2023 Lovely Event Feedback!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by iinkt

How would you rate this event?

12 Votes ★★★★★
7 Votes ★★★★
0 Votes ★★★
0 Votes ★★
0 Votes

Please let us know how we did during the Lovely Event this year!

In your response, you can either answer some or all of these questions, or create a unique response. You can respond even if you didn't participate in the event.


  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not?
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why?
  • What did you like about the event?
  • What did you not like about the event?
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events?


  • What were your thoughts on the raffles?
  • What were your thoughts on having a temporary currency?
  • How was the organization for the event? Did you like having it all in one forum?
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts?

Specific discussion helps us further improve the organization and structure of our future events!

Answer any number of questions and receive 2 Lovely Remnants! If you answer all questions (both sections!), or provide a detailed and unique response, you can receive 5 Lovely Remnants! Please include your Treasury Account Number in your response to receive Remnants.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? Yep! Im new to the shifter species so i participated for a MYO but ended up falling in love with the species + event 
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5 stars truly because i had so much fun during the event!
  • What did you like about the event? I liked that a lot of the event was doing things for other people (like gifting art, the love letter thread, and the free raffles) Being able to participate in the event even without a shrimpshifter was great as well!
  • What did you not like about the event? Nothing that i can think of!
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? For this event i'd say maybe allow sketches but only give 1 petal per sketch. For the next event i'd love to continue the love letter thread and submitting art for currency.


  • What were your thoughts on the raffles? I liked them! Having them daily meant that most people would end up winning at least one (im a tad bias tho since i won 4 😅)
  • What were your thoughts on having a temporary currency? I liked the idea of petals! The only comment I have about them is that the conversion rate of petals - scales wasn't super clear
  • How was the organization for the event? Did you like having it all in one forum? The organization was great, having everything in one place made it easy to navigate!
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? not that i can think of right now




Thank you so much for your feedback! 5 Lovely Remnants were added to your account.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? i did, as i liked the look of fairies and i wanted to be able to draw my shrimps a bit and also and excuse make a shrimp for my friend lol
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5 stars!! i thought the event was well executed and a good idea
  • What did you like about the event? i liked it's simplicity and i liked the minigames (the loveletter to another member one was very sweet)
  • What did you not like about the event? if anything, i didn't fully understand the art point scaling thing but that might've just been a me issue💀 but other than that i really can't think of anything
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? i wouldn't have changed anything, i would love to see some similar events in the future 


  • What were your thoughts on the raffles? the raffles were a good idea, i liked them!
  • What were your thoughts on having a temporary currency? im always a sucker for temporary currencies and this is no exception, i really liked this idea 🤍
  • How was the organization for the event? Did you like having it all in one forum? i liked the organisation for the event, it was fairly easy to locate everything and it tied the event together nicely
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? not really, just a thanks to everyone/anyone who was helping out with the event!! 🤍

Thank you so much for your feedback! 5 Lovely Remnants were added to your account.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? i participated for the first few days but irl things made me a bit unmotivated sadly
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? ★★★★, i'll explain better in the dislike q!
  • What did you like about the event? the compliment/love letter thread was rly uplifting! and the opportunity to link our shrimps together was rly cool, love this community <3 (also the daily raffles were very nice)
  • What did you not like about the event? maybe a little too many things to do? it was a bit intimidating as well as maybe a bit too long, almost a month is pretty long imo 
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? honestly my favorite event was the christmas one! i loved giving presents to people and meeting others, more community things!! maybe a team activity like a hidden puzzle in the future would be cool ooh..


  • What were your thoughts on the raffles? i didnt have to do anything besides vote so that was nice lol
  • What were your thoughts on having a temporary currency? its creative! i like it but im worried its a bit tiring on mods 😭
  • How was the organization for the event? Did you like having it all in one forum? yea!! it was very organized
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? just wanna thank u guys for keeping this up! my fav cs <3
treasury acc number: #020

Thank you so much for your feedback! 5 Lovely Remnants were added to your account.

  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? Yup !! During the beginning I just did small tasks and entered raffles, but towards the end I really started to do art (bc of procrastination woo!!!)
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5 stars! I rly liked this event a lot and found is super fun purr.
  • What did you like about the event? Everythign was pretty fun !! It was pretty interactive and I can tell im not the only one who liked it djdf 
  • What did you not like about the event? Nothing that I can think abt dfjsjdf.
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? I love everything here! Maybe some more art related things to redeem but thats all sidpdf. 


  • What were your thoughts on the raffles? I think the raffles were rly good!! I liked when the prizes got bigger and better as more time went on. Also I liked having 2 raffles in different places purr.  
  • What were your thoughts on having a temporary currency? NICE !! I think it made the whole event more fun and made it more fair for everyone to get the prizes.
  • How was the organization for the event? Did you like having it all in one forum?  GOOD!! I think it makes it was very organized awoo.
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? NOPE!! Im super excited for the next event purr,, tysm to everyone who helped with this, it was an amazing event!!  

Treasury account #045 purr


Thank you so much for your feedback! 5 Lovely Remnants were added to your account.



  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? Yes! I enjoyed the look of the subspecies, and all the games looked fun! I wish I could have participated more, I only managed to squeeze in at the very end.
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5! My notes for this event are, overall, minor critiques. none of the things i mention are dealbreakers or even really affected my enjoyment that much.
  • What did you like about the event? I really liked the theming, the NPC was cute, the traits were cool, the games were fun, i liked the level or interactivity (it was more active effort than the christmas one!). i REALLY liked the loveletter game, that was just nice and feel-good.
  • What did you not like about the event? A little too much to do in a short period! there were a lot of options and i had to dismiss a bunch of possible tasks out of hand be i knew i wouldnt have time. Also, the three person limit between posts on the "x above you" games. I understand it's to prevent spam/monopolization, but i think lowering that req to even 2 ppl would have helped. the species is still kinda small, so I think it got stuck, especially near the end, bc ppl reached their maximum petals or just plain forgot to do it. I also thought the post req to get petals from RP was VERY high. i know some people can rp very fast, but with my free time and everything else happening in the event, i usually only end up psoting once a day or every other day. i love rp very much but the petals did not motivate me to get ou there.
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? Mentioned in last answer! No ideas for future events but excited for whatever you cook up :3


  • What were your thoughts on the raffles? good! fun!!! a lovely way to be included and participate even when i didnt have time/energy/an apprved shifter to play in any of the rest of the games. they also reminded me daily that the event was happening, so i didnt forget. i always had something to look forward to.
  • What were your thoughts on having a temporary currency? it was cute! a little harder to track since i lost my bank post a few times, but nbd. i RLY liked that i could buy it with scales, since that meant i didnt miss out on things i wanted to buy, even though i was able to only minorly participate in the event
  • How was the organization for the event? Did you like having it all in one forum? yes! most importantly though was the world page. i had that up in my tab bar all month, it was SUPER useful for navigation.
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? thank you so much for all your hard work!!! i launched my own species recently, so im rly getting a full appreciation for the level of effort yall put into these, its truly staggering and amazing how well you keep it up!




Thank you so much for your feedback! 5 Lovely Remnants were added to your account.