Ill give your character a song

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by zocens

EDIT - sorry if I take a while, I'm starting to get really unmotivated to do this :,) I'll do them all at some point and if you favorite the character below I'll prioritize you, i'm sorry, these just take me a while and I am starting to get overwhelmed haha..


I know everyone does this but I wanna try it myself :) anyone who comments will get a song based on their character- keep in mind that I do NOT have a very diverse music taste and its all 2000s rock/pop tbh but yeah! I'll try my best!

also may delete this thread if I get overwhelmed but we'll see if anyone comments in the first place tbh HAHA

I will do EVERYONE as quick as I can since everytime I put my character in these things I never get responses lol

If you enjoy your song, it would mean a lot if you could maybe leave a fav on my character Nephelle :) This is optional of course but it would mean a lot! :D



HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO FITTING FOR REINER!!! it's alright that it's mcr, i really like their stuff anyway :0!!! BUT OMLLLLL THIS FITS HIM SO DAMN WELL, EVEN THE LYRICS JUST GO SO SO WELL WITH HIS STORY IT'S SO..... [chef's kiss] especially the part of the line where it goes " 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you " hits SO hard to reiner that it's just??? Like?? HOLY HECK and especially since he like... felt that way too when he lost his creators and stuff... and especially now that he's in an abusive setting....... 

really happy that you like his story tho!!! and luckily, he gets a bit of a happy ending (not included into his backstory but i'mma add it soon), but he still struggles a lot with the trauma and everything and all the manipulation and abuse that he had to take in...... he still has his happy, optimistic spirit luckily despite everything that he's gone through... and even if he still suffers from it in that place he still had his happy spirit no matter what... BUT REEEEE TYSMSMSMSMSMMSMMMM

Zinkyzor any of em


kishael AHH I'M SO HAPPY YOU LIKE THE SONG!! :D and omg- I thought of it RIGHT away when I read his backstory! the whole thing with him leaving the people he loved just really reminded me of it? DFSJDSKJ and AA i'm happy things work out for him in the end :D !! (ALSO I LOVE YOUR PFP-)


:00 thank you thats a very good song and I think it fits her!!

Cassidy Opthedragon

I’m really curious what you think a good song would be for Cassidy! I’m always looking to add new songs to his playlist ^^

(also, I recommend checking the ‘more info / references’ tab if you need some more background stuff on him)

edit: thank you for the song suggestion!! I definitely get some Cassidy vibes from it :D


I’m curious to see what song it is~


sorry for taking forever on these- I kind of forgot- sorry lol

Whyme123 for Carlos, this in unrelated to most of the other ones but I thought of that song Panic Room by Au/Ra - not sure why! :0

@Fukase-VOCALOID-boi Based on the design I was thinking Caraphernelia by Pierce the Veil :)

Opthedragon cool character! maybe Partners in Crime by Set it Off- It probably doesn't make sense but the overall vibe matches too in my opinion :)

N30ND3M0N5 Based on the design, maybe Duality by Slipknot ! I really don't know why, it just reminded me of it!! :) I don't really even listen to Slipknot that often actually haha

Hopefully you all like your songs!! Some of them are really random so sorry if they don't match lol


Fukase-VOCALIOD_boi ^^^ messed up tag, sorry

 Flare Moonlight-Selkie

i have this gal hear :)

Darian AsagiriToge

Consider Darian or Akira?

Coco starpowder

how about this little gremlin? :3c her profile is a bit updated so it's just best if you use her pictures as a reference akljdsklfdf

🧿 Unni 🧿 TheBlueCracker

anything come to mind lookin at him?

Malorith ThatStrongBurger

How about something for this gal? >:D