Lore Discussion/Questions

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by iinkt

For talking about lore! If you have any questions or want to discuss it, comment below!

You can suggest things, but I won’t always take specific suggestions—but if you want to propose for me to detail something I haven’t already, I can definitely do that!


Yay! Lore discussion thread!
Continuing from the feedback center with at least one more question.
Is there any sort of somewhat commonly depicted/used symbols or charms in spirituality?


Monster7Exists I haven't really come up with any--probably just common for people to use angelic imagery, or imagery pertaining to beauty, when they depict holy people or their god. For example, Shifters are often adverse to fish traits, given that large fish can be predatory, so they would avoid giving any to their views of perfection (not implying this is right of them to do, but it would definitely be a tendency of their society).


Could there be pirates? Maybe ones that don't follow any country, and instead bides by their own rules


SunFireSkywing Definitely!! Since trade, especially through sea, is so big there are bound to be pirates trying to intercept ships :0 

And yeah, since it’s illegal, some would likelu try to invalidate citizenship to try and get around laws ^^


how do all the set traits interact? for example could a spooky, deep sea & ancient be friends or is that frowned upon?



So, long story short, they're primarily frowned upon, but I'll explain.

Most Shifters don't actually know that Siren Shifters (Spooky ones from this year, there will be a different creature for next year) exist. They just believe it's a myth, especially those that live on land or in the sea in the middle of the continent. However, those who live on the edges of civilization, towards the Deep End, often believe in Sirens because they've either seen them or their relative has sworn to see them. Since Sirens usually live in the Deep End or on far away islands, choosing to hide themselves, so they're unlikely to encounter anyone that isn't in the Deep End with them. So, that being said, Deep End Shifters (Deep Sea Trait Set) are most likely to know and befriend a Siren. Sirens are usually told between themselves to stay away from other Shifters, though, because of the hostility from Shifters in the past. Sirens also don't live on land, because they are all water-breathers.

Deep End Shifters are usually part of small clans and groups that have small civilizations in the Deep End. They'd be most likely to befriend a Siren, or even have some intermingled in clans, as they are less picky on features and mostly just trying to survive the horrors of the Deep End. Of course, some groups might be hostile and murder on sight, but they'd probably do that to a Deep End Shifter the same they would do that to a Siren one. 

Ancients have mixed reactions from people on land. Some people are disgusted that they exist, hating science and what it's become, while others feel immense pity for them and their time in the lab. Other people still believe the lab stories are rumors, since most details are hush-hush. Ancients typically stick together to try and work out their trauma (being made of several brains doesn't keep the memories intact too well, never mind the soul), and many chose to live in the lab facilities. They're really unlikely to interact with anyone outside of just people on land or in the lab. Ancient Sirens (Ancient Spooky) and Ancient Deep End Shifters (Ancient Deep Sea) are few and far between since their Remnants come from deep underwater, but when they are they often stick together. The few Ancients that escape, especially Deep End or Siren ones, might go searching for their civilizations. 

That being said, it would be totally cool if all of them did become friends--this is just tendencies, and there are exceptions to every rule. Even though this is the written lore you're welcome to bend it how you like for your own stories!


do they have social media in this world? or is it like books & jazz?


drizzled Just books and mail I'm afraid, haha

Probably what the 1800s-1900s would've looked like if there was less globalization/sharing of resources? So there's definitely the development of technology but it is really slow at this time because communication is low.



Yes, Deep End Shifters almost always breathe only underwater, since they live in the Deep End (in the ocean) primarily. There are few who live on land, as land-breathing is a recessive trait for Deep End Shifters, while for normal Shifters it would be a dominant trait.

I think the punnet square looks like this:

59117198_wkIl3mQbhWVhNJ5.pngSince having “both” is like a mix of traits (like, for example, a pink flower being a mix of a red and white flower), it can be either the dominant one or a perfect mix. It could also be mostly one and the Shifter can, but struggles to, breathe in the other.

For a fully regular Ancient, they would be more likely to breathe on land, while a fully Deep End Ancient would still most likely breathe in water. But it really depends on how much of each kind of Remnant is in there—if a Deep End Ancient ended up with the lungs from a regular Remnant, then they’d probably be land-breathing. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but it’s a bit like frankensteining. 

I think if you want to really embody the lore of the process you could base it off what you rolled with in the lab—say, if you rolled using 2 DS Remnants and 3 Regular, and you rolled Regular, you could say that maybe the Shifter has the brain of someone that was once a DS Shifter but is now in the body of a normal Shifter, but also maybe has the lungs of the DS Shifter—we just tell you what to do externally/trait wise.

In Viradise, there is the most complex system of a temple. Other countries would usually have looser or simplified versions of these.

Typically, there will be a head priest/priestess (just saying priest for now to make it simple, but any gender could be a priest), and then a “lower” council of priests beneath him. The head priest will be in charge of a main sermon or temple session, usually one or two days a week, for worship, instruction, interpretation, and advice. He will also be in charge of speaking at festivals and representing the temple. Depending on the size of the temple, there are more in the council—a small one might just have one or two, and large ones have as many as ten. These smaller priests hold smaller or daily services, prayer, and worship throughout the week and keep the highest priest in check. Some temples rotate head priests, and others elect, while others are there for life or until retirement—it just depends on location.

There is also a system of elders that lead prayer and worship, and are often “retired” priests that still want to continue serving. They have a multitude of jobs, depending on the temple’s needs, and can also be in charge of giving advice, running studies, raising money, contributing to missionaries, you name it. But they are primarily revered for their wisdom and prayer.

Typically, large temples are open all throughout the week, and smaller temples may just be open one or two days a week. 

Many temples have choirs or ensembles that lead musical worship on main session days (where the priest speaks), and in larger temples, members often rotate throughout the week to lead smaller musical worship sessions (especially if smaller priests are leading a session).

In Viradise or stricter temples, there may be sacrifices of animals made on special days. 


Can I ask a question? Can I put here a new character that I draw in the species of this world? And can I draw a character in any kind of weirdness? 

For example if I want I can make it common, rare or legendary 



Hi! To be able to create a Shrimpshifter, or turn a preexisting character into a Shrimpshifter, you need a Make-Your-Own (MYO) Ticket, which you can either buy here, in Terra's Tent, or receive during events (our next one will be in February). 

Shrimpshifters are a closed species, meaning you need permission (in our world, that permission is from MYO Tickets) to create one. Open species, on the other hand, you could make one without asking--but we are not an open species (you can use the World Browse or the Toyhouse Species Forums to find open species to join)!

Just so you know, our Questions and Concerns Thread is here if you have any future questions. This thread is for discussing the main lore/story of the World! Sorry if the title was confusing.

I hope this helps!



I’d say Genora’s South coast is made up of rocky cliffs that have beaches at the bottom, and they kind of taper towards the estuary dividing Shoals and Aurford (which, that area is fairly swampy). Only Genora and Murbura really would have cliffs, since they’re the only ones with mountains, and the North part of Aqualis is relatively flat.

As far as other creatures go, most things are aquatic or semi-aquatic—there aren’t a lot of animals living only on land. One creature I plan to design at some point will be some variants of ocean horses/hippocamps that Shifters primarily use for travel, and those would probably be the most common species you’d see walking around ^^ Also, each summer we should be releasing “subspecies” for Aqualis that are the other “Shifter” inhabitants, which will be other half human, half sea creature people :)


Since at least part of the world's shifters live primarily in the water, do you think water proof paper and ink would have been developed?