11 Day Advent Calendar [Over!]

Posted 6 months, 5 days ago (Edited 5 months, 26 days ago) by HannahBug

Hey, guys! In November, something pretty radical happened. I got $50 through my Patreon in one month! : D That's the highest it's ever been and a pretty great milestone, if you ask me (It means I get to buy Christmas presents this year, yippie!) To celebrate, I threw together this 11 day advent calendar for everybody to partake in. Why 11 days? That's the number of paying patrons I currently have! : ) Thank you guys so much for your support, it means the world to me! Especially when I take a month off to play video games--

Each day, a new post will appear on this thread with a new reward, so you might want to bookmark it or keep a tab open! You'll be able to claim the reward for each post as long as long as you were a member of the group while this event is/was running. Other than that, there's no deadline! You can keep things sitting in here safe and sound for as long as you like.

This event ends on the 11th day - aka Dec 11th - after the last reward has been posted

🎁 Navigation 🎁

One, two, three, four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven


🌲 December 1st
Non-patron members can pick 2 of the below Patreon upgrades to apply to one or two of your kekin! That's two upgrades on one kekin or one upgrade on two kekin (upgrades may be different)


🍃 1 > Balloons: Add balloons of any shape and color anywhere on a keke. These may or may not be attached by a string. Note that while these may form things such as wings, arms, etc, it should still be apparent that they're 'bloons!
🍃 2 > Tubing: Add tubes of any type (plastic, metal, glass, etc), size, and color anywhere on a keke! These may be opaque or you can fill them with  anything you like
🍃 3 > Flowing sleeves: An extra "pocket" of skin that forms somewhere on the arm, giving the appearance of a flowy sleeve. This can start anywhere on the arm and may be as long as you like. The added bits may be any color


🍃 1 > Swirl arm wings: Wings attaching to the backs of the arms (or legs, if there aren't any arms) in a specific shape. There are a few "flight feather" nubs at the very  end, leading into a big swirl before smoothing out. Optionally, there may be "plumage" tabs. These are skin, but kind of look like feather  shapes if you're not looking too hard! May be any color. Doesn't enable flight or gliding unless enlarged
🍃 2 > Pom wreath: Add loops of connected pom-poms anywhere around a Snakekey in any amount. These fuzzy lumps are very fun to pet! They may be any color and size
🍃 3 > Tortie pattern: Scattered, blotchy patterns like those of a tortoiseshell cat. Note that this adds the "orange" part of the pattern, so no calicos! Blotches may be any color and come in any amount and size. They can go on the base and cheek pouches


🍃 1 > Monster mittens: From the elbows down, the paws become large, ominous, and lupine! Gives a coat of long, coarse hair to the arms as well as massive, semi-retractable claws. Can optionally add canine-like paw pads, too! Added bits may be any color. If a type doesn't have arms, this can affect the legs instead

Now, patrons already have access to all those upgrades, so this reward isn't very cool for them. Thusly, here are some fresh and new Patreon upgrades for them to enjoy! : ) Note that non-paying members do not have access to these through this event - just the seven above


🍃 1 > Sewn wings: Wings that can range in size from non-flight able to flight-able that are made of soft fabric and plush to the touch. These should take on the rough appearance of either feathered or webbed wings, but details will be rounded as they would be on a stuffed animal. Extra lines such as swirls, wing fingers, or fake plumage can be added on via stitching. May be any color. Can go anywhere on the backside of a kekin (along the spine, the forehead, etc)
🍃 2 > Petal spine: Petals sprout along the line of the spine. These can be any size and may range from a single line of petals to large tufts of flowers bunched together. May be any color
🍃 3 > Graceful legs: One or two sets of slender, deer-like legs that can come complete with fur and dewclaws if desired. These are strong enough to carry a keke's full weight and will probably make them significantly taller...! May be any color


Punkin-with-cloner-egg.png🌲 December 2nd
Each user gets one cloner egg. This new item allows you to duplicate an existing keke or PC including upgrades. Note that star count, GPS, etc does not transfer over. Use this to make a new character with a huge jump start! Or simply get another of a kekin type you like. The new character will need to start life as a hatchling, infant, puppy, or grub. Note that cloned characters will still need to go through approvals and you should mention on apps that you've used a cloner egg to obtain the character.

In addition, you can now buy cloner eggs from Honeysky Hatchery



🌲 December 3rd
Pet mutations are still in the works, but here's a functional preview! Each user may select one Fishee upgrade and one Snap upgrade to use on one Fishee and one Snap (any flavor) respectively. (Snap upgrades are the top three, Fishee are the bottom three)


🍉 1 > Face points: Teeth except...you don't have a mouth! Little fangs attached to the face that can go anywhere on the muzzle. May be any shape, size, and color. Can appear beneath the skin or above
🍉 2 > Biggify: Grow your Snap to a larger, easier to draw size. This can increase them to a max of a foot tall!
🍉 3 > Cutie wings: Add little, non-flight wings that are either feathered or a cartoon bat sort of webbed. These can go anywhere on the back side of a Snap (shoulders, forehead, tail tip, etc) and must be either one or a pair. Any color


🍉 1 > Long body: Elongate the body to any length. Does not change colors or how bones work (eg, they won't become a boneless noodle with this!)
🍉 2 > Bioluminescence: Add glowing markings anywhere in any amount. May be any shape, size, and color
🍉 3 > Ear spokes: Add extensions of the fin  that resemble ears. They don't actually work, but they sure are charming! May be any color, shape, and size. Must only be one set of  "ears"


🌲 December 4th
Did you know we haven't had any new clutch upgrades since 2020? That's pretty wild! Let's remedy that. This advent day sees a whopping 46 upgrades added to the clutch tier, including a good mix of both risk and reward. Ten of those are specifically for very high risk, which should give you some new upgrades to hate besides just hatch scar and scratchy pads! Enjoy these two sneak-peeks because they're the only ones you're getting ✨



Anglox.png🌲 December 5th
Today sees the introduction of the Anglox, a pet species designed by Utahraptor-Nun! These shiny little critters hail from the Out Valley and seem quite friendly to Snakekeys and kekin alike. They're typically quite vibrant, but come in any array of colors and patterns, including glowing ones! Their eyes are made of two separate colors that meet vertically and seem to lack pupils. Each user gets one Anglox from this advent

Their bestiary entry will be posted at a later date when I'm less on the brink of falling asleep ; )


Aida-young.png🌲 December 6th
The Aida Behemoth creation guide has been ported to ToyHouse. As promised, with this update, Aidas can now upgrade their benefiting ability's level by earning more stars - 125 of them, to be exact. This way, you could just have one super powerful Aida to receive all the breeding benefits instead of having a bunch of them, if you prefer : ) Also, the page just looks nicer. Ahh, non-DA smunchiness...


🌲 December 7th
Today, I have four new items for you. Each user may select two (you can pick the same one twice if you like). These items come from a pending shop called Sunny Dayz Parlor, which is run by Spoons. They allow you to create kekin with unique patterns from birth as long as you use the provided palette! You can create intricate designs, override subspecies-specific coloring, and fun things like that. Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you use the provided colors! If you're unable to colorpick, please just be as accurate as you can <3 Note that these palettes apply to the kekin that uses the item only - they can't pass it down through breeding, as it's not an upgrade. Additional features such as eyes, cheek pouches, belly scales, etc... can use the provided palette or you can follow the regular design rules for the kekin you're creating


🌿 1 > Pitter patter drops: A palette of four colors consisting of subtle pinks and purples
🌿 2 > Festive bar: A vibrant palette of five colors including red, white, and green
🌿 3 > Gingersnap cookie: A palette of five warm browns and yellows
🌿 4 > Snowfall lolly: A six color palette consisting of a range of blues with a spattering of white


🌲 December 8th
Introducing the first community NPCs, Creme and Buttons! They've hatched in Undercover and are the best of friends : ) Creme has hatched with heterochromia and Buttons with growth spurt. Other than this, they're totally naked! It will be the community's job to earn them stars, pepper them with upgrades, grow them, and ultimately decide what they do via drawing them and including them in writing. Are they future protagonists? Shop keepers? Traveling heroes? Who knows! I sure don't. Visit the community NPC thread to learn more <3



🌲 December 9th
Today gives you access to some kekin that were previously breed-only: hybrids, demis, and gammas. Each has received an adventure like the one for mixed keke eggs! The hybrid adventure is 2 prompts long, just like the mix one, while demis and gammas cost one prompt more for a total of three. I hope you enjoy this new ease of access and additional peeks at our mysterious, baby-supplying friend : )

🧺 Vaguely Familiar... (Hybrid)
🎇 Glitterwoods (Gamma)
🍀 A Good Home (Demi)


Tadpole-Wistul-Guppy-V2.png🌲 December 10th
A good while ago, the adventure Wistul Wonderland was released. Its a catch-all adventure for Wistul releases and came with three of them to start with: the Giant Wistul, the Frilled Wistul, and the Tadpole Wistul. But... one of those was never completed! The poor little Tads were left behind for a time. Well, now they've caught up! The guide for Tadpole Wistuls is now complete, allowing them to be created and age to adults.

For this event, each user may claim one Wistul puppy available through Wistul Wonderland for free! You can use this now or save it for later when there's a larger selection available - it's up to you : )


Nissie-adult.png🌲 December 11th
Welcome the Nissie, a behemoth friend of the Changeling and the unreleased Leprechaun. These chilly keke reduce the costs of building homes, though they can't 100% remove all art requirements for such. They've been retroactively added as a reward for the five-year membership achievement, Keke Kindergarten. If you've already claimed the character reward for said achievement, congrats! There's a Nis in your house now : )

The Nis guide is 95% complete, missing only the prestigious upgrades and the egg as I type. But my hand kinda hurts a little! I'm gonna take a break and get back to that later. Also keep an eye out for Leprechauns, who are sure to follow their friends very soon! I hope you've enjoyed the advent calendar <3 There are more events to follow soon!