Show me your dragon/half dragon characters!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 1 year, 5 months ago) by  👑 Dominique .M Lu_seabun

Please, dragon characters make me feel so happy ;w;

I'll show my babies first! He is Dominic is a half-dragon guy

Mephisto (Dragon/Beast Forms) hedgemaze

A long dragon boi

Edit: I just remembered I also have a baseball dragon and... this team mascot I guess too, haha


I got 4 of em, hell yeah dragons :D

Avani is a super cool dragon who represents the element of earth, as her name makes obvious cause it's just Earth in Hindi. A blacksmith :D
Inazuma is a cool Eastern Dragon, who represents wind, although her focus is on lightning, as her name is just Lightning in Japanese. She's got a samurai look going on and indeed is good with her sword, but isn't exactly sure what she's doing in life and all.

Meros is a cool dragon dude, he's in a band, playing guitar and doing vocals, he's pretty rad. His focus is on the band but he can also fight pretty good.
Aurora is a cool dragon mama, Meros' mama infact, but also Fancy's mama, but I'll not get into the horse side of their family here, cause yee dragon thread :p But she's a world class fighter, and while she fights less these days, she still completely loves her wife and they're super cute together.


Cerusia He is so handsome! Both designs are amazing ;o;


oh!! i have a bunch of dragons ( because dragons are rad ) but I'll give you three

Maelstrom here is just the most developed, he acts as the antagonist of the book im writing! He's a control freak who wants, no needs, to control things else he loses control himself, He's just your standard fire-breathing dragon as far as abilities go but he also has a cunning mind and scientific prowess to back it up.

Thunderhead is a grumpy ol lightning dragon that really does mean well.

Verade's a mute nature dragon who's protective of her margay family.


Oooo got few dragon and half dragon/dragonoid~






Ashari AlleycatIrony

here is ash for u! he's a thief who's very stoic and serious but is also incredibly naïve 

 Vipera AlleycatIrony

OH ALSO VIPERA (or viper) she's new so i keep forgetting she exists oops but she's a poison element dragon who's bold and has a great sense of humour!

Njal Jansen (Fafnir (magical boy form)) Caine

In his magical boy form Njal has dragon features as a result of fusing with a demon seal that belonged to a dragon! The dragonic features keep following him even in human form though since he can't unfuse with the seal like the others and things like tail or wings or horns or nails can randomly pop out and give him a lot of trouble 

Cutts aaawhyme

My Cutts is half dragon and half humanoid 

And human ... And demon ... He's a lot of things in one, but mostly just dragon 


RAWWRRR idk lol

Ginseng Taebasco

Yesss i love dragon bbies (i have more planned but for rn he is it) My weeb, Takahiro. He was a shrine guardian, but Taka is curious as heck and ended up in the mortal realm.


Ahh I wish I had more dragon babs ;w; This girly here is my dragon-sheep hybrid Saffron! She's a super fluffy mask seller who has fireproof wool and a special gravity weapon one of her close friends made her (which I'm still developing rip). 

Toast gelatto

A sweet boy.... He has some art of him as a bara dragon though hehe!!