Sweets and Stories

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by Fig Bambidear

Hi there! Welcome to Sweets and Stories! I'm proud to say I made that name up myself! We're a guild that centers around baking but also telling stories! I got the idea when I was baking a batch of cookies and remembered a funny story but realized I didn't have anyone else to share it with. So if you like baking and story telling, then come on in and get comfy! All levels of baking are allowed, especially if you're a beginner!

I'm not really strict but I guess we have to have guild rules. So they're as followed

1. You have to be willing to bake. This is the most important rule.

2. No judging others for how their treats turn out. Everyone starts somewhere.

3. Also no judging people on their story telling skills. We're just here to have a good time and make friends.

4. All stories are accepted, just maybe try to keep them appropriate for the audience of the day, okay?

5. Uuuuhhh have fun! I know I said the first rule was the most important, but this is the most most important!

Anyway, thank you for taking time to come visit us and check us out! We meet every Friday afternoon cause who doesn't like having a sweet treat for the end of the week? I can't wait to see you again and make something good together!

Fig Bambidear

Our Current members:

Me! I'm Fig! I run the guild!






Fig Bambidear

Weekly prompts: TBA