OCs whose name/pronouns people always get wrong

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by fuelli

Show me your characters whose name and/or pronouns people always get always wrong! Because we all know that's the kind of thing that happens, be it on the website itself (esp. forum games), off-site, or even in real-life! Are some characters of yours more prone to this than others, and why/how? And how do you usually reacts when it happens?

Screwy bloodybuzzard

this guy is my number one sona, literally just me, and, despite having my pronouns in my bio on EVERYTHING, people still refer to him (and me) as she.

the excuse i always get is that his pink makes him look to "effeminate".

Please,,,, the pronouns are right there,,,,,

Connor poicyss

Long hair = Girl, right? Nah, he's just a werewolf!

Gavin Everkill Jules

While Ridley is indeed cisgender male, Ridley goes by it/its pronouns. It won't react to he/him, she/her or even they/them (unless it's a plural they/them). 

Viktor Lechet Lechet

His name's pronounced Le-shay, not Lech-et! I even get it wrong sometimes. 

 🎣 Addison 🎣 aantlers

Almost every time I post Addison anywhere people always think she's a fella cos of her scruff!

edit: i'm laughing id idn't know changing the image to one with a watermark would...post it like that whoops

Xiomara NikyleProductions

Her name is supposed to be pronounced (ZA-mar-ra) but I've heard people say (X-mara), I sometimes do that lol

Also I have Khatija, and her name gets misspelled as Khadija cuz that's the more common version of her name. And a lot of people never know how to pronounce her name, it's (Ka-tea-ja)

Guki Sæther HistoryAddict

People would always say He or She and they  are a They and it makes me very sad- this was before i made a TH for them but still- They are a They and They will steal your kneecaps if you misgender them

unnamed uranirum_repository

For some reason everyone thinks I'm a dude! I have no idea why (。﹏。*)

Quolley Bishop Wasuremono

People sometimes find it difficult to read his name, I think it's okay because in my language it sounds really strange. But the most disappointing thing was when my friend whose OC is Quolley's friend said me that during 1.5years she thought thas his name was Qowley (In my language sounds like kou instead of kuo. I was laughing long and we both were astonished 🤡