I know there are LGBTQIA+ threads, and I'm almost certain there's been a thread for ace folks of all types, but I'm lazy! Show me your ace folks, tell me a bit about them, their quest, favorite color, and if they'd own a swallow.

To start, I'll go with Yaime:

He's, as far as I know, very asexual/aromantic and was, in fact, "scouted" by his Homeland for this - being seen as asexual/aromantic is considered to be one of the desirable traits that helps you be the best King/Queen. They do not allow for inheritance of the throne based on blood. His goals center around aiding his people and ensuring prosperity for them and future generations. His favorite color is yellow and he has several birds, owning a menagerie that he supports so his people can see parts of the world they've never been able to go to.


Korsithk for the themes in my story, overall its an apocalyptic story based heavily around keeping your humanity and learning when to give people redemption. I don't want to focus too much on my characters' sexualities in the story, as I don't believe sexuality is what makes someone who they are, but parts of the story do revolve around that, including Noah showing the group you can still love without being in love and that there's much more to relationships within the survivors than some kind of endgame. Though, its more of a hidden and implied theme than anything else.

Cutts aaawhyme

cutts is ace! he doesn't know what that is, or know anything about those matters, but he would call himself ace if he knew lol

Torio Kattenkvvaad
  • Torio (IC) is aromantic (and I guess to some extend they might also count as asexual, but that's because their species is sexless and does not have any sexual desires)
  • Rain is asexual (and panromantic)
  • Reinier is kind of based off of Rain and is also asexual (and panromantic)
  • Taro is demisexual (and biromantic)
looks like I need more aro and/or ace (spectrum) OCs, I thought I had more :/

Oops the ping didn’t quite work there, I’m glad I came by again to admire all them ace ocs! 

Ok so Niko was originally for a DA rp ok, and I was pretty young, at the time he was a good soft boytm. Anyway there was a world and houses and jobs to fill in that rp and I really wanted my boy to be the candy shop owner, but the admins refused bc he was too young, but we agreed he could be the shop’s apprentice. Then my friend I was planning to enter this rp with got their account deleted or something? And not sure why but i never actually joined the group so here lol. At first he was really happy and good and soft, which is why his ref doesn’t really look like his current personality. Also just to say that like, I had this old design and goal somewhat so i just worked from there to form him as he is now, I didn’t really have big ambitions and ideas for him haha

He’s not really that developed tbh, I just revamped his personality bc I still love him haha. I exaggerate his mean attitude for the memes but he’s not that bad tbh. He’s really just the boss that makes business deal and has no mercy and won’t let the commercial partners have their way archetype and stuff. I’m sure with his age he’d have to be extra harsh to be respected and listened to, so that seems like a good reason for him to have become like he is now. His childhood dream was prob to make his own candy shop bc that’s such a cute and relatable dream for a kid to have and like growing up and still wanting to do that people would start telling him how hard business is and how he’s crazy to think he can do it. He’d have continued and achieved it out of spite tbh. He’s super smug, but he’s earned his smugness with blood, sweat and tears. ‘Hah u thought I couldn’t make it huh sucks to be you’. I just really want meme art of him he’s so memeable, he’s got that fun happy jerk personality~ He’s nice to kids tbh, just a harsh boss that runs his business with an iron hand

Thank you for making me talk about him I got more stuff to put on his profile lol


Ye Ace and Zane are in the same world. It's me and my bf's world we made up. They're both assassins to get revenge.
Zane because his parents are police officers who went on an undercover mission in big gang's hometown. They were killed during the mission and Zane wants to avenge his parents death. He's closed himself off to most people because of it.

Ace became an assassin to kill the person who murdered his older brother. He also takes jobs to assassinate people. Ace tries to keep it a secret and calls himself The Neon Kid. It's been harder on him since he keeps it a secret.

Caspian Crimson-Catalyst

god i have so many but here's my oblivious ace poster child!! his bestie has had a crush on him since childhood and, after meeting each other again post-amnesia-incident, still has a massively obvious crush on him - or, well; obvious to everyone but Caspian. He'd never want to be without Rowe by his side but the idea of dating has never even so much as crossed his mind. They're just best friends!!

other highlights of my confirmed ace crew include Owen, Akili (under pressure from his clan to "contribute" to their dying population), Metternich, and Sully, who admittedly doesnt know what that means, among many others. 

Basically if they have no precedent or reason to prove otherwise, i default to thinking they're ace! Most of em are aro too, though i have a few exceptions.


Grimsley isn't a human and is only capable of feeling platonic attachment at the most, that's about it lol. He's aromantic and asexual.

Teller zodi

this is teller, the main antagonist in my story! they're aro/ace and agender - triple a! they're actually not a villain, though; the main character thought them to be but she was wrong. they're friends with beware and cyber, who are also aro/ace and non-binary in some way, and they all love and support each other very much. (wildfire is also a part of the group but he's allo and also an asshole so he doesn't get in on the fun)


Korsithk omg he was originally a fantroll! made by me and my sis.... so long ago ;w;

gradually he and his whole group (the other trolls) were just made into humans by us for simplicity sake! They share a universe with some other characters - the town is kinda small, and heavily based on our home in Ohio! corrupt police, crappy school, DRAMA GALORE. The local librarian probably loves jimbob cause he'll SHUSH people for them lol

OH and his favorite color would probably be pink, he has only ever owned like.. wild turtles and his family is fairly poor, so he would avoid owning anything else

Thanks for showing such an interest <3 not even just in jimbob, but this whole thread has a lot going on, it's nice to see!

I never actually noticed that! I do see certain tropes with aces and aros, it's always the cold 'unfeeling', rude, bland/blunt characters. jimbob is a bit cold but we did make him way back when we were pretty ignorant, he's grown a lot so I feel pretty confident with him now! You really through that ugly trope on its head, I love it >:]

So you've been building Yaime's universe/story for a while then? 


I got a few :

- Amadeus is overly romantic, but totally asexual. Never had sex, and never will.
- Esteban is aromantic and can be considered asexual, mostly because he has a superiority complex, and feels like no one is worth him.
- Adam is a loner, he's just not interested in relationships.
- Shiro and Maeda are not interested neither, though this might change when they're older?
- Vassili being the only one of his own, he just does not have the chance to fall in love anyway. He has no sex drive neither.
- Méristème is only interested into science. He can't marry science. Then he won't marry anyone at all.
- Hemiel and Yezel are angels. They don't have genitals. They're also not interested in love, because that's not what they're made for?
- Obviously, my fursona and my pokésona are aro-ace as well, because, well, they're me.


Look who has come to edit her post a year later lmao. It's just interesting to me how coming to terms with being aromantic and becoming even less sex-repulsed has affected some of my characters so I thought it would be fun to document that.

Welp, most of my OCs are on the asexual / aromantic spectrum when I think about it. I usually go with the orientation that fits the character the most, but I somehow end up with way more aces than non-aces, or characters that sex or love are completely irrelevant to their character.

I'm actually quite interested to know if that's a recurring theme among fellow aces and / or aros? Or does it change a lot from one person to another?

But here are my aspec folks:

1547614?1544367590 : Agape's character theme is the classic perception of beauty, virtuousness and purity, so they obviously had to be agender and a panromantic ace. They aren't really sex repulsed (just a bit embarrassed to talk about the whole subject), but rather feel no need for it. They're very romantic tho and are all about love c:

4318879?1567706831 : Amaya is an aromantic pansexual. Due to a rough past both his sexual and romantic orientations weren't formed in a healthy way but he learned to accept them, as a way to take his power, pride and identity back. It's hard to say whether it's more of a coping mechanism or him truly coming to terms with his identity, but I don't think it invalidates his orientation either way.

1867937?1584314948 : Angelito is ace and biromantic. His past led him to have problems with any kind of attachment to other people, even friendships are hard for him to form, so he doesn't actively seek a romantic relationship. Later on he goes through a drastic change and becomes aromantic (not due to trauma, but rather due to his state of existence changing).

2046792?1601607431 : Beast's theme is based on the western perception of sin and evilness, so they're naturally an aromantic pansexual and are very promiscuous. They don't feel any kind of love or affection towards anybody.

9049295?1606762441 : Bo is aroace, simply because he doesn't feel any need for neither sexual nor romantic affection. He'd rather have gummy bears lol.

3136902?1567560547 : Corvo's a gray-demisexual (his preferences in gender aren't really defined, but the most similar term for his attraction would be pan). He's usually more on the analytic side, but once he forms a deep connection with someone he can become very romantic and affectionate, to the point of even being a little needy sometimes.

1918156?1591023304 : Dionaea is more of a concept character, so I wanna keep her pretty simplistic. The only "positive" emotion she feels is happiness, even euphoria, from satisfying her hunger, and the only impulse she has is, well, the need to eat.

1976688?1544026626 : Ivy's a concept character as well. Sexuality and romance are just completely irrelevant to him as a character.

4837172?1567099017 : As for Lune, he's some sort of a deity and sexuality is not even a thing for him. He does have a romantic partner tho, that I'm currently working on a ref of :3 

1549785?1597896210 : Niko's a panromantic asexual. He's very innocent and child-like. Holding hands, maybe a kiss on the cheek (and maaaybe on the mouth), is the pinnacle of physical affection for him, and the furthest he knows one can possibly go lol.

1598063?1544023889 : Same for Luka, she's a panromantic asexual and an innocent cinnamon roll :')

5415712?1580583865 : Nui is aroace. They feel more than satisfied and content with friendships, and they value their friends greatly. 

4099182?1574424480 : WataAme is asexual. He's unsure about his romantic orientation and prefers to leave it unlabeled. He is looking for a romantic relationship tho and works on overcoming some emotional obstacles, bit-by-bit , in order to have a healthy romance life.

9968701?16134427539969458?16134462692018188?15921905259972175?1613463753:Lastly, these four. They're all asexual because they're... literal toys. But each one of their romantic orientations is different. Benedetta has absolutely 0 interest in romance, Barbara is awfully heteroromantic, Teddy is a mess and Pinocchio doesn't interact with pretty much anything or anybody.