MYO and Design Review

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 months, 16 days ago) by iinkt

Masterlist Admin/Mods: iinkt vernorexic Depressed_Microwave spaghettiOs
These are who may approve your MYO!

If you've created or redesigned a Shrimpshifter, submit the form below so they may be approved.

  • New Design or Redesign?*
  • Designer/Redesigner:
  • Owner:
  • Character Reference Image
  • Link to Character
  • Link to Proof (for new designs)**
  • Overall Rarity:
  • Traits or Traits Changed:

*If you are submitting a redesign, please include their Masterlist number!
**If you're a Guest Artist, your proof is "GA."

It is recommended that you upload your designs to the ticket and request creator credits for the design from there. If you upload your image(s) to the ticket either before or after you are approved, you don't need to do this; however, if you are uploading your design separately (not on the ticket), add your design to the world and send the ticket to @printer-paper once approved.


dreamscapes he looks amazing, i love his style! accepted and ML #053 :)





- designer; roxinq, redesigned by roxinq as well

- owned by roxinq

- reference picture

- link to character

- rarity: rare

- traits: (traits written in bold text are changed)

regular scales (C), hair (C) alien skin (UC) fin ears (R) horns (UC) shrimp tail (C)


roxinq looks great, thank you!


siimpleserenityy accepted! they are masterlist #054. please let me know when you finish the full ref!


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? New design!

- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner sikes

- owner sikes (for now)

- character reference image

- link to character

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign) Guest designer!

- overall rarity (in the form of "rarity + traits" UC

- traits (and, if applicable, traits changed) Listed below


Human (C)


Yes (C)


Human (C)


Regular (C)

Body Mods

Shrimp Tail (C), Whiskers (C), Horns (UC)

Let me know if this isnt the correct way to approve it, thank you for your time!


sikes Yoooooo the design looks amazing! I love all the colours :0 If you want to update the buyer, they are ML #058!

Also, there’s a Shrimpshifters DA if you want to direct payment there! 🙏🙌


Yoo thanks so much! I made the buyer send the points to your deviantart, but next time I’ll be sure to send em to the shrimpshifters deviantart account!


dude of course! and sounds good! thank you :)


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? new design.

- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner - @milkywaves

- owner - @milkywaves

- character reference image - here!

- link to character -

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign) here too!

- overall rarity (in the form of "rarity + traits") common!

- traits (and, if applicable, traits changed) antennas (c), regular scales (c), shrimp tale (c), human ears (c),  and normal skin (c)


milkywaves This design is so cute! I love your style :) One thing though, could you make the scales more cohesive on his arm? Otherwise it might be interpreted as the Patchy Scales trait (UC).


Sure! I'll fix that. :D


Thank you! Just let me know when you do!


attempt #2! i can't draw little blobs for scales very well surprisingly, but i hope it's alright, i tried making them closer so it's not so patchy looking.


That works, thank you! ML #060 :)


- new design

- Jellorat

- Jellorat

- character reference image

- link to character

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign)

- overall rarity: common

- traits normal scales, human ears, antenna


He has me 😳🙇‍♀️ 

Looks great! ML #059 :)


lol thanks!


- new design

- sunnysunniva

- sunnysunniva

- reference image (

- link to character (

- link to proof (

- overall rarity: common

traits: normal scales, antenna, human ears, whiskers, shrimp tail, normal skin

edited to fix formatting omfg i'm so sorry


Aw, she looks so cute! It would be great if you could have her tail look a bit more like a shrimp, but if not that’s ok to (just let me know if you plan to edit it or not, and then I’ll add her to the Masterlist). Cute design! :D


thank you so much!! i'll fix the tail up tomorrow ((:


omg nooo i completely forgot to fix the tail i'm so sorry.. i had a very, very hectic past year :( idk if i'd need to buy a myo for her now but if so i'd be more than fine doing that and i can actually fix up the tail today. pls lmk if i need to buy a myo when you can!!

edit: i fixed the tail and some of the line art issues, so pls just lmk what needs to be done if i need to buy a myo or what. tysm!!



HELLOO dw about the wait bahah, thea's busy right now but they look good! ML #551 :Dc 


aaa tysm!! i saw her announcement so i was okay with waiting ^^


- New design
- Designer: bluebean_bb
- Owner: bluebean_bb
- Refrence Image: Here
- Link to character: TBN
- Link to proof: Myo event
- Overall Rarity: Common
- Traits:

Regular Scales (C)

Hair (C)

Natural skin tone (C)

Human ears (C)

Whiskers (C)

Shrimp tail (C)


Looks great! I love the theme, they look really cool! ML #062.


Tysm! :D


- new design

- me, with base by iinkt

- me

- character reference image:

- link to character:

- link to proof:

- overall rarity: common myo

- traits: hair (c), normal skin (c), regular scale pattern (c), human ears (c), antennae (c), shrimp tail (c)


so cute! I love her top, and whole outfit to be honest 🫢 ML #063!


thank you so much! This species is a lot of fun already


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign?: new

- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner 4LeafRose 

- owner 4LeafRose 

- character reference image:

- link to character:

- link to proof:

- overall rarity: Common

- traits: regular scales, Hair, normal skin, human ear, antenna, whiskers, shrimp tail.


Adorable design, I love your style! ML #064!

(I do have to ask though, did you mean to write antenna, or did you have them removed in the end? You have it listed but he doesn’t seem to have any?)


Ah I did but they are so tiny it looks like his hair and I forgot them when drawing the doodle on the side :'D


Ok! I wasn’t sure if they were antenna or not so I thought I’d ask ^^;; I’ll add them on his ML listing!


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? new design
- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner: 
indigosky (designer)
- owner
: indigosky
- character reference image: 53170497_CNszr6gkzCgQo35.jpg
- link to character: 
shrimpshifter myo
- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign): 
- overall rarity (in the form of "rarity + traits": 
- traits (and, if applicable, traits changed): 
regular scales (common), hair (common), normal skin (common), human ears (common), antennae (common), bioluminescence patches on face (cosmetic)


I love all the detail in the design! Looks great, ML #065 :)