mythology of deity ocs [with questions]

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago (Edited 2 months, 28 days ago) by Thanatos lophiusdragon

If u have any deity ocs then do they have any myths or legends about them? 

How do mortals see them?

I think this is a fun idea to make ur own mythology

Here are some development questions/writing prompts:

1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?

2.   In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the  deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about  deities or any events that the deities cause?

3. If there are  more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or  disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a  commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)

5.  What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit  type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian  mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something  else?

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all? 

NEW Qs nov 4 2021!

7.  Do mortals leave offerings to the deities? Do the offerings differ based on different deities? What are some common offerings for specific deities?

8. Do deities bring gifts to mortals (such as blessings or something like light or fire or great power)?  Which deities give which gifts?

9. Do deities bring curses or misfortune to mortals? Which deities give which curses?

10. How do the different deities get along with each other?

more questions coming soon or u can come up with ur own questions too

tell me if u want to be pinged for new questions

 Alexander St. Romain abakkus

Oh oh oh this is my element, I'm currently reworking an old deity OC as we speak. :V Meet Alex. Weird name for a God, yes? Not very godly... But he got reincarnated into a mortal body and decided to keep it after he got his power/memories back; he was kinda fond of it by that point. His real name is unpronounceable anyways, so it definitely makes things easier.

In canon he's a long-forgotten god who lived and slept long before recorded history; he was worshipped by a human society that he erased before going to sleep for a few thousand years--the only thing that remains is the temple he'll be reborn in, and even that was hidden from modern mortal eyes until relatively recently. I haven't quite settled on what happens after his rebirth just yet; whether he makes himself known or just kind of wanders around the world experiencing things & having his own twisted vision of a good time is still up for debate. Probably a little of both? Might get some cults going for a little while, for fun. He's very much the type to just... do things like that on a whim; there's no danger since he can undo it if it ever becomes a bother.

He's probably considered chaotic evil by those outside him, but really he just kinda... does whatever he wants, so it's probably more like chaotic neutral? He saves and blesses about as much as he maims and curses, so, y'know.

Functionally he's a blend of the concept of Old Ones & the grim reaper, a sort of omniscient void being with control over life & death all stuffed into a more perceivable body. Other influences include Hellsing, what with the black void of mouths and eyes and all; it's such a classic visual for me that I had to include my own spin on it in his character.

I'm really looking forward to like... crafting the actual legends, prophecies, oral histories, etc. around him, I just haven't gotten there quite yet. I do have a lot of cool desert temple visuals in mind, though... he's a fun space to explore, what with the all-powerful voidmagic and all. :V

Lan Turner PicklePantry

Lan is a solid form of the entire element of darkness. When he and the other elements watched over all life, he wanted to give everyone individuality instead of everyone doing the same things like robots. 

He created death, as well as 7 main emotions to run through people, and because of this people began to see him as some evil deity. The seven emotions were later known as the Seven Deadly Sins.

During my main story Lan becomes just a myth to people, but soon after people end up learning that magic is real and that means he's real and boy oh boy.


Oooooh this sounds fun! I have 7 deities that exist in my TLS project, though I won't do the prompts for 1 individual god, and instead write for all of them.

1. In Urd, the mortals know that the 7 gods exist, and therefore, they actually worship them in front of their respective altars. All (except the GOD OF URD) have their own altars.

2. Honestly, it varies on the deity. Fell and Murienet see mortals in a positive light, Accord, Lluvia, and Amirya in a neutral light, and Erenithia and the GOD OF URD in a negative light. Because of the GOD OF URD's order, all of them, with the exception of Fell and Amirya, had turned back against the mortals during the events of Sword Kid, probably due to Gladius' recent awakening.

3. The mortals like Fell, Murienet, Accord, and Amirya because of their generosity to the world. However, the GOD OF URD and Erenithia are heavily despised by them due to their actions from thousands of years ago; they were infamous for threatening the world with grief, pain, and sadness, as well as painting it with war and blood. The mortals' opinion on Lluvia is varied, some like him, some don't. It appears only a few (Such as Prince Gumball) like the GOD OF URD and Erenithia, while the same few dislike the rest, so necessarily, it's normal.


- GOD OF URD (Chaotic Evil)

- Erenithia (Chaotic Evil)

- Murienet (Lawful Good)

- Amirya (Lawful Neutral)

- Lluvia (Chaotic Neutral)

- Accord (Neutral)

- Fell (Chaotic Good)

5. It's as follows; Accord is the god of music who wields an accordion weapon named Discordia, which curses anyone who hears it with a dangerous lullaby, Fell is the god of souls, and it is said in the legends that she is the caretaker of the ones who chose not to be reborn as a ghost/spirit, Lluvia is the god who controls weather, Amirya is the god who bestowed magic onto the world, Murienet brought life to the world and is portrayed as Mother Urd by the mortals, Erenithia is the goddess of order, who is seen as the second strongest, and lastly, the GOD OF URD is an eldritch abomination who resembles METON.

6. The only known common belief is that METON and the GOD OF URD are separate beings, but this has been debunked later on.


I feel like my answer to all of these questions is just "there's like a million gods and three billion people so it varies" :'D Here's the folder for this storyverse.

tl;dr anyone could theoretically become a god so gods are just seen as particularly powerful people. People worship them because providing mortals with favours in exchange for offerings is literally their job; it's more like paying your taxes or bribing an official than organized religion. There probably are people who are really into specific gods and dedicate their entire lives to them, but it's seen as a weird fringe thing, akin to literally worshipping a politician. There are gods who are in charge of unpleasant things like death, but even then it's less scary-omnipotent-deity and more sanitation worker, i.e. "I sure am glad that god exists but I hope they never have to come near me". 

Gods are powerful enough that they could theoretically kill and subjugate humans until they follow the god's commands, but 1) they're generated by human belief in the first place so most of them are benevolent toward humans, and 2) ruling over an empty wasteland is super boring. So they're usually alright. And if they get too murdery a wizard will kill and replace them or something. 


i have a super elaborate god system with a LOT of deities, but i'll just be talking about the highest set of gods available: the magnitude fragments! (also my mains). they are the underlying structures that the creator deity used to create the world, with the original 21 being purely geometrical shapes, and then later ones also encompassing the physical forces (electromagnetism, strong/weak nuclear, gravity) and a few more shapes that had been skipped.

they're not necessarily worshipped and have varying levels of appearance to lesser beings - ex. dijamant and zehneck are pretty fairly known, while people like suza and kolo are not. "worship" of them isn't common so much as a general reverence is given.

these are some of the most prolific ones, under spoilers so the post doesn't get hellishly long:


zehneck has the most mythology surrounding him, as he's one of the few that actually manifests to mortals themselves rather than slightly-lesser gods. he considers himself the arbiter of morality and justice, and will appear to mortals who have committed severe moral failings or crimes (of which, zehneck decides) to discuss their actions and weigh their sense of remorse. depending on how that conversation goes, he can alter the course of their life - if they're truly remorseful and understand/accept what they're done, he will lighten punishments (but not entirely remove them) or worsen in-universe punishments if they need to learn more.

he doesn't have tolerance for people who refuse to have a conversation (and are being stubborn, not just being traumatized). he can tell if someone's lying, and while he doesn't care for liars, he'll press hard to try to uncover the truth. if he can't get through to them, though, he'll put them in what amounts to their version of hell, which is a bit more like... a lot of rehab and some suffering rather than fiery pits.

because of this, he's rather well-known, but there's no organized worship of him (since, well, admitting he appeared to you is basically admitting you committed a crime). some willingly discuss them, though, and he's definitely known, though considered more along the lines of urban legend than anything concrete. which, really, is what he prefers.

i really need to work more on his ethics/moral system... it's heavily transhumanist, highly idealistic, but less utilitarian. lot of focus on individual growth and individual change.......


linija is unique in that there is active, organized worship of him in some universes, as he considers and presents himself as a patron of death/war. his name and appearance vary heavily, but most symbols of wartime or imagery of war have something to do with his memetics and associated symbolism, which he intentionally fostered. he's instigated conflicts before, but always under mortal pseudonyms and whatnot - he's more involved than you'd guess, at first glance.

he regularly appears as a ~mysterious advisor~ during wars as well, pushing towards solutions and peace. despite his association with death/war and fascination with the way it marks the difference between mortals and the many layers of gods, linija doesn't like. want people to die en-masse or anything. he's got the best understanding of how it functions and its purpose among the mags.

he also shares a lot of death symbolism with chetyre, but chet isn't as well-known as he's way more of a recluse. they kinda begrudgingly share each other's territory on that one, but in recent years they've been bonding more.


dijamant is directly in control of several thousand universes, serving as their leader/guide, interested in making them a better place/helping the "unreal" mortals become real, fully-fledged individuals (out of the kindness of his heart!), complete with their own perspectives, opinions, and thoughts. (don't look too hard at his warped philosophy). as a literal, direct overseeing god figure in these universes, he is considered their supreme ruler, though he doesn't encourage worship of himself nor does he treat himself as a god.

he's more or less like a leader, re-arranging the universes to try to induce pleasing results in its people/landscapes and listening to a highly-respected group of handpicked advisers from all over the place. though he does his best, he's so removed from mortal understandings of things that he can misinterpret requests or give way too far-reaching, elaborate solutions to problems. generally, though, he's not actively hurting the universes, so the other mags/group of lesser reality warpers protecting universes don't slap him on the wrist (any harder than they already have).

he tries to come off as personable and welcoming, but there's a cold, condescending edge to his interactions with mortals and he leaves most people uncomfortable. clearly, his care is genuine and he seems interested, but there's just something off about him and he rubs mortals the wrong way. dij doesn't notice.


like dij, prizma is in control of universes, though less directly. he considers himself a patron of random chance and events, so he tinkers instead with universal rng to see what results in what outcomes. he doesn't tend to manifest in his universes and so mortals don't really know of him, but he has appeared a few times in a handful and carried himself godly/all-knowingly enough that he came off as one.

he let that run its course in a few universes, tinkering with how the religion presented itself and its effects. since prizma constantly alters these universes, there's no solid "canon" for them, so there's been billions of outcomes and perceptions of him, which he finds fascinating. he isn't too interested in the true concept of being worshipped and isn't really fond of the attention, though sometimes he'll play a more active part in the religion to see how his behavior(s) change it.

he doesn't like the other mags tinkering in his shit. shoo >:(


jedana is actually an active deity of sorts, primarily specializing in medicine and healing. his concepts (+zmeya's) have become synonymous with medical symbols, including the staff of caduceus/rod of asclepius (which are jedana + zmeya's imagery combined). he regularly appears to perform miracles, primarily related to health, like restoring a dying person to life, or healing someone of a terminal illness.

since he's relatively new, admiration of him has just started to spring up, though he's mildly uncomfortable with it. he's not sure, exactly, if he has the right to be meddling with mortal lives this much, and since this is a secret side-hobby for him and zmeya right now, he's a little worried about the news reaching the other mags, who overwhelmingly have Rules Against Meddling, Cause Guys, Too Many of Us are Egomaniacs and If You Give Them an Inch..... 

because surprise - jedana is saving people as a way to bond with zmeya. zmeya picks out mortals that he feels have suffered a lot, or deserve a second chance, and they'll go and save their lives, giving them a second chance. this is primarily to help zmeya's self esteem, guilt, and self-doubt, with the added benefit of being generally helpful!!

they don't fuck with dij or prizma's universes, though.


juice is a weird edge case and i want to avoid spoiling the third novel too much so i'll dance around this one a bit. tl;dr juice is in control of the large underground, illegal trafficking/marketing/whatever rings that operate outside of universes and are generally considered a Real Bad Thing. juice has been taking control of many rings and starting to affix regulations and whatnot on them in an attempt to control them, but that's slow goings and they're still in operation so you tell me if he's doing any good (he sure thinks he is, at least).

he's well-known as the leader of the city that's been eating all the rings up (city's called Divinity), but his status as a mag isn't known. he's just basically freakishly powerful, strong, tends to brainwash you if you're too loud and obnoxious, and seems to has eyes/ears everywhere - aka basically godly. there's some worship of him as a deity, though he neither encourages nor denies this practice - juice doesn't give a shit about most people's opinions of himself, to the point where he literally doesn't care what people call him. the religion(s) tend to have a more worship-worthy name for him than "juice" though.

overall he's very feared and revered in turn, as he gives 0 shits and will literally mindbreak you if he needs to, in order to control a certain branch of the markets or force someone's hand. he's not actively malicious or cruel - he doesn't go out of his way to curbstomp you - but he's very goal-oriented and will stomp over what he sees as minor pawns to, ultimately, leashing the entire underground and chokeholding it to prevent it from getting very bad.

free SkywardtheDragon

Torto is the only “main” deity with a reference; I have a design for another one, but I haven’t made his reference yet.

The world has six major deities, paired up into opposites, and many smaller deities that fall under the jurisdiction of the main six. They all take the appearance of monsters, but it’s not their true form. 

Torte represents duty and the element of earth. She’s one of the more well-known and well-liked out of all the deities (second only to Teyo, who doesn’t deserve his fame). She is often referred to as a mother, because she is both responsible and caring, in contrast to her opposite Tasun, the goddess of leisure and wind.


I have a pantheon!  The balance of ten elements is the main focus of the fantasy world they oversee, so they represent one each!

1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?

The mortals in this world are actually molded in the shape of each deity (i.e. there are ten elemental races too), and there are historical records of the deities existing.  Even beyond that, the mortals' own cultural mythologies line up in ways that show such a connection--every culture has a single patron deity, stories about that deity interacting with the other deities, etc.

The deities were the early leaders of their people, intending to show the mortals the way of the land, and then giving it over to them to carve their own destiny.  HOWEVER, a great world-spanning war took place in the classical era, partially starting because of miscommunication between mortal leaders that slandered the gods' names, provoking other mortals to war.  Because of this hubris, the deities vanished from the world, stating that if the mortals wanted to cause their own war born of arrogance, they shouldn't be dragged into it.  This was before photography, so old art and stories of the deities are all the mortals have to go off of nowadays.

The deities are still out there, but don't directly reveal themselves to mortals anymore.  Because of this apparent radio silence, some modern-day mortals believe that they were just myth.

2.   In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about deities or any events that the deities cause?

The deities in Rixile are unambiguously a force of good (as there are other things in Rixile that represent evil).  But since they're closely intertwined with their own mortal race, and also several mortal nations, everyone's got a bunch of opinions about everyone else anyway. Some myths get skewed based on a culture's opinion of a deity or its people...Ignus (god of war) and Nocturne (god of thieves) are especially unpopular...and they're allies!  There are plenty of stories about deities annoying each other, too.  Nocturne/Sonata, Mist/Terra, and Aether/Galvan are all famous rival deities due to various aspects of their own that just happen to be fundamentally incompatible with the other.

3. If there are more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?

As stated above I think Ignus and Nocturne are the most unpopular.  Ignus is the god of war (amongst other things), and his people had a wide-spanning empire and are known for being colonialists.  Nocturne is his ally, and his people are known for being particularly good spies.  Despite this, the deities are always expected to be prayed to regarding their specific domains; Ignus is the god anyone in a war is praying to for victory, not just his own people!  His people are just the ones that reflect his main element, fire.  Since there's a wide variety of races and cultures, each culture is going to have a different opinion about the whole pantheon...Nocturne's own people love him, for example, and hate Sonata, his rival.  So I wouldn't call it super unusual, just that people are going to have their biases based on the cultures they grew up in.

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)

Despite their various petty squabbles, the deities are always a force of good, and keep the planet's balance of elements in check.  It's just that some of them are a bit more on the chaotic side and others are a bit more on the orderly side...

There are demons too, but they don't count as deities.  But that's where the forces of evil come in.

5.  What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something else?

Kinda...half spirit, half tangible?  They're technically made entirely out of elemental power, but they can take a physical form.  What that form is can even change!  Sometimes it's their "preferred" appearance, sometimes it's a mortal disguise, sometimes it's a beast!  This further adds confusion to mortals wondering if the deities really existed or not--ancient art of the gods can be of any of their various forms, making it ambigous.

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all? 

I think the biggest one I can think of is the concept of a god "dying"; during the great war I mentioned above, some of the myths about it report that some of the gods perished in it (usually who specifically depends on that whole cultural bias thing I mentioned earlier...).  I like to think a god can "die," but the dying involves elemental balance going out of whack as the god slowly reincarnates.  As the deity is an expression of the element in the world, they can't really die unless that element itself is completely eradicated, which isn't really possible, so they'll regenerate.  But since the mortals can't consult the dieties anymore, they're free to interpret a deity's "death" how they will, sometimes using it to taunt members of another race.  I know I've already bullied Nocturne a bit, but he gets this treatment a lot, some cultures considering him Dead For Real even though he isn't.


1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?

It's a mixture of both, as while she is not usually forthcoming in revealing herself to mortals and her existence can be seen as something of a story to scare the fickle and the dishonest, she often physically manifests when it is time for the Judgement, whether it be the Judgement of souls or the Judgement of the crimes of the populace.

2.  In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about deities or any events that the deities cause?

Azmaranthe is mostly seen in a neutral and fair light, it affects some flavors of legend as she is usually depicted as neither here-nor-there when faced with questions of loyalties and her duty as Lady Justice. That being said, she can sometimes be seen in a negative, self-serving light, as her neutral attitude is oftentimes perceived as a facade that covers her true intentions, which is depicted in one or two myths that calls into consideration just how 'fair' and 'neutral' she truly is.

3. If there are more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?

There are several different deities in Az's world's lore, with Azmaranthe herself being one of the most feared despite being the most fair and true. A benevolent god, always depicted as the one who is tasked with presenting mortals their mundane liberation and becoming their deliverance incarnate, is the most beloved and cherished. It's not uncommon for some to dislike a commonly like diety or vise versa, as many have their own depictions and speculations regarding the lore and mythology.

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)

Azmaranthe is Lawful Neutral.

5. What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something else?

She is tangible when she wants to be and a spirit apparition when she wants to be, although she prefers a spirit form when she manifests for mortals.

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all? 

It's commonly believed that Azmaranthe's leaky nose and eyes, that drip with a golden ichor-like substance, is a nod to the fact that she decides the worth of mortals by weighing their blood in her Scales of Justice - but no, she has allergies    


this oughta be funny but the gods in my story are Glitter God and (Glitter) Satan

1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?
People are absolutely aware of them and they are heavily involved in people's lives. Pepole can't directly interract with them tho (for the most part). Fairy priests/Satan's priests can directly interract with them for people if needed tho.

2.  In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about deities or any events that the deities cause?
People put a lot of trust in GG& Satan, even if they don't always like what they do they still see them as infallible and have to trust it's for the best. GG & Satan also care a lot about people, but are maybe a bit dissmisive towards them? Is that the right word? They want the best for them but they also just see them like the sims they play with

3. If there are more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?
I think on a global scale GG & Satan are pretty much equal, but a lot of people tend to lean more towards one or the other. GG is nice and caring and is more for hard work, creativity, taking care of each other, all the nice things, and Satan is a bit more for sketchy morals, mischief, being reckless. They both draw to themselves people who are more in line with eac one's values. Like you'd pray to GG when you studied real hard for test and you hope you get good quesitons and don't forget stuff you've learnt in the middle of a question or whateve, and you'd pray to Satan when you didn't study but don't wanna be caught cheating. GG is more widely worshipped in Ä+*4~ (or, the "good" part of the world) and Satan is more popular in T@Ö#Ä3 (the "bad" part of the world)

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)
I can't do alignments, sorry X_X Can't be bothered to figure those out X_X

5. What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something else?
They are just like regular people except they're gods. Glitter God has golden eyelashes and Satan is whatever that blackest shade of black is called because he's a black hole where happines goes to die ._.

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all?
There aren't any myths in the sense of like, the elaborate stories about gods' lives from ancient religions, but one thing that people strongly believe is that GG & Satan are always honest with them and wouldn't do sketchy things and gamble with their lives, but sadly that's not true. 


Oh shit I even had to create a world on here to keep all my stories in order and put the characters that are part of this world in the same group


this is an old thread but its inchresting + i saw it got bumped so.......

i cant believe i havent answered these already

for additional context: this is a pokemon au and the gods/deities are legendaries, which i refer to as legends.

1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?

yes and no? in-universe legends are indisputably known to physically exist, though people's faith in their power and abilities varies. regular mortals have no knowledge that legends hold human forms as well, and any tales of such are passed off as 'they were simply just close to the legend' or folktales

2.  In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about deities or any events that the deities cause?

so i totally misinterpreted this question but im keeping the answer i wrote

inter-legend relationship are a bit... messy. like, everyone hates aurelien (except her gf) because all she does is cause problems everyone else has to clean up. while things in johto are going great because lugia and ho-oh have a major case of puppy love with each other. but for the most part it leans towards neutral-negative, with legends from the same region being more likely to get along (hoenn being an exception)

mortal's view of legends really depends on factors i.e. are the religious or not, were they directly effected by catastrophes caused by a legend getting pissed, etc etc. legends have a neutral view of mortals for the most part but some are assholes about it

3. If there are more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?

its pretty much even split between opinions of 'i think they're cool' and 'no opinion'. people don't really tend to dislike legends unless they personally came and took their child away or something so they identify as an atheist to piss them off on a personal level.

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)

there's so many of them so alignments are varied! i dont think any of them are genuinely falling into the 'evil' category tho (except aurelien maybe) - if they do fall into that category or end up succumbing to some kind of immortal hubris they're taken care of pretty quickly

5. What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something else?

i think tangible is the right term? like, they physically exist in both pokemon and human form. arceus is kind of weird though in that their 'true form' is incomprehensible to even other legends

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all? 

i cant think of many but it's believed celebi can travel through time fully. this isn't true in au-verse - celebi is only capable of traveling to the past and cannot alter events, only watch. this doesn't stop them from giving people ghost-of-the-past style wake up calls if you bribe them, though

Chrysanthos Victorck

Well, since he’s the only canon deity I have a profile for, I suppose I’ll go with him!

1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?

It’s pretty much a mixture of both. Some mortals know, and others don’t. However, those that do know are close to him. He doesn’t really like to socialize or go out much due to his role, so most people don’t believe he actually exists.

2.  In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about deities or any events that the deities cause?

They have a mixture of beliefs. Some believe he’s plain evil, and others believe he’s just doing his job he was assigned (which is true- minus the evil part). It’s led to a few horrible tales of him not caring about whose souls he takes, mostly aiming for the elderly with no remorse. As for how he sees mortals? He knows there’s a mixture of bad, neutral, and good people in the world, and he doesn’t like to judge until he gets to know someone. 

3. If there are more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?

Most deities have been forgotten in the world, so this one I can’t really answer for the others. Death does tend to be liked a lot more once people truly get to know him though.

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)

Death is chaotic neutral.

5. What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something else?

I suppose he could be a mix of tangible/nature spirit, depending on how one looks at it. His parents were Hades and Persephone. His mother giving him his connection to nature. But he ended up living on Mount Olympus because the Gods and even the Fates believed he was destined to have a life filled with misery, rage, and other terrible things they could say to blame on his heritage. Some of the Gods and Fates thoughts were debunked when he, ironically, also proved to be connected to the power of life itself.

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all? 

A lot of mortals who do believe in the myths and legends think he’s bloodthirsty and emotionless, when that isn’t true at all. Of course, after so many years of doing his job, it’s destroyed him physically and mentally, pretty much making him appear cold. But he would never hurt anyone on purpose, unless it was for self defense or someone/something he cared about was treated poorly.


I haven't wrote profiles for them yet.. but 

1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?

Yes! Some do. While other religions exist, the canonical religion in my universe is called Organism because I thought it was hilarious. It's obvious, but all religions have an explanation for the reasons it happens. For example, Seasus might claim someone and bless them with the power to bend water. Other religions could explain this as an act of Jesus. One that isn't so obvious is if one prays to Love God Jamie every week for a soulmate ring engraved with the name of who you believe your soulmate is for 10 - 20 years, it will show up at the shrine. This can easily backfire.

2.  In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about deities or any events that the deities cause?

I'd say the best way to say it is 'pretty chill.' Some Gods dislike each other like the goddess of oil and the goddess of bugs; however, the people who worship them don't have fear of the deities. The deities are more likely to bicker than the people. It truly depends on the deity though.

3. If there are more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?

The most liked deity tends to be Jamie the love god, but due to this and how selfish Jamie is with their power it usually tends to not end well. Some people have a distaste for the oil goddess, specifically nature conversationalists. It's fairly common for people to like a commonly disliked deity (for example, capitalists like the oil goddess) and it is fairly common to dislike a commonly liked deity.

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)

Depends on the deity and how they're feeling

5. What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something else?

Definitely greek mythology vibes. I made up Organism as a religion was made up to sort of make fun of people who take religion super seriously, which is why nothing is really that big of a deal in it. 

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all?

In the mistranslation of The Love God Jamie's book, it claimed Jamie WAS the god of love. Jamie is actually the god of all relationships, including just friends. Praying at a shrine to them for a friendship bracelet is absolutely a thing. 

The Executioner | Carnifex OverlyOptimistic

Oh boy is this a fun time to finally do some worldbuilding for my guy The Executioner. I’ll put the answers under a spoiler so y’all don’t have to scroll past massive paragraphs.

1. Do mortals know that the deities exist?  Is it obvious that the deities exist or is it a faith-based belief?

A definite yes. The ‘deities‘ of this guys world aren’t really gods in the traditional sense but really a very old and advanced alien species that embody concepts. Most people don’t know that however, and have been led to believe by these aliens, called The Pantheon, into thinking they are true gods who created the universe, not beings created by chance who only hold a certain power. In terms of actually seeing them, the more ‘primordial‘ members of the pantheon, like those embodying space, time, gravity, eart, etc, are quite distant from humans as they don’t require them to maintain the concepts they embody. ‘lesser’ gods, who embody more human concepts like marriage, metalwork, etc rely on continued practise of their concept to survive, and so they tend to foster followings and encourage the practice of their concept through directly interacting with an encouraging people to follow them. The Executioner walks the line between these two, as execution is both in the realm of mortal and godly courts, and also a part of death, the most feared of the primordial gods.

2.  In what type of light (positive, negative, neutral) do mortals and the deities see each other in?  Does this affect any myths or legends about deities or any events that the deities cause?

In general, The Pantheon is seen in a positive light. They actively foster development of certain activities, and have provided power, education, and technology to people. However, some gods are seen in a more negative light. Gods relating to death, such as the War god and The Executioner god of, you guessed it, executions, tend to be feared because of what they bring. They’ve gotten around this by presenting themselves as less violent beings but as beings presenting a structure and order to their concepts, the war god acting more as a general and advisor about war than an unrelenting force of destruction. The general fear is always present though, especially as the Executioner is also used by the gods as a bit of a hitman.
The primordial deities see humans as tools; beings which create more ideas for lesser gods to latch onto a therefore spread their control over the universe. Lesser deities first and foremost see humans as a source of their concepts and essentially their life force, meaning they are much more interested in keeping them alive. Although this doesn’t mean they love them, some do genuinely like humans and want to care for them. 

3. If there are more than a few deities, which deities tend to be the most liked or disliked by mortals and why?  How unusual is it for someone to like a commonly disliked deity or dislike a commonly liked deity?

Already kinda answered above but deities relating to death/other negative concepts are often feared, but much more respected, because of the concepts they embody. More positive deities are often quite popular among the general populace, and often receive more attention from the general public than more negative deities, who might only receive worship from certain groups, such as soldiers and generals for war and prison staff/the justice system for The Executioner. It’s not too unusual for someone to like a less popular deity for those reasons, but disliking a popular deity can equate to disliking that concept and is often the weirder thing to do.

4. What types of alignments are the deities? (eg lawful neutral, neutral good, chaotic evil, etc)

Most are likely more lawful, as they respect the authority of the primordial gods and stick to their rules. Those who don’t usually end up dead, so theres not much room for chaotics. Wether a diety is good, neutral, or evil depends on their concepts and their own character, with many being neutrals. 

5. What types of deities are they? Are they like abstract nature spirit type deities or are they like tangible ones (like in greek/egyptian mythology) or are they like eldritch abominations or are they something else?

As said above, Aliens. They take on an incorporeal form at birth before latching onto a concept and taking form. They can always shapeshift throughout life, being very amorphous beings.

6. Are there any commonly-believed myths about the deities that are simply not true at all?

The fact that they are true gods and not aliens, but this is less of a myth and more of a deliberate misdirection.