Posts on 2023 Lovely Event Feedback! Start of Thread Parent


  • Did you participate in the event? Why, or why not? i did, as i liked the look of fairies and i wanted to be able to draw my shrimps a bit and also and excuse make a shrimp for my friend lol
  • What ★ rating did you give in the poll? Why? 5 stars!! i thought the event was well executed and a good idea
  • What did you like about the event? i liked it's simplicity and i liked the minigames (the loveletter to another member one was very sweet)
  • What did you not like about the event? if anything, i didn't fully understand the art point scaling thing but that might've just been a me issue💀 but other than that i really can't think of anything
  • What would you have changed about this event? What would you like to see in future events? i wouldn't have changed anything, i would love to see some similar events in the future 


  • What were your thoughts on the raffles? the raffles were a good idea, i liked them!
  • What were your thoughts on having a temporary currency? im always a sucker for temporary currencies and this is no exception, i really liked this idea 🤍
  • How was the organization for the event? Did you like having it all in one forum? i liked the organisation for the event, it was fairly easy to locate everything and it tied the event together nicely
  • Any miscellaneous thoughts? not really, just a thanks to everyone/anyone who was helping out with the event!! 🤍

Thank you so much for your feedback! 5 Lovely Remnants were added to your account.