How do your character panic?

Posted 2 years, 1 day ago by Feufeu

Okay, let's imagine your character get on a pretty oofy situation and they start to panicking. What do they look like? Are they just standing here, sweating intensely, while having a internal mental breakdown? Or they gonna yell at everyone without any sense, or, in another way, will just act perfectly normal? 

It's kinda a weird question but I'm curious lol

Destiny (Haruka) VIVIDAS

Her face would turn something like this, not only that, there's a chance her inner hair would glow white, though that's a bad sign since it's in the stage of "Serene's cry" to the point she would start screech so damn loud.

If it's not in the stage of "Serene's cry", then she would just scream, not very loud though, and she would just run around.

Raen Qearene LiaC

She would be an absolute mess. Her emotions are already all over the place due to what happened to her, so if she falls into a state of panic, trying to calm her down would be near impossible. She would ramble non-stop and might accidentally hurt someone without knowing. A comforting hug unfortunately won't work since she won't be able to feel it.

If words can reach her, she could calm down overtime.

Saiph Atlas (ffxiv au) zidanetribal

ok like younger / ix saiph would just have a complete and utter breakdown whenever in direct danger + hide in some tight space or corner (that or go a bit haywire with his magic properties) it might actually be a bit more difficult to tell as he gets older. though he copes with it a little better, a bad panic attack can really get to him, especially anything having to do with some. less than Fantastic moments in his life or, in the case of this au, experiencing some good ol fun and awesome visions

he almost gets a little. tight. like in his voice and body language. if he's on his own and he feels nobody will be coming around anytime soon he absolutely will allow himself to break down like his younger self but if he's with people he might be a bit jumpier than usual. maybe a lil shaky and even teary-eyed. definitely less lively than any other time

to anyone who knows how to deal with these kinds of episodes of his, in his youth or adulthood, he'll become very close with them 90% of the time and won't bat at em if they're trying to calm him with some kind of hug or gentle assurance

vinn vinny

vinny would prob shut down?? baby doesnt handle feelings well and so he tries to avoid them LOL-- he would freeze and become overwhelmed by his emotions-- his legs would feel weak and he wouldn't know what to do. 

if he's in battle, then he may end up going into a frenzy. all he knows is how to fight, so he ends up listening to his instincts and throwing away rationality. he'd fight no matter how many wounds he's littered with and keep going until he's physically unable to.

if it's not battle-related, then he'd just shut down mentally. he wouldn't speak and try to dissociate, detaching himself from his emotions. he'd cover his ears and close his eyes so he wouldn't hear or see anything and so he wouldn't be set off by anything. but if he were with people he trusts, he'd let it out and cry, maybe almost throwing a mini tantrum since he doesn't know how to handle his feelings properly!

Scott Errn

Scott really struggles with anxiety, so he reaches points of panic a bit more often than a person usually would. 

So what does he do? Pace around talking erratically while shaking more violently than a washing machine with a brick thrown into it. Even with being well into his 30s, his voice ends up cracking like he's 15, but he hardly even notices it over his racing thoughts. He does get snappy at other people though, which will usually cause people to just walk away from him, but thankfully if Scott's husband is around, he'll help calm Scott down.

Dimas FatedOfTime

He starts sweating when he panics and smiles nervously. He stutter and disown what he is being told. And if go further, he can easily faint

Sebi Yllojoy

When Sebi panics, witch is pretty rare, she instantly froze up, before running away (well, she does not run, but slides since her lower body is a snake's body).

That caused her a lot of problems before.

Grace Marsh mysterious_balto

Grace becomes very sweaty, especially at her palms and underarms. She also gets the shakes real bad. When she was younger, she would freeze when frightened or panicked, but now she fights like hell; like a cornered animal with nothing to lose, which makes her dangerous in a fight, because with a mindset like that, she has no regard with the damage she does to herself, meaning anything goes when she's trying to hurt the other person or defend herself.

Grace's alter, the Boogeyman, is much like her, but twice as brutal. To some degree, humans naturally have some restraint to stop you from hurting yourself with your own strength — it's why your brain won't let you bite through your own tongue, for example. But Boogeyman has none of that. When he fronts, he's vicious. Panic for him brings out something twice as horrible as anger because, like Grace, he will fight like hell when he panics. Grace has woken up with cracked teeth, broken bones and other kinds of (sometimes irreversible) damage when Boogeyman has fronted.

Ayano Noguchi GameGeek002

She straight up faints. 

Withered Rose Cookie AgentRose

Black Rose Cookie panics very easily, using their Gatling Thorn to deter threats away from them with non-lethal thorn shots if they must attack. 

However, if they manage to get triggered, specifically gaining excessive energy from energy drinks or being reminded of the blood moon event, they will instead opt to fire larger, more painful thorns while having their pupils shrink in a frenzy. 

Benxi NinjaNightCrawler

Benxi will begin hyperventilating or whimpering, and if bad enough, he'll begin to cry and scream hysterically and throw himself on the floor. Often, he's unable to breathe when having a panic attack, so as soon as he feels a surge of panic, he often tries to distract himself with something else. Even his siblings and parents try to calm him down.