts about this. Thanks for giving me a chance to ramble! 

Bon Bon movedacct123

This kitty cat doesnt think about romance or sex at all!




Breyze is demiromantic, and eir wife Livyatan is asexual.

Mothball StarsAndStripes

MOTHBALL is aroace



I forgot! Wereslayer is Aspec (specifically asexual and demiromantic).