I know there are LGBTQIA+ threads, and I'm almost certain there's been a thread for ace folks of all types, but I'm lazy! Show me your ace folks, tell me a bit about them, their quest, favorite color, and if they'd own a swallow.

To start, I'll go with Yaime:

He's, as far as I know, very asexual/aromantic and was, in fact, "scouted" by his Homeland for this - being seen as asexual/aromantic is considered to be one of the desirable traits that helps you be the best King/Queen. They do not allow for inheritance of the throne based on blood. His goals center around aiding his people and ensuring prosperity for them and future generations. His favorite color is yellow and he has several birds, owning a menagerie that he supports so his people can see parts of the world they've never been able to go to.

Wyatt Keyes VioletVulpini

Wyatt is aro/ace! (I mean, I have a lot of aro-aces, but he's the one that gets the most attention lol) He's a bartender who also acts as an information broker in a shadier part of town, and recently has been employed to help a PI. He adopted the daughter of his friend after helping solve the mystery behind her murder. He was a bully back when he was a kid, but this other boy named Blake was determined to befriend him and since then he's mellowed out considerably! He's very hard to rile up nowadays, even though he may still occasionally try to fight people if provoked enough. 

Gemma kowarii

ace fairy who loves reading, picnics, and gardening~

Amy (CatGirl) sirKnight69

The main reason Amy's ace is to reference the fact that she was made in the 4th grade plus I don't like the idea of her squeaky clean image corrupted. She's an innocent bean and she and I both like to keep it that way.

I also have Izzy-a goblin who just can't get into any of that. Plus she's only 8 years old, and while that's 18 in goblin years I'm still not cool with it. She's my goblin baby

Orna Swissy

Ace/Aro. Partially bc she used to be a flower and she doesn't see the need for romance or those stuff. 

Holle radishleaf

holle is def aro ace; who has time for romance and love when there is so much to explore???

isla is aro, but not ace. she wholly uninterested in romance, but will kiss your stupid face or something. 

Virgel Vincent TheReverendSerpent

He is ace/aro (however I'm debating on making him ace/demiromanic depending on which direction I go with his character)

Moon Man hnai

Moon Man is assexual, pan romantic. He'd love someone special to keep him company during his night walks.

 Marvin Poraniin jukeboxes

Reviving this thread because I finally have good reason to post here! Marvin is aro/ace and I don't see any reason to change that. I'd be really uncomfortable if he was forced into a relationship in-game (this is my dnd character btw)

Miller Wicker Ofthyena

Miller is homoromantic asexual (long words lol). He simply has no want for sex; it doesn't interest him. If his partner was into it, he won't mind participating, but it wouldn't be anything special to him. He'd just lay there bored ha. Favorite color? Grey. Swallow? Nah, he prefers rodents.

Yuushin Sidhe CreativeRed

I myself am ace, so I've got to have a few ace characters! The first being Yuushin, my aro-ace character. TW for mentions of s*xual abuse in his profile. He's a sex-repulsed ace (always ace, but repulsed due to the trauma). He's kinda a comfort character for me to explore my own past and how I could have turned out and he helps me work through the negative stuff when it comes to that kind of stuff happening due to being ace as well as working through the negatvity I've seen from others for being ace. (Which luckily doesn't happen much) 

Richard while not originally being a very relatable character, ended up becoming aromantic demisexual/grey-ace and it kinda helped me understand aromanticism better. 

Chantrelle is a new character I'm still working on, but I wanted her to be a bit of an anime stereotype where she's just super clueless when it comes to matters of love, sex, flirting, etc. and just adorably innocent and doesn't understand any of that at all.  Idk, she's a work in progress but I wanted a less complex character for once. 

And of course my fursona is ace, and I also have other characters not on TH that are ace as well, all very important to me.