Show me your bi/pan characters!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by Orca

There are threads for gay and lesbian characters, so now it's time to showcase bi characters! Or even pan. Or anything similar.

I haven't made up my mind on too many of my characters' sexualities, but Bozard's pan, though that's subject to flip between bi and pan because I suck at making decisions. He's one of the two.

Masumi Nirith

A good number of my characters are pan, including Masumi here. :D

Arcus ProtocolSection

Arcus here loves pretty much everyone- he can't find fault in people's appearance and he loves someone for who they are on the inside. Their gender doesn't matter to him at all. 


I got a few: Aliester, Chris, Lysande, and like 5 ppl from here lol 

 Vladimir Vladimirovich Petrov Ledokol

         ...Being an asexual myself, I tend to be too lazy to assign sexuality to my OCs but Vova here is permanently bisexual. He's either biromantic or panromantic but in the plot he strictly dates only women because if he dates a man, the poor guy's life will most likely be in danger from his homophobic underlings.


i have a LOT of them. since i identify as pan myself, it just comes naturally to me :p

Lorna Brennan Rondonu

Lorna is super bi and also i love her


... Almost everyone, actually   

 Kaleb Renigee

this is the panniest pan i have


All my bi children are here and all my pan children are here

I probably have more, but I have a lot of chars with undecided sexualities currently so they could go all sorts of ways, lol


pama be pan af, there are some others, but pama is my favorite!


Derek is bi and his sister Rachel is pan!


I've a few ^^; Pan, Bi

Gail Garm Discordia

Most of my characters a bi to varying degrees- probably due to similar input from others above since I personally have no gender preference may times my characters end up with a similar alignment.

On the other hand, I'll share this lady as I feel she is the best fit. She is pan through and through. Male, female, non-binary, anything. She's extremely superficial when it comes to partners, but gender plays no role in attractiveness to her.