🖋️ Weekly character dev questions [W43]

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago (Edited 2 years, 6 months ago) by Caine

Want to suggest a question? Feel free to DM me! 

I figured that since the "weekly show me a character" thread has been alive and running for a couple of years now, I could give a shot at doing similar with development questions! I'll post a new prompt each week both on this starter thread and the comment section! Feel free to post answers weekly or combine previous ones into one post - whichever feels the best for you. 

Week 43: (Pick a character) How do they feel about big gatherings like parties? Do they enjoy having a lot of people around them or do they prefer less (or none)? How likely are they to approach people they don't know? 

Previous weeks 2021

Week 1: (Pick a character) What would you consider to be the most impacting event in their life (that isn't their own birth or death) and why? 
Week 2: (Pick a character) What makes them feel the most confident? Is it more internal (being good at something, succeeding in things etc) or more external (being praised, getting their skills acknowledged by others etc?
Week 3: What is your favourite part of character creation and why? Does it depend on character/time/your mood/etc?
Week 4: (Pick a character) How does your character generally react to failures, both their own and the failures of others?
Week 5: Do you have distinct "favourite" characters among your ocs, or does your current favourite change? Or do you consider them all "equals"?
Week 6: (Pick a character) If someone were to attack them out of nowhere, how would they try to defend themselves? Or would they try at all?
Week 7: How do you feel about your characters sharing traits/interests/etc with you? Do you try to avoid similarities or do you embrace them?
Week 8: When you create a new character, how much of their story do you work out on the spot? Do you prefer to get all details done at once or prefer to add more little by little?
Week 9: Which one of your characters would you consider to be the most "unexpected" character from you and why? The reason can be anything from their story to themes and even the design.
Week 10: When you're creating a new character, how much do you think about their family/guardians? Are they usually an active or a distant presence in your characters' lives?
Week 11: What was the first original character you posted online like? Do you still use them?
Week 12: (Pick a character) How do they feel about positive attention? Do they thrive in it or does it make them uncomfortable? Feel free to talk about the nuances of "positive attention" or attention in general if you want!
Week 13: What's the most drastic non-visual change you have made on a character? Why?
Week 14: Pick your oldest and your newest character on TH. Would they get along? What would their chemistry be like?
Week 15: What is your process when it comes to naming characters? Do name meanings matter to you? Do you pick a name with a "purpose" or based on a "feeling"?
Week 16: (Pick a character) What is their love language? Does it depend on people? Have it changed throughout their lives? Is it a combination of several types? (Suggested by PicklePantry)
Week 17: Pick your current most and least favorited characters. What do they have in common? What's different? When were they posted on TH? Do you think they still reflect your current tastes in character design and/or story?
Week 18: Have you ever learned a tip/trick related to character/worldbuilding development that changed the way you view your works? Or do you have some specific tips/tricks that you consider to have been particularly helpful for you? 
Week 19: Have you ever had OC related "advice" that has done more harm to you than good? If yes, how did you end up learning out of it?
Week 20: (Pick a character) What's one memory they wish to never forget (and why)?
Week 21: What kind of compliments do you enjoy the most when it comes to your characters? Is it about design? Certain story elements (backstory, personality, trivia etc) or maybe about people finding them easy to understand? 
Week 22: What do you find to be the most important aspect when you create or buy character designs for yourself? Is it the colors, clothes, silhouette, simple design to draw fast or something else?
Week 23: Pick two characters you'd consider similar to one another, either in design or story/personality. What would you consider to be their main differences?
Week 24:  (Pick a character) How reliable would they consider themselves to be? Would other people agree with them?
Week 25:  (Pick a character) What would they consider to be their greatest passion? Alternatively, what is something they find to be "their own special thing" that they delight in doing?
Week 26: When you're reading someone's character profile, where do you start? Is it the overview? Trivia? Backstory? Something else?
Week 27: If you had to name exactly one movie that has had a huge impact on you as a creator, which one would it be and why?
Week 28: How did you discover original character communities/the general concept of them on the internet? If you don't remember, what would you consider the most fun aspect of ocs for you right now?
Week 29: (Pick a character) If they had to pick an animal to describe themself, which one would they pick and why? Would you describe the character with the same animal or would your own pick for them be different?
Week 30: What's the most bizarre/interesting/weird piece of trivia you have learned while doing oc research? Did this trivia find its way into the character or some other character later on?
Week 31: (Pick a character) How do they express their anger? How does it appear to others, and how does the character themself feel about their own anger? Does their society encourage or discourage certain expressions of anger?
Week 32: What's the biggest story and/or personality related change you have made on a character? What made you want to change it?
Week 33: (Pick a character) What do they do on their free time? Do they have hobbies or have they had any in the past? What's something they wish they could put more time into (such as learning a skill, participating in some activity etc)?
Week 34: (Pick a character) What kind of impression does their appearance tend to give to others [in their worldsetting]? Is it an impression they want to give to others? Are they aware of the way people perceive them in the first place?
Week 35: Have you ever created a character but refrained from actually posting about them publicly? If yes, why? And if no, could you ever see yourself in a situation where that could happen?
Week 36: (Pick a character) What is their most treasured item and why? If they don't have any feel free to talk about the reason for it!
Week 37: (Pick a character) Who is their most trusted friend and why? How would the character describe this person? And if they don't have anyone they trust, feel free to talk about the reason for it! 
Week 38: (Pick a character) What's their preferred sleeping position? Are they a calm or a restless sleeper, and do they like sleeping next to others or prefer sleeping alone?
Week 39: (Pick a character) What do they typically smell like? And why? Do they use a certain perfume, cologne, or deodorant that makes them smell a certain way? Suggested by soyyemilk
Week 40: (Pick a character) Where did they grow up in? Did they live in the same place/area most of their life or did they move places? How would your character describe the place they consider their childhood home (or the closest thing to it)?
Week 41: Which one of your characters would you consider the hardest to draw? If you're not an artist yourself, what would you imagine being the hardest?
Week 42: (Pick a character) How open are they about their feelings? Do they have anyone to talk to if they're worried? Are they more likely to talk about positive or negative feelings with others? 

Previous weeks 2020:

Week 29: Which one of your currently posted characters has gone through the most changes throughout the years?
Week 30: Which part of character creation do you tend to struggle with the most? 
Week 31: (Pick a character) What are they afraid of? How do they handle their fears? How do they respond to other people's fears (friends, strangers etc)? 
Week 32: (Pick a character) How does your character feel about change? Do they welcome with open arms, or are they afraid of it?
Week 33: How do you go about making a new character? What kind of things do you like to keep in mind when planning their story/personality? Do you consider your other already existing characters when planning new ones (avoiding stuff already done with one character etc)?
Week 34: (Pick a character) What do they consider their greatest achievement? How about their lowest low moment? 
Week 35: Do you have story elements or certain character tropes/cliches you love to use in your characters? If yes, what are they? If not, have you ever noticed common elements despite trying not to have them? 
Week 36: (Pick a character) How do they handle money? How do they earn it, if at all? 
Week 37: What kind of settings do you prefer to use in your works? 
Week 38: What kind of villains do you prefer to create? Does your preference differ from what kind of villains you love to see in fiction?
Week 39: (Pick a character) Do they have any goals/dreams/aspirations in life? What are they? If they don't have any, does the lack of them ever bother them? 
Week 40: Are there things in fiction you love to consume, but prefer not to create yourself? 
Week 41: What do you usually do if you can't connect with a character you have or you can't make them work quite the way you'd like? 
Week 42: (Pick a character) What kind of things get them excited? How are they like when excited? 
Week 43: What type (human, feral, anthro, monster etc) of characters do you have the most? Have your tastes changed at any point? 
Week 44: Do you have any fears or insecurities as a creator? If you do, are these more based on your work itself or the way other people will react to it, or both? 
Week 45: Do you tie your interests/hobbies to your character in any way? Why/why not? 
Week 46: Do you prefer developing your characters on your own or by interacting with other people (be it RPing or discussing)? 
Week 47: What kind of questions do you prefer to be asked when it comes to your characters or setting? 
Week 48: What kind of conflict do you like in fiction? Is it a conflict of interests? Morals? Based on lies or miscommunication? Something else entirely?
Week 49: When you get an idea for something you'd like to explore in fiction, are you more likely to make a whole new character for it or use the idea for an already existing character?
Week 50: How do you use your characters? Are they something you collect? Part of a story? For RP?
Week 51: What kind of layout do you use for your character profiles? What makes you like it?
Week 52: What do you do when you feel like you have ran out of ideas or you have hit a creative wall with your work?
Week 53: Do you like to look back at your creative works or do you prefer to just keep on going and paying little attention to what you have made in the past?

 Atlas confusedthing

For an individual character probably either Atlas or Zero. I'm gonna talk about Atlas though, because I feel like I've talked about Zero in this thread before. 

Spoiler for mental health struggles/especially anxiety, just to be safe.

I originally created him as a vent character when I was a teenager and back them basically his only personality trait was anxiety. Like. Atlas existed to run around panicking. Now, with time I have changed and so have my characters, but I thought a lot about Atlas in particular after writing him in a forum game for the first time because my inner response was just: Hell no. (I still feel sorry for that post oops.) He is very dear to me but that moment I realized that I can not stand that version of him so I thought a lot about what makes sense for him and how I could change him in a way that is still in character but more bearable basically. So he still has anxiety, but he also has an actual personality and is more self-aware. Still in denial, but deep down he knows himself. (Because that was another thing... what semblance of a personality he had made no sense, since it walked a fine like between being too nice and getting used and being psycho. Because well, he was edgy. Still is. but to a lesser degree.)

TL;DR old vent character got an actual personality and is now self-aware because I couldn't stand him anymore.


Week 33: (Pick a character) What do they do on their free time? Do they have hobbies or have they had any in the past? What's something they wish they could put more time into (such as learning a skill, participating in some activity etc)?


chaya is running a flower shop with her wife, her favorite plants are cactuses, she would really love to have some more she can watch grow!

Taika BlueTomoshibi

I actually did a short piece on what a normal day looks like for my protagonists. 

Something that she will start putting more time into is studying traditional medicine (she finds out over the course of the novel she's in that her magic can't fix everything) 

Conifer Aorta

 Conifer skateboards! He’s actually really good at it, but he gets nervous when people start watching him. You could mistake him for a professional, because he’s been doing it for so long! It’s one of the few things he can just get lost in.

 Skiv Adiere mossyrocks

skiv likes to hunt and do archery! hunting's become less of a hobby ever since she joined the roth clan, since there needs to be enough food for everyone. archery's also more important now, since she needs to be trained with arrows to defend against long-distance attackers.

she also likes to play the flute and probably brought one with her on the journey.

Velox Kelina1080

Velox here has quite the jobs. He is a pet sitter, dog walker AND vat technician! He doesn't mind it tho as animals have always been his most trusted companions and family members. When not working he enjoys casual strolls and jogs through parks with his two pet foxes coco and paste, he also hangs out with his other archangel friends he's made during his time in the flight academy 

Variel endiria

He's a very busy person and barely has time for sleep, but when he has an opportunity, he enjoys horse riding, visiting cinemas or playing silly games 

and I'm pretty sure he would love to spend more of his free time with his boyfriend  but they can't even show up together in publicly so often, it'd be so suspicious, a detective and a murderer together rip

Natalia 4LeafRose

Likes baking pastries and sweets and has some broken dreams of owning her own coffee shop. She's completely buried the idea in the back of her mind, convinced by parental figures that such a thing is a pipedream. 


They are usually found baking,making flower chains,taking afternoon naps or looking after his pet bee (named Julia)

When they was younger they used to go hunting/fishing with their dad.and was learning to play the ukelele

He wishes he had more time to do all of this in one day however the days are far too short to his liking


Week 34: (Pick a character) What kind of impression does their appearance tend to give to others [in their worldsetting]? Is it an impression they want to give to others? Are they aware of the way people perceive them in the first place?

Taika BlueTomoshibi

I have two answers to this question as my novel has my characters hopping between two separate, but similar worlds. 

In the world that's similar to "our" earth: at an initial glance she seems a bit out of place, just someone really into anime or something with the fox ears and tail, though she can hide them with some clever clothing changes. Other than that she's just a normal college age girl. She herself feels a touch out of place, but slowly grows more comfortable to the point where she stops disguising herself and allows her ears and tail to be out in the open. 

However, in the world she came from she feels even more out of place than "our" world. This is due to a stigma surrounding her element. People give her strange looks and it ostracized her from what should have been her own society. It's something very hard for her to cope with, but she eventually learns to ignore it and be her best self. 

 Zero confusedthing

Most of my OCs are okay with the impression they give, some even consciously convey a certain image, so let's go with someone who isn't.

Zero is very self-conscious about his appearance. He is fairly tall and towers over most people a fair bit, has the scar on his face and some strange glow among his "cracked" skin, that is visible on his arms and parts of his neck (technically it's all over his body but that's nothing you usually see, for obvious reasons)... so a lot of people find him intimidating or scary (though maybe not as repulsive as he thinks). He is very much aware of this and has now come to "warn" people before he approaches them, in an effort to minimize the initial shock. Although that generally is a polite thing to do, ofc.

He hates the impression his looks give off and for his work he usually changes his appearance to match people's comfort levels. Still, he is a bit conflicted about his private life. Because on one hand he does not want to have to change his appearance in order to get along with people, on the other he doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.