OCs whose name/pronouns people always get wrong

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by fuelli

Show me your characters whose name and/or pronouns people always get always wrong! Because we all know that's the kind of thing that happens, be it on the website itself (esp. forum games), off-site, or even in real-life! Are some characters of yours more prone to this than others, and why/how? And how do you usually reacts when it happens?

 Xarxus Sakjutarést Rilameth

Most people irl find his first name hard to pronounce. In-universe it's also hard to pronounce, so it's just funny to me. Especially when people say "it doesn't look that hard" and then spend half an hour failing to get it right when they try, lol. (It's the "s" sound at the start that trips everyone up - if you don't pronounce that, then you much more easily get the rest of it right, but if you correctly pronounce the beginning "s", people often mess up the "sksus" further on in the name.)

(For those who don't want to click on his profile - it's "szar-sksus".)

 Amis Shimimori

ngl her name was initially supposed to be pronounced the proper french way (ah-mie) but then my friends kept calling pronouncing his name as ayy-miss so it stuck and that's their canon pronunciation now. french people be damned etc

 Daniel | ★ Koriisuu

people always refer to him with they/them pronouns but he goes by only she/he !


For the longest time, before it was more commonly accepted in the tf universe, people refered to Cylus as he/him, when they were always considered as they/them.

Unconbined, Metric is he/him while his counterpart, Standard, is they/them.

Atlas EliaQ

Definitely Atlas, I often dress up as him when playing sky and people are surprised when I tell them I'm not a woman. I decided to go along with it and make it a part of his character tho.

✧˖°Lorelia KamiKoi

Idk people tend to say Loreeeeelia buts it's LORELia

Boston Cream Donut rabbitclown

oh man ive had a few ocs misgendered on other sites....and like only one person ever apologized for it

i try to have all my ocs pronouns listed when posting them so its clear when people arent reading 

boston cream donut uses he/him

and some others i remember 

daisy another he/him 

eden they/them

milky they/them

all characters who got called she/her or girls in some form....just bc theyre feminine looking doesnt mean theyre girls

i'll usually try to subtly correct people when thanking them (bc its usually when im getting art)

Sildis Ool-Solban TenMomentsTill

Sildis gets called she/her fairly often. 


all of my friends thought his name was pronounced "mee-kah" when i first made him. it's actually "my-kuh" LOL, so i started including the pronunciation of his name in his bios

jaunt ; 👁 wills-dad

jaunt always gets called a he/him despite being they/it!! they are a fem biologically, I just think it's funny that everyone assumes they're a dude 💀💀

Verdant Erradox

Verdant's name gets mispronounced all the time.
Verdant is pronounced vehr-daunt, not like the English word vur-dənt.
It's just my interpretation of a name derived from the English word.

Pronouns people seem generally pretty good with, but gender presentation + accepted words I've had strange responses to.
At one point, a character in a roleplay (who was non-binary themself) went out of their way to correct anyone calling him a girl, even though he's very indifferent to the term, and even when he was trying to present femininely at the time.
He's also mistaken for being trans masc, which is probably why a few people have been so adamant about correcting people calling him a girl or she, but he's actually DMAB, genderqueer, and intersex

Apart from Verdant, a lot of my feral characters get called he/him by default and it upsets me. They're sapient beings with a sense of gender.
I have a trans girl fox (seen below) who gets called a "good boi" way too much, maybe because of her design and the fact I called her "danger dog" until she got a name, but it still upsets me. I have had some really upsetting and at one point aggressive encounters from people due to the tendency to default to he/him or masc terms if gender is unknown for animals.