Lazy Counting {Oc Game}

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Runaway

{Oc Counting Game}
If this is not allowed take it down please ;.;

(Other post of mine
Yum or Yuck
Five Facts About Your Oc

Okay, i do not check my own topics often....Im lazy....

While Ic,
Post the next number (counting up from 1)
Have your Oc Name one thing.

When one of my Oc`s post again the count will drop to zero!
If the count reaches 80 I will do a sketch for the 80th person who post! ( i have some of my own art in my gallery!)

As for rules
You must reply ic.
No replying to your own oc unless its been 24 hours without a reply.

Let us start!

Venith Tobette Isoprene

45. Most people don't assume so, but I spend quite a bit of time on the Internet! There's just so much to do! So many articles to read, so many games to play, so many friends to make... it's really rather incredible!

Lude RandomJumble

46. My best friend looks after my hair. I dont care much about it, but he always bitch and moans when I dont have it looking nice. It helps he's a hair stylist.

Dare EtherealPrince

47. The eyes under the main ones on my face are blind. So, I only have four working eyes. the main ones, and the ones on my shoulders. 

Addle Devious TheLadyAnatola

48. The captain of the castle knights keeps reminding me I'm not allowed to have any relationship beyond a professional one with the princess due to tradition and laws... but the queen keeps commenting on how good looking her grandkids would look with me in the family... I'm not entirely sure what to think at this point...

Aarush goldenDiscord

49. I would love to see the world someday! Even if my father forbode it, I wish to learn about different cultures.

This user is not visible to guests.
Blood Jutta


I'm afraid of sharks, but you'd be too if you lived with them 


52. I have the ability to keep the power away, but that poor boy who visited did not.

Vanilla MaplesHaiku

53. Normally I don't like hurting others, but if you're one of my enemies, beware. Or, you would beware, if I wasn't in this cage, but please don't come find me. I can get out of here myself.

 Fyren Caine

54. I'm a demi-divine being created by Miras and technically above mortals, but she still saw it necessary to give me a child's appearance and human feelings like loneliness and sadness. I don't hate her, but talk about rubbing salt into fresh wounds 

 Caor shikyoriipaa

55. Despite looking mainly human, save for a few bits of me, people still avoid me whenever I travel without something to cover up most of my body. ..I don't understand why. 


56. "The two longest horns on my head and my right eye didn't start off like this, y'know... I suppose that my condition is getting worse the longer I stay here on earth... Whatever."

 Cero Waltz

57. "(Even though it's impossible for me to speak normally to most people, I very much enjoy the company of others. It's embarassing at times, but the friends I've made have been nothing but supportive.)

Claude Lovelace Caine

58. I enjoy parties, but I usually fake illness during Christmas so I can be alone at home. It's so dark and quiet there I consider it a real luxury, even if it's a little lonely... 

Arcus Clarke galaxycreations

59.I really love my job,I am so lucky to have something I love to do.