MYO and Design Review

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 8 months, 17 days ago) by iinkt

Masterlist Admin/Mods: iinkt vernorexic Depressed_Microwave spaghettiOs
These are who may approve your MYO!

If you've created or redesigned a Shrimpshifter, submit the form below so they may be approved.

  • New Design or Redesign?*
  • Designer/Redesigner:
  • Owner:
  • Character Reference Image
  • Link to Character
  • Link to Proof (for new designs)**
  • Overall Rarity:
  • Traits or Traits Changed:

*If you are submitting a redesign, please include their Masterlist number!
**If you're a Guest Artist, your proof is "GA."

It is recommended that you upload your designs to the ticket and request creator credits for the design from there. If you upload your image(s) to the ticket either before or after you are approved, you don't need to do this; however, if you are uploading your design separately (not on the ticket), add your design to the world and send the ticket to @printer-paper once approved.


- new design

- ruinouslore

- ruinouslore

image (very sketchy eghhh)


- link to character

- link to proof ? I got this during the scavenger hunt event so I’m not sure what proof I need to link

- uncommon (deep sea)

- mild overabundance,  alien skin, mermaid ears, normal shrimp tail, bioluminescent antenna + whiskers + scales, 3+ eyes, black eye thingy (sorry im brain dead), fluff, upper fangs 


looks good! ML #196!


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign?

      New design

- designer, and, if applicable, redesigner


- owner


- character reference image


- link to character

- link to proof (if a new design and not a redesign)


- overall rarity

Uncommon spooky

- traits (and, if applicable, traits changed)

Spooky traits, fins, patchy scales, no hair, alien skin, horn, whiskers


WHOA, very cool design! Accepted, ML #197!


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign? New Design

- designer: Lemonmoth

- owner Lemonmoth

- character reference image: here

- link to character: here

- link to proof: here

- overall rarity: Uncommon

- traits - Mild Overabundance, Antenna, Spooky 22 Required Traits


Looks great! Sorry for the late response, this got a bit buried in my messages ^^; ML#198!


- new design

- drizzled

-no one yet (adopt)

- character reference image

- link to character

- guest artist

- common

- regular scales,human skin, shrimp tail, antenna & whiskers, human ears, has hair (all common)


So cute!! ML #199!


- New Design

- Vibrantfangz

- Vibrantfangz

58797028_i2sbwAllkhlMjSu.png- Legendary MYO Ticket on Toyhouse


- Legendary

- added all the traits on the profile! ^^


They look very cute! They do need one of the starred types of scales (look for the little star on the ref) for knees/arms (could like, literally be on one elbow lol), so if you could add that that would be great!


Ooh ok! I added mild over abundance. Is that ok? ^^


Yes! I am so sorry for the late reply. They will be ML #200!


Thank u!! ^w^


Submitted a design through PMs, for the secret santa  :)


(adding this here for me) ML #202!


Was this ever uploaded as a character? Just going through the ML and updating links ^^;


I never received any kind of response from my secret Santa partner, I don’t know if she saw it and just forgot to respond, or if she hasn’t seen it at all. If you’d like, I can upload it as a character in a few days and transfer it to her. 


Alright! Just let me know if she responds. Sorry I pinged you earlier, I just remembered I had asked you a question and that this was the response to it!


I will for sure! And sorry about the double post. My internet must have been slow that day ^^


I never received any kind of response from my secret Santa partner, I don’t know if she saw it and just forgot to respond, or if she hasn’t seen it at all. If you’d like, I can upload it as a character in a few days and transfer it to her. 


That would be great! If you sent it through PMs I'm sure she just forgot, since message notifs just disappear. Thank you so much!


new design:
- designer: supaartz
- owner: supaartz
- (ref image)
- (character)
- (proof)
- deep sea uncommon myo
- regular scales (c), hair (c), alien skin (uc), mermaid ears (uc), whiskers (c), shrimp tail (c), bioluminescent lure, bioluminescent scales, no eyes, upper fangs


Looks great!! I think you may be one of the first people to use the no eyes trait :0 

ML #205!


- new design (i know i did it very fast! I'm proud of it though)

- drizzled

- drizzled

- character reference image

- link to character


- rare ancient

- duplicate limbs (ancient mutation), shrimp tail (C), alien skin (UC), swimming blades (UC), horns (UC) , spiny whiskers (C), mild overabundance, sparce body patches + facial scales (UC + R), human ears (C)


I love it!! The pink and blue is so pretty :) ML #207!


- new design 

- ConfettiCriminal

- ConfettiCriminal

- Reference

- Character

- Ticket + proof of transfer

- Rare

 Mild overabundance- UC

Hair- C

Alien Skin- UC

Giant fin ears- S22

Antenna- C

Horns- UC

Aquatic wings (attached) - S22

Fish tail (I think..? )- S22

Fins/fish fins- S22

(If im missing something lmk!)


Looks good! They will be ML #211.

Please transfer the used MYO to the account @printer-paper!


- are you submitting a new design or a redesign?: New Design

- designer: Lemonmoth

- owner: Lemonmoth

- character reference image Character Ref

- link to character Character link

- link to proof Proof

- overall rarity: Legendary

- traits: Facial Scales, Extreme Overbundance, Large Body Patches, Hair, Human skin, Fin ears, Antenna, Horns,


Looks great! I love the colour scheme. ML #212!


- new design!

- designer: 91cats

- owner: toa_stx

- character reference image: ref image

- link to character:

- link to proof:

- overall rarity: rare

- traits:
 mild overabundance of scales, hair, human skin tone, fin ears, antennae


Looks great, I love the colour scheme! ML #213!