Show Me Your Criminals

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

From the seediest back alleys to the opulent pent houses and offices of the most lavish towers to even the house next door to behind the highest offices of some governments or companies. There's one common element that binds all these places together and it's as much a part of human nature as anything else. Crime. From things as simple as stealing food to survive to some crimes which could be considered especially heinous. From the most petty misdemeanors to the vicious felonies. Criminals exist in all strata of daily life. Some have been caught and others are still at large. That's where this thread comes into play. This thread is for criminals of all shapes and forms. From all settings from the most fantastical, the most futuristic, the most contemporary? It doesn't matter. If you have yourself a character who is or was a criminal in some shape or form. Have they been caught for shop lifting and had to pay a fine? Assassinated a head of state and is on the run? Committed some unspeakable act and is now waiting on death row...or worse? Perhaps they were never caught at all? This is the thread for them. 

There are some rules however

  1. Given the nature of this thread there is a very real chance some seriously sensitive topics might come up? While this thread won't be marked as mature, as not all crimes might be particularly nasty, be smart in what you talk about and how. For example. For sensitive subjects please black out the text like this. Example text. Along with that. This thread will be less to recount the vivid graphic details of the crime and more simply letting people know what they did. For example. You can have a character that maybe be a serial killer. Try to frame it as just that. Saying what they are and maybe alluding to some of their crimes but keep any actual descriptions vague and PG-13 at worse. We don't need to know about particularly graphic details of a person's crimes. 
  2. Try not to romanticize what your character did if they did something particularly awful. By which, I mean, if say your character is a war criminal don't try to describe their crimes in a good light for example. There are exceptions to this rule such as the aforementioned stealing to eat but things such as war crimes, sexual assault, serial murder, or crimes against children? Don't frame those things as good or noble. 
  3. You can either post your characters one at a time or as a group in an OOC post. Post options are perfectly valid. Just try not to dominate an entire page with your characters. So if you are posting a few on their own? Try to only do three at a time and let more people post in the interim before you go back to going one at a time.
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person B posts
    Person C posts
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    Person E posts
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    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts
    Person A posts

  4. Be respectful and don't cause drama. If someone breaks these rules please let me know and I or the admins will handle the situation.

    Now that that's out of the way? Let's bring out the line-up.

Current Ban List:

  • None, let's keep it that way. 
Halley Glowsticks damascus

Halley is a supervillain, and the second half of Team Trepanner. He an his partner Artemis dabble in petty crime and mayhem, usually bank robbery, destruction of property, and just being annoying in general. While Artemis is both the brawn and brains of the team, Halley is... the lightshow, I guess?

Prada is also a petty criminal, though in this case his deal is stealing fancy cars. He got caught and served 15 years in prison for it, missing most of his young daughter's childhood. As a result of the social ostracization that she was familiar with in her childhood, of other kids knowing her dad was a prisoner, Armani also turned to crime to "get back" at her parents.

Nana just loves to steal from Hot Topic, which is really the least of his offenses, the foremost of which is "existing."

Kenneth JayBird375

Kenneth belongs to a goth assassins guild and is a thief, murder, arsonist (he really loves fire), and a fugitive from the dictatorial regime that took over his empire.

Cobalt is also a criminal. He likes to steal things just for the heck of it. He’s very chaotic, but pretty dumb as well. He was my dnd character and canonically does a lot of stupid things

Nooli Nightbird gob-bee

nooli, as a shadow sorceress, was a pretty spectacularly effective thief. not petty thievery. jewel heists, weapon heists, etc. big stuff. she was the leader of a large crime family before giving it all up to go live in a frozen wasteland.

i also have a pirate (raijin). he's smuggled (anything BUT people unless it's like, they were running away. like, he and his captain/ship did NOT deal in people, but they would help people get away from bad situations).

eri has done some very light, petty thievery.

i also have a batman super villain but i don't have her profile up yet.

Antenna FleshComputer

cannibalism, murder, stalking

Alowishus Abercrombie GerardMakesWeirdArt

Alowishus is a murderer. He ended up murdering a man who he considered to be a friend, but in reality, that friend was a terrible person who abused him mentally, physically, and sexually. Alowishus killed him in order to feel free from the pain this friend constantly caused him, however, poorly planned his murder so he didn't get away with it and was incarcerated because of it. Thinking back on it, Alowishus feels pretty bad for what he did because he's constantly told he's terrible for what he's done. He most likely would never kill again.

 JIANYU Zomp1re

My cyberpunk criminal, she’s kinda like a bounty hunter in a way all in for the money and some intel

Pending manyface



My verses are full of these, I swear. <_< I love writing villains but I'm like... really off the deep end with my villains. Fair warning, there's going to be nothing but major spoiler tags from here downwards due to possibly triggering content and sheer levels of wtf/illegal.

I'm sorry my verses are like this.
Galactic war criminal right here, by very heavy technicality. Lot of alien mind cloning shenanigans absolved him of some of the guilt, but he's still majorly guilty of conspiracy and murder on many, many counts.
Almost  committed a genocide of his own species just to artificially create a  god. Now he's stuck as an AI doing routine ship operations under constant surveillance. Quite literally the most insane villain I've ever written. The fact that he's reformed.. mostly scares me more. I don't think there's ever any forgiving what he's done, but he's trying his best to amend in some ways for it.
Another here too. Handed over his first born son to a cult to cure a terminal illness his son had only to allow said cult to manage to link him to an extradimensional god being and gift him insanely strong 'magic' powers and further genetically experimented on him to turn his only son into a living bioweapon. Xenon later used his son to commit war crimes such as nearly razing an neighboring country off the map after decades of war. Also sold out to the villain above after being heavily blackmailed and betrayed not only his human wife, his son, an entire galactic peacekeeping organization, but his entire species as well. Good job, Xenon. You're the actual worst character I've ever written. At least he got killed by his own son and thrown out a space station airlock in the end.
This one backstabbed and attempted to steal the powers of a elder god after luring him into a relationship. He then used said powers to build an empire to be worshipped as a god himself and created a massive land army through enslaving bordering tribal nations before ending up going insane and turning into a reality warping monster from the powers he stole.

Cherry "Viper" Mae VioletVulpini

Cherry and her partner Wes are classic old-west outlaws, and Shiloh acts as their informant. They're more on the robin hood side of crime, though. I'd also like to show off Arlus, who comes from a crime syndicate and has a storied history of theft and violent tendencies. Also, Inoshishi, who steals discarded tech from big companies and sells them on the black market.


former juvenile delinquent, here is a list of her misdeeds. (potentially sensitive words blacked out)

-stole from shops, usually for junk food.

-stole from people on buses.

-just stole in general

-put an entire bottle of soap (+and detergent. almost put in bleach but that was when she got caught) in a fountain

-spray painted words (cuss words, slanders of political figures, and racial and gender-centered insults under the peer pressure of older teens, regretted and erased the latter later.)

-put worms in other students bags, and then stole their lunches

i don't condone her actions. they aren't cool, don't do them kids. she did it because other kids (later teens) were doing it.

 was shipped off to grandparents house, not to return until she straightened up. never did, because she made a deal with a certain celestial being, and became a magical girl.