✿ Show Me an OC you're passionate about

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 4 months ago) by Tsubasa Hattori BlueQuill

(If I messed something up with this Thread, please tell me waaa)

Have I always wanted to start a thread like this? Yep yep!

So, greetings! I have always wanted to see the kind of OCs that people have put time and effort into developing their backstories, and all the little things that make their character THEIR character. I always think it's oh so fun to read and feel the love an owner has for a specific character, no matter how dark or fluffy it may be. So in this thread you may:

- Simply post your OC! Ask me to read their profile!

- Ask for headcanons

- Talk about why, as a creator, you love your OC

- Ask for assistance with developing your OC!!

- Feel free to interact with each other, too!!

I just want to start a discussion! Heck, I can even comment on your OC as a character of mine if you would like that. Simple rules!


Please please PLEASE do not spam the thread! If you want to show your OC, do it in one message, please!

Be respectful!

If your OC is.. morally unsound (IE, your character is Racist, Homophobic, etc) PLEASE state that! Some people may not want to accidentally walk into an OC with those traits. That being said, I will still check out the OC. 

Minor explanation: These topics make people highly uncomfortable, so I understand not having someone to talk to it about it.


Have a good day, and have fun!!

Extra thing, but if you notice that there is a conversation going on, but you aren't postinposting to be a part of it, simply put a small (Conversation Divergent) mark at the begining of your post, and I will understand! That being said, feel free to ignore the following, though it is for the OC above.

NOTE!! If you would like to check out the OC in the IC, please take note of the Trigger Warnings in the Warning Popup!! I know some people turned that feature off (I have too due to misuse, which is why I'm mentioning this lol), so I wouldn't want to upset anyone!!

Tsubasa is a HUUGE comfort OC right now. He deals with a couple of the issues I do, but he is also a very fun ccharacter to both write and roleplay. Sometimes he's the character that my subconscious decided to focus on, and I have dreams about him. Currently, my Discord icon is actually of a still frame of my icon here on TH (he's covering his mouth, hehe). And all around.. though a Danganronpa OC, he's still just as much fun, attached to a fandom or not. Which is amazing, because I have a horrible track record with losing my love for fandom OCs.

 Luci Malvon arezcore

Luci was one of my first actual ocs and I just love developing his goofy personality and I always love just doodling and drawing him! He's just so fun and energetic and is a little bundle of joy which makes me always happy. And I just love making little headcanons and trivia and talking about him ^-^ 

Sparrow fettuwuccine

im just-i care him 🥺

i think he's cute and i love writing his story lol


I could not reply eariler because I was running on no sleep, but now that I have gotten it-

cracks knuckles I'm replying to everyone

especially since genshin impact is just,, downloading slowly

Caelestis Solaestial

how can i even express how much i love him fgkhfjfhsk he's like. the sun to my solar system. everything beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, perfect. HEL P

tbh it seems like his profile might be getting a bit too bloated at this point, but i just love adding to it whenever i think of things so much,, at first he was just like 'how can i make the most self-indulgent character physically possible' which tbh was definitely successful, but now that i've got that pretty much done with, i've been mostly focused on fleshing him out and stuff, and gahh it's just so satisfying too see how far he's come compared to when i wasn't even sure what his basic personality was like. practically any time i post it's something related to him and i'm kinda afraid the people who have to see him all the time are probably tired of him, but i just can't help it AAAAA

i also have samir who i made a lot more recently and i reallyyyy love him too,, (although caelestis still has an easy no. 1 haha) he's also made to be very self-indulgent, but in a different sorta way from caelestis. i'm really satisfied with how his development has been going so far tbh, and while i'm still struggling slightly to get a complete grasp on him, i think i'm slowly getting there!! i've just been finding him such an interesting character to think about fjldgkhfj and he's just getting more and more endearing to me aaaaaa



You're welcome so much?? I honestly adore more in depth discussions of characters due to the nature of both my writing and how I tend to interpret the world around me. I pour that both into how I write, and how I build up characters. So, I tend to go a little wild when it comes to character analysis, but,,,, I cannot help it, it's one of my favorite things to disect a character in a more analytical way and pick apart what makes this character how they are, y'know? Very fun. I'm a writing nerd tho so, walks away carefully

Spoilering because hoo boy I write

YES!!! High fives and gummy bears for the winn

But yeah, that's a good way to keep the tone of the cat!! Mysterious! It keeps the onlooker curious, and wanting to figure out what exactly is their significance. What kind of world did they come from?? Why are they cybernetic? What do they think of Dakota? It's just.. uuww it's kept vauge enough to spark questions, but thorough enough to make it so the reader can also draw their own conclusions as they go? Yknow, like a story well written. Just saying.

Also, I didn't think of this last night because it was literally one am, but I'm here laughing about the thought of the cat speaking one day and they just have like,, this SUPER husky voice. Like it's fucking ridiculous, haha. Dakota just stares down at this tiny cat like im sorry, WHAT?! BUT DAKOTA, BEING DAKOTA WOULD BE EXCITED BECAUSE!!! TALKING CAT!!! God I love how she's written, don't get me started, ugh. Dakota is literally the best protagonist. Don't at me.

I can't tell if Dakota would either share with the class because she seems to have a damn near infinite bag of Gummy Bears, or just doesn't and hoards like a literal dragon. Probably the first but those are too funny to keep to myself.

Shit dude,,, just marry your own character smh my head. James is a good man but y'know.... just saying /j

Yeah I just??? Look at her profile initially and I'm WORRIED because oh god is James gonna get drafted??? Or worse?? I'll be honest I only immediately recognized the fact WWII was coming because I have a US History class and they make sure you remember bwhahaha. But omg,,,,, they have twins. I'm glad they stay safe but... oh my god my heart could not handle the thought of James going to war. I don't think Clara could either. Or their children!! But yeah the contrast between the quite Romantic 1930s and the much harsher 1940s is.. stark. But I'm so elated I can pick that up from your characters!!

Yeah her voiccccccccccccccccccccccccc... ah! I fell asleep! Bwahaha please I'm having too much fun typing these responses. Oh! Personal question, but how do you find voice claims? It's one of the things I struggle to do, ahah.

And honestly, I don't blame you? History is very, very interesting to study, if kind of to an upsetting degree. Because we live in a (debatably) better Era, looking back and seeing all that's happened prior is- well, it's a trip. But I can feel the amount of research you put into both Clara and James, which is oh so.. *chef's kiss*

Oh so she herself was a flapper at some point! Honestly that makes a lot of sense for both her character and the era :00 . But.. elegant dresses.... sobs. She probably looks really good in super elegant dresses tbh. Also just saying she can pull off a suit probably very well. Don't at me, pt2. But also her having that streak of independence is just.. AUGH IT FITS HER CHARACTER SO WELL I AM METAPHORICALLY SHAKING YOUR SHOULDERS IN A CONGRATULATORY MANNER BECAUSE IT WO R K S. I can see Clara existing as a person despite not being from the era myself (or am i?), and it's an amazing feeling that she's so realistic.

That's so cool that you went from watching a movie for fun to oh my god thats what James needs. Its like you had your lightbulb epiphany moment, lol. I'm not one to watch movies, but if I ever come across Singin' In the Rain.. who knows, I just might. Also the two-toned shoes are very pretty. A bit of a childish comparison, but they reminded me of Oreos bwahaha. I can imagine on the quieter nights whilst its raining, James arrives home after having left to have a business chat or something, and the primary indicator is his shoes tapping on the wooden floor. It brings a smile to Clara's face because her husband is both home, and he is safe. Just a small thing I couldn't help but envision :)

Also YES!!! I fucking.. adore Gymnopédie No.1 dude. I've been listening to a version of it on YouTube with rain and it's been helping me sleep. Now I can listen to James play >:)

Dude I love their chemistry so much, cries. They have no right being that well made for each other.

Also yeah!! I kinda saw him as the occasional wine type, but I also wasn't sure if he was more of like, a whiskey person or y'know, maybe something heavier. I feel like the time during the Prohibition gave him a sort of acquired taste. But Clara liking the faint smell of smoke on him is.... *chef's kiss ×2*. Of course it's not healthy AT ALL, but this was the 1930s and everything back then was much less safe. Looking at you, Cocaine Cough Drops.

I can imagine the absolute continuous trial and error to get the grid to work in a good way and.. head in hands, I respect you for that my gosh. Her colors are just,,,, uhgh so good. I cry. I will cry. I am crying while looking at your character, she is everything. But I'll consider it! I just have to spend another five hours debating what the hell I would even draw bwhahaha we'll see, we'll see.

Oh actually, I know it's probably in part due to her easy going nature, and probably a sort of "ah, why the hell not" sorta attitude, but what made her get body modifications anyways? I cannot believe I didn't ask this last night, ugh.

And oh?? That's real neat?? Tbh I've always considered that Dakota could literally meet everyone mentioned above but just have to maybe interact from a far? Well, I feel the portals lead to worlds stuck in time periods or with certain gimmicks, but not completely correlated to her own world. I'm saying this because Dakota meeting Synthia sounds too funny. Please. Dakota would probably give her a bag of Gummy Bears after about a couple of minutes because "yeah, you're cool I guess". Synthia's just confused for a moment but then just.. "oh ok." IM SORRY THAT'S JUST TOO FUNNY.

YES!!! Yes absolutely I just.. Synthia and cyat. Yes.

Also, Tessa? Pretty pog dude.

But yeah your characters were EXTREMELY fun to read through, so I just had to give you another long comment for the props man. Subbing for this, absolutely. It's ten hours later, but I hope you're having a good day as well!!




But also she's a pretty neat character design and I love her colors :00

I wanna give her a cookie cause she seems so neat

Thanatos lophiusdragon

[body horror warning for extra eyes]

hes so cool and so pretty and so mysterious

he has a lot of tropes i like such as fancy edgelord and cold ham and jerk with a heart of gold (example of heart of gold he is very sweet to those he cares about [but only those he cares about])

Gaea is so cute and fluffy [body horror warning for extra eyes and extra mouths]

i like how i made her different from conventional life goddess, shes also the goddess of the hunt, and is also more neutral aligned (shes chaotic neutral)

Lophius is my sona and self insert character and she likes bugs

Lycidra is my bugsona and she is so cute she is a trilobite beetle dragon

Adriel Tudor Jayp1x

(Warning for if you read his bio: Kro is a drug addict and his backstory mentions child abuse)

The Reawle brothers both hold a special place in my heart, but Krobus especially. He's currently my oldest active OC and I still keep adding little things to him whenever something comes to mind. I am also very amused by the fact that he's basically become reverse Elsa at this point.


i totally get you! breaking things down and getting an understanding or a new perspective on a character can be so fun, and sometimes you can take bits of those analysis.. es.. and apply them to your own works and ideas later on. and hey you're welcome to analyze my characters any time xD 

 i WILL say, just for funsies... saturn has taken a liking to dakota, she's very fond of her ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_normally i'd let the art speak for the facts but i don't drawn saturn very much so! i will give you that one xD 

THAT IS HILARIOUS ASDKJLKFJKLSDF, that kinda reminds me of this video of this cat with a throat condition so it's meow is Extremely deep. so just, that tone of meow except its entire full words and sentences lol. i did at some point throw around the idea of the cat getting some kind of voice modulator that allows it to be understood in other languages, like english. can you imagine if it had different voice banks? one of which, naturally, being the deep husky voice. She can dramatically narrate their adventures, like sports commentator meets movie trailer announcer. This sounds so ridiculous, but I love it xD Dakota would Absolutely freak out if her cat started talking, I think she might pass out from the excitement. Who DOESN'T want to hold a conversation with their pet?

I am @'ing you just to tell you how much i love and appreciate your opinions (≧ヮ≦)ノ*:・゚♥

[image: dakota, in a dragon kigurumi, sitting atop one of several decent piles of gummy bears. hopefully i will draw this at some point soon because i Need this visualized somewhere that isn't my own brain]


you have   a point   /j

there did used to be an AU from one of their earlier iterations where james got drafted (whether it ended with him dying or surviving depending on my mood on any given day >8) so i Suppose there were two variations of this AU!) , but i'm still not sure if I want to carry it over. on the other hand.... I Live For Angst and i did at least one drawing for it. it hurts so much to break these characters apart like that, but it also hurts so good xD HMMMM

honestly i just consume media as normal and if i find a voice i particularly like, i run it through my characters that still need voices to see if i vibe with any matches. and if i don't, i write it down so when i make new characters, i can have some ideas. sometimes voices just pop into my head and i spend years looking for a match, or looking for where my brain heard that voice for in the first place. sometimes i'm revisiting old media i haven't enjoyed in a while, i hear a voice, and i go "oh shit that could be [character]". sometimes i even take suggestions, like I've gotten suggestions for Synthia (she is,,, basically at the top of my 'voice claims wanted' list rn) that go from "rebecca sugar" to "sadie from steven universe" to even just My Own Voice, which side-note it's really cool that someone headcanons my character to sound like me xD not sure how much i vibe with them though, so i'm still looking. it's really hard finding good voice claims and it can be a slow-going process but if nothing else it gives me one more reason to watch new shows and play new games and look up people's 'voice claim headcanons' videos on youtube, to see what they've found. although when it comes to the vintage stuff it's basically all on me, vintage OCs are a rarity and voice headcanons for them are even moreso ; w ; so yeah i don't blame you for having a hard time with it, and i wish i had more to offer in the way of advice. but hopefully there's something to gather here!

it really is! and it can be interesting to see what was idealized and used for escapism back in those Not So Great times, and it's interesting how some of it still holds up in today's Not So Great times. I think 2020 has really strengthened my love of 1930's musical films as a result, the great depression escapism still works 80 years later xD it can also be annoying to see how things have not fucking changed, especially comparing the plague outbreak of 1918 to covid... hhhhhhh

ironically, for someone who doesn't like being seen in casual or men's clothes... she does indeed pull off a suit quite well.   fun fact: that is an earlier version of james' outfit! i should redraw that to match the current designs. but thank you! i am so ridiculously happy you like her characterization   (lowkey if you ARE some kind of immortal from the time period... you owe me an in-depth interview, i need the details and the first person accounts of living in that era a s a p   )


yup! inspiration can strike anywhere, anytime. as for the film itself, i recommend it, it's a fantastic movie! it's widely regarded as one of the best musicals, and while it was made in the 50's it takes place in the 1920's when talkies - movies with actual, in-time dialogue - were invented. it stars Gene Kelly, one of the best dancers out there, and the supporting cast is all phenomenal. the music will be rattling around in your head for weeks, and the music/dance sequences are STUNNING. it's one of my favorites, i cannot recommend it enough. i wish i'd known about it sooner :') 

oreo shoes.... that is a comparison i will remember forever lmao

[starts crying] thats,,, whole,s,some,,,,,, ,,,,, i want,,, to write a short lil story about that now,,,, ; o ; i can't write long stuff for crap but i've found i really enjoy writing short n sweet moments, just individual scenes with a lot of heart to them. i have a NEED-

this is my favorite video featuring the song, the crispness of the rain and the distance of the music is really calming. plus, in-line with imagining james playing, one could imagine they're just one or two apartments away from his as he practices on a wet spring afternoon, both parties having their windows open, allowing the music to echo through the ancient building as well as drift through one window up and into the next.

Whiskey was more his speed back during his bootlegging days. Don't tell anyone, but he might snag a sip of it on special occasions just for ol' times sake. There's lotsa homemade brews from that time that he'd love to get his hands on again, though. Lots of folks put their own little spins on things, really made it their own, and the equipment itself can make a difference too. I wonder if he never got professionally into hollywood, if he woulda opened his own little pub somewhere, hosting various unique drinks from his old pals.

Ah, the days of putting cocaine in so many different medicines. Maybe we should go back to that, can't worry about a cough when i feel like i can shoot crows out of my hands  


Super appreciated! <3 I remember the first time I drew her, I had to figure out the grids themselves AND how they'd work in perspective x u x but i guess once you do something the hardest way, it just gets easier from there, right? 

in the future, body mods are pretty easy to get, and she REALLY likes the idea of customizing things to fit her - body and genetics included! (you'll notice how everything she owns, in one way or another, matches her aesthetic - she's even had her walkman customized to her favorite colors xD) it started with her choice to upgrade from regular robotic prosthetics to the hologram ones, they're state-of-the-art, super customizable, and the closest thing on the market to having organic limbs. it was half done out of convenience, half out of intrigue into the customization and how she could change them to fit her aesthetics. then once the procedure was over and she got the hang of using them, she decided to go after some cosmetic changesdeciding she was done dying her hair and having it changed. her eyes followed shortly after. looking good makes you feel good, and she thinks she looks radical. B) so in short: she got addicted to looking cool lmao

OH SYNTHIA AND DAKOTA??? YEAH???? YEAH?????? I LOVE IT. the GIRLS, they are out here V I B I N G. there's billions of possible universes 'kota could visit, but i love the idea of her and her crew ending up in the DCB. I think she'd have to be physically held back from getting some body mods herself xD she and synthia would def get along though, there will be plentiful amounts of both gummy bears and chill vibes. 

big danke, in regards to your comment about tessa B) 


thank you x100 for everything! hope i answered all your questions ^ _ ^ i've been having a hard time artistically lately and i haven't written in months, but this conversation has given me a bunch of fun ideas to explore, and the motivation to actually do so! what a lovely way to spend another evening! the sub would be super appreciated, and i hope you're having a lovely time whenever you see this.  

Michael Pomegranarchy

No current OC of mine comes close to Michael. I've got pretty much everything about him figured out, and he's in my thoughts very often! He's a bit of a comfort character, and if I ever find myself bored or emotionally down I end up thinking, drawing, or writing about him. I adore him bunches and I always love it when people praise or draw him. He is a himbo, and I am obsessed.

His backstory does contain emotional abuse, neglect, and mention of death, though his profile doesn't go into visceral detail. 

Kuya adultfear

For me it has to be this boy; I've had him for maybe 1-2 yrs by this point, but I really only started thinking about him and his story early this year, when the campaign he was a PC in had to come to an abrupt end. I wanted to finish his story elsewhere because the themes he deals with are important to me - issues like race in TTRPG gaming, struggles related to family, etc. I'm also pretty attached to the NPCs in the story-world he became a part of, and I wanted to give him and his partner the ending that they didn't have in-game.

He's also fairly sociable and talkative, both traits I could use some real improvement on, and his generally caring and positive approach towards other people is something I really enjoy both being able to RP and write!

Dexter Davekat softplush

despite him only having one image so far in his gallery, i have been absolutely OBSESSED with dexter davekat here. yes he is a davekat fanchild, and yes his parents gave him the last name davekat cause dave thought it was funny. cringe culture is dead!

he's a half troll half human hybrid, possibly the only one of his kind, since he's the only non ecto-baby in my nextgen. he's really reserved and doesnt really like talking to people, and has a very huge hyperfixation on stereotypically edgy media. think shadow the hedgehog, monster by skillet, as well as shit like rocketchu and "i have a dark side" type art youd find on deviantart. he just loves that shit. he probably kins shadow the hedgehog honestly

i tend to project onto him given the fact both he and i have autism, except he's more courageous to show his "cringy" interests in stride instead of me ctfvgbhjnk. i love him with all my heart and i hope he knows hes loved by every ex edgy teen out there

Oliver (comfortsona) pigeoncore

Oliver is a sweet guy that I designed a few years ago, so he's very prehistoric in terms of quality. He actually belonged to my friend for a while, but she never drew him and we both felt bad, so I took him back. I finally decided to draw him, and since his design is so simple, I can't stop! Drawing him is so calming lol

👑 Drago 👑 KingDrago

I'm still working on him as a mascot and a personal character but I'd love some assistance, headcanons, or feedback! :0