MYO and Design Review

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 months, 15 days ago) by iinkt

Masterlist Admin/Mods: iinkt vernorexic Depressed_Microwave spaghettiOs
These are who may approve your MYO!

If you've created or redesigned a Shrimpshifter, submit the form below so they may be approved.

  • New Design or Redesign?*
  • Designer/Redesigner:
  • Owner:
  • Character Reference Image
  • Link to Character
  • Link to Proof (for new designs)**
  • Overall Rarity:
  • Traits or Traits Changed:

*If you are submitting a redesign, please include their Masterlist number!
**If you're a Guest Artist, your proof is "GA."

It is recommended that you upload your designs to the ticket and request creator credits for the design from there. If you upload your image(s) to the ticket either before or after you are approved, you don't need to do this; however, if you are uploading your design separately (not on the ticket), add your design to the world and send the ticket to @printer-paper once approved.


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? new design i guess? 

- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner -  EXPEL-AIDEN

- owner - EXPEL-AIDEN

- character reference image

- link to character

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign)

- traits  

common reg scales

common human skin

common human ears

common shrimp tail

common whiskers

- overall rarity



Very cool! ML #155!


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? new design

- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner staplesquid

- owner staplesquid

- character reference image link

- link to character link

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign) ga artist

- overall rarity (in the form of "rarity + traits" uncommon

- traits (and, if applicable, traits changed) webbed fingers and toes (uc) antenna (c) mermaid ears (uc) horns (uc)


Love it! ML #156!


- new design

- designer: Jellorat

- owner: Jellorat

- character reference image 

- Character 

- proof

-  legendary

- traits: hair (c), antennae (c), human skin (c), human ears (c), gills (r), 4 extra limbs (l), underabundance on regular arms and legs (l), extreme overabundance on extra arms (l), large body patch (l), and underabundant facial scales (r)


WHOA, I love the arms :00 Very cool! ML #158!


- new design

- Tob11as

- Tob11as

- ref


- myo

- rare spooky

- sparce body patches, facial patches, patchy scales, gills, horns, alien skin, siren mods


Very cool! Accepted, ML #159!


- new design
- designer: Interdimensional
- owner: Interdimensional
- character reference image
- link to character
- Link to proof (the myo slot)
- overall rarity: Uncommon
- traits: Horns(UC), Mermaid ears(UC), Alien/Unnatural skin(UC), Mild Overabundance(UC)


Oh my goodness, your design is so pretty! They will be ML #160!

Please transfer the Ticket back to me!

 Axel drizzled

- new design

- drizzled

- drizzled

- ref

- ic

- ic

- overall rarity: common

- traits

Fin ears (S22), normal skin (C), hair (C), regular scales (C), antenna (C), Mermaid-Style Shrimp Tail (S22), Arm Aquatic Wings (S22)


So cute! I love the colour scheme! ML #163 ^^


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? new design

- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner ShaneIsBROKEn

- owner ShaneIsBROKEn

- character reference image

- link to character

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign)

- overall rarity (in the form of "rarity + traits" UC..?

- traits (and, if applicable, traits changed) hair (C) natural skin (C) Mild overabundance (UC) whiskers (C) Webbed fingers and toes (UC)


I love the colour scheme! Accepted, ML #164 ^^

Please send the ticket back to me!

 Orion drizzled

- new design

- drizzled

- drizzled

- character reference image

- ic

- ic 

- common

- Hair (C), shrimp tail (C),antenna(C),human ears (C),normal skin (C),hair(C),regular scales(C)


Accepted! ML #165 :)


are you submitting a new design or a redesign? New Design

designer, and, if applicable, redesigner - Lemonmoth

owner - Lemonmoth

character reference image -

link to character -

link to proof -

overall rarity - Ancient Uncommon

traits - Regular Scale Pattern (C), Hair (C), Human + Alien Skin (C, UC), Human Ears (C), Spiny Antenna (C), Spiny Whiskers (C), Spines (C), Third arm and Second Tail come from "Two+ Duplicate Limbs" Mutation


Looks good! ML #170!


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign?

new design!

- designer cloudyclouds

- owner cloudyclouds

- character reference image 

link to character

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign)

- uncommon 

- traits 

scales - mild overabundance

hair - yes

skin - alien

ears - mermaid

Body mods -



Horns ( 2 ) 

Shrimp Tail


Looks good! ML #173!


thank you!