OCs whose name/pronouns people always get wrong

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by fuelli

Show me your characters whose name and/or pronouns people always get always wrong! Because we all know that's the kind of thing that happens, be it on the website itself (esp. forum games), off-site, or even in real-life! Are some characters of yours more prone to this than others, and why/how? And how do you usually reacts when it happens?

 Dylan Tinybars

I guess this is partly my fault for not knowing but it never crosses my mind that Dylan is actually supposed to be pronounced as d-"i"-lan and not d-"I"-lan (strong I as in the pronoun). Either way I refuse to hear it any other way than d-"I"-lan (for HIM only that is) and it really baffled me the few times I heard how other people pronounce that name. I'm stubborn and my mind just won't accept it since it's already now registered there sighhh...

I also notice that for Vaugn, people keep typing in the "h" like Vaughn but he never actually has an "h" in his name. I don't blame them though Vaughn is the more common spelling variation. I also have no strong reason why I picked Vaugn I just saw it in a random naming site that happened to have no "h" in it when I first read. Honestly, it's not a big deal to me and they both sound the same anyway. I'll let people realize when they realize it. Close enough 😂

For the one that actually bothers me a little bit was Souffle. Yeahh.... I think it has to do with the fact her breed is associated to be masculine, but yes she's very much a girl. I wouldn't mind if they refer to her with 'they' pronouns but 'he' pronouns? I'm very understanding but I won't lie that it ticks me off a bit. I just want the stereotype to die ya know huhu

Sketcher ThornShadow

Hits both boxes. His name is Sketcher and that is very similar to a popular shoe brand so ppl confuse them a lot. Also he's got a feminine body type so ppl tend to guess "she" a lot.

Doichi Geiger

He gets called she :(  i stole “Doichi” from my friend’s friend’s nickname, who is a he lol 

Doichi also has long hair and a feminine-look? I guess??? I don’t know but he gets called she a lot by multiple people so far

Pagdaya MechanicalHoundz

My own dang fault for having an oc with a Filipino name when I’m white af. In my defense my BF chose th name and he IZ Filipino so.

I believe it iz Pag-Day-ah. Might be Pag-Dye-ah

Edit: Dye-Ah

Pakeu Digitalpinkie

My mom always calls him Pa-ke-ow when I intended it to be Pak-E-U.

I think she mentioned that she pronounced it because of a rapper's name or smthn lol

I don't really have a problem with it I just remind her how I pronounce it


they're nonbinary but people accidentally use he/him for them sometimes (including me D:)

Cassidy Heller Yamroll

Literally any of my nonbinary ocs (but mostly Cass over here)

They go by any pronouns, but like- people keep thinking they’re a girl 😭

Cassiel ZeroZeroSenpai

not all the time but frequently enough is Cassiel mistaken for a girl

there was ever an art fight i received where they clearly have given him breasts, despite the profile there saying he's male hhhh

Siddel feeblebeeble

Sid goes by it/its and, outside of my dnd group, no one really ever gets it right? It gets gendered as he/him a lot since it's pretty clearly amab, so I get it. Still sucks tho, especially when it's the oc I threw all my gender feelings on lmao

xenia / cephalus creatfran

ah yes, my ocs with the most annoying names

for xenia, a lot of native english speakers would say 'zee-nee-uh', but the correct greek pronunciation is 'se-nee-uh'. that's what i've always called her, but some people would even say 'che-nee-uh' or 'sheh-nee-uh'??? i honestly don't know.

and for cephalus...oh dear. even I'M pronouncing his name wrong - 'se-pha-lus' always sounded right but i think it's supposed to be said 'ke-pa-las'. AAAAA

mink zoska

people keep he/him-ing them and it kills me. like fine yeah if you didn't know it before whatever. they're visibly amab and prefer to present as masculine. i get it all too often, as someone visibly afab and very feminine but also strictly uses they/them....

but i slap their pronouns everywhere so it's like. do you want me to fucking fight you? anyways shout out to anyone else in this forum with non-androg nonbinary rep going thru the same situations LOL  Â