General Inquiry

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by Eyeris

Ask whatever you'd like!
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Be it about something lore related or in general~



I still have 2 common and one ultra Rare comfy MYO I've been looking forward to design

However, I've red that the Comfys are an open species now

And the ultra Rare traits don't even seem to exist anymore

What do I do with the MYOs / Do they still have a use?


Hi hi! UR tickets can still be used as Rare tickets!^^ Common tickets were always free so you’re free to just delete them or still keep them if you so wish. :3c

The species is free to make by anybody and added to the world, but if you want them registered on the ML for future ARPG events, that’s what those tickets are for!


Ooo I see!
Can I also get like common ones registered with the MYOs or does that only apply to higher rarities?


Yep yep! Common ones can be registered too! They’re just always free like always^^💖


Okay I see thank you!!

Aaaand one last question
I have a rare MYO, so I can also use traits below right? Or do I need to stick to rare ones only?


Yeah of course! It’d be kinda silly if you weren’t able to, pffft✨


Okay awesome!
Once again, thank you so much! :D


Hello again XD
Hope I'm not bothering

So I checked again and it said the species is open as a whole

Does that mean you can use any rarity if you don't want them to be added to the masterlist? Would they still get accepted in the world tho?
Or are only common ones free?


Yep! They’re fully open if you have no interest in registering them for ARPG stuff and you can use literally any traits including celestial ones for general community designs! The World has a “Community!” Folder and a “Registered” folder to separate them^^ You can submit any character you’d like💖

You can also make any character and then register them later when you’re able to retroactively, so go for it. :3c


OHH okay tysm!!


im interested in making a comfy design for one of my sonas (like an alt design) instead of it being a new character, is that allowed?




ok so i have an idea for what you might call an "un"comfy comfy. the base consept is that not all wishes are just and good? what of people who wish others dead- or worse?

the company would essentially be born permanently corupted- and would work to bring comfort the evil folks of the outer worlds

it technically conforms tho the species prompt but like all wonky u know? (i just have a need to create irredeemably garbage ocs lol)


So first things first, to clarify, an “Uncomfy” is not a comfy. They’re monsters. They are not born from the Flame of Passion and are instead spawned from negativity and the eternal dark. The word “uncomfy” is a colloquial, kind of joking and unscientific term for them, they’re more often referred to as Shadows or Creatures of the Dark. They are something entirely different to Corrupted Comfys, which are Comfys who while undergoing significant amounts of corruption, instead of becoming fully consumed by it, ended up adapting certain traits to survive and cope with it better. (A process that typically isn’t voluntary and is often permanent)

Second! Wishes do not have to be objectively “good”, however they do have to positively benefit a partner for it to be viable. Because remember! If a Comfy’s partner is miserable or otherwise suffers mentally and/or physically, it would in turn affect the Comfy negatively as well. So a person wishing for someone else’s death excessively may have their wish recognized as an unhealthy path for them to take, and will in turn not manifest.

But the good news is, you can definitely make evil Comfys! They 100% exist (some folks just take comfort in awful things). They just would not be considered corrupted, because corruption does not mean “evil” the same way it does to us in Comfy terms. It is a state of distress and pain physically manifest and is inherently harmful to a Comfy’s health (like poison).

Hope this helps! (Feel free to ask for further clarification if needed)


ok so would evil comfys still be hunted by the shadows? or would the feel like the synergy? (also sorry i got the terms wrong <0> ack)

also do you need to buy something from shops to register a common comfy? (the item is free so rlly i mean do i hv to go threw the purchase process first or is it just assumed?) and speaking of shops it says in the lil TH shops i hv currency but not on the inventory list- so which is right?


Yes they would! The shadows covet Comfy cores (which are born of celestial power), making it inevitable that they will clash, so even if they’re not the most morally upstanding individual, they still wouldn’t exactly get along with monsters. (It’s still their prerogative to keep them away from their partners either way) Well, at least the shadows themselves would never want to get along with a Comfy. O-o); They’re more feral and not exactly intelligent in the same way, and more like creatures of instinct. That instinct being to snuff out and devour all celestial light.

And no! You can always directly submit common Comfys for approval! :O The lil TH shop number does not indicate your coins, it’s the total coins people have spent at that shop. The inventory bank sheet is where your personal coins will be^^✨