Random OC ramblings

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by Kogami

I wanted a thread like this but couldn't find any? Let me know if there's already one.

This thread serves as the lovechild of What are you thinking [IC] and General comments thread! As in, you want to make a general comment, or any random thoughts + ramblings (and as OOC) about your characters but doesn't fit in others character discussions thread and felt like the general comments thread doesn't fit either :'D

Just share anything you want as long as it stays within this guideline:

  • This is for OOC comments only, go to the original thread this was inspired from if you want to post your thoughts while roleplaying!
  • You're free to post as OOC or IC as long as your comment is OOC. 
  • Questions, advices, suggestions or just any conversations are always welcomed~
  • Advertising your new character or projects related to your characters is fine, but try to minimize advertising anything for the purpose of profit/money like adoptables, character purge, etc.
  • No vaguing or namedrops, the latter one is only allowed if it's a positive thing.
  • I'm not sure if I would allow sensitive contents or venting/complaints here for now but at the very least try to keep it minimum or put it under spoiler or black text. Label it for safety. (NSFW automatically not allowed.)
  • Be nice and respect each other!!
  • Post as often as you want as long as it doesn't clog the thread!

See also:

Lawrence Winchester PicklePantry

I should've named him Gunner and now I am U P S E T


PicklePantry just make that his nickname! :D!

 Layla Aguronth somniferousmist

I can't believe I actually made more art of her than my other OCs saldkfjakf I feel bad, but at the same time I want to develop her more. Too bad I'm too much of an introvert to actually create a post of myself and ask people for HCs or roleplay...wheeze...


Most of what I do w my characters is daydreaming about them and worldbuilding, I don’t draw them very much and I’m trying to get back into writing abt them but like.

I recently remembered that shipping OCs (adm just having them be friends!) is a thing and I am.... craving.... so bad bro. I get to daydream abt characters and possibly help w stories and development w/o having to own them? I can just do that? like hhh blease 

Lo Cliodna

No-one, including me, is able to figure out what this guys' alignment is and it's driving me nuts because it would determine how well he's actually able to utilize The Soulstealer. Ask the DM or party members for aid - they just say I should know best, which I suppose is fair as he's my character. So I ran him through every alignment-quiz I could find online and even those couldn't come to a proper conclusion. 

Not to say there aren't any strong contenders. Easydamus's quiz says he's true neutral. Buzzfeeds' says Lawful Neutral. Some weird quiz says Neutral Good with True Neutral as second Another quiz says Neutral Good as well. One outlier says Chaotic Evil. Yet another claims Lo's in fact a Chaotic Neutral Human Rogue. 

Personal attempts to narrow things down say he's got elements of True Neutral, Neutral Good and Chaotic Good, but he'd even have some elements of Lawful Evil which all just sums up what I already knew i.e. I get really frustrated by the DnD alignment system. Morality should show itself through personality and gameplay not be defined to one neat little square.

Matina Libbec

wtf do i do with this character??? what do i give her as a magical power?????? for now im either thinking plant powers buuuuuuuut that's kinda boring. maybe i can give her a power that relates to plants but can do other things? idk

 Hakim Burnett Vapor

finally getting off my ass with this guy! might draw him a bad mspaint........ might write him a couple pieces of literature......... i'm really excited to use him after, like, 3-4 years of ignoring him lol


I've recently been thinking about developing a relationship of some kind between Leviathan and Asmodeus. They were always the more underdeveloped ones out of all my demon characters, so I thought making a connection with the two would be interesting! It's definitely helped me give the two more depth to their characters besides being simple "villains." They also have a nice blue aesthetic going on which is a plus lol 


Found a way to add this cool drop-down thing on my OCs' bios 8)


....Now to update all 15 characters with them-