The above oc has been kidnapped

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by  Cobra ZuupMummy

Idk if there's a thread like this but here goes I guess lol.

So basically, just write down your oc reacting to the OC above getting kidnapped, and whether they'd help them out or not. Then, you post a scenario on how your oc got kidnapped.

I'll start

Cobra went on one of his strolls at night because he was unable to get any sleep that night. He knew it was dangerous to be out this late, but he did know how to defend himself at least. But this time, he was ambushed by a group of thugs.

Philomena salternate

Philomena noticed Cobra during her nightly walk. Upon seeing all this go down, she abruptly strutted up to the hybrid. She grabbed his shoulder and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"You okay, sir? I'll handle them. Run."


Despite Philomena knowing she was going to get a lot of attention at her meet and greet, she became overwhelmed with the large crowd. She was perfectly fine with the hugs, as well as the occasional selfie. Philomena, however, never expected things to elevate with her arms being pulled. Her distressed expression intensified as she began to get dragged away.

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Zack Bradshaw PicklePantry

"I see," Zack grunted from across the street of the old chapel. "And you're sure she's there?" He glanced to the bunny on his shoulder. She twitched her nose. He nodded and looked forward. Having worked with countless animals for a long time, Zack had learned to, for the most part, understand what they were trying to say, so when he found a familiar rabbit at his doorstep with a very twitchy nose and no owner, he knew what was wrong.
How on earth did she get here, though? Suddenly, a voice cried out for help, one that Zack was able to pick up on even from his distance. His eyes widening slightly, he rushed forward and burst through the doors. A hiss left his mouth. This place was old and long abandoned, and it didn't seem to focus on religion even in its prime, but there was still something enough to feel like mosquito bites all over him. It was easy to ignore, though, when there was someone in danger here. Following the voice, Zack came across a familiar face atop a pile of wood. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the distant shouts of her pursuers. "Trouble follows you everywhere, doesn't it?" he growled down at Robin. Picking her up, he put her over his other shoulder and rushed out of the chapel.

Zack hissed at his abductors. He was in an old, gray room that was small enough for him and his chair, and two others that seemed to be standing guard over him, both armed with guns. This was his fault. He'd heard of a bounty hunter selling off monsters to the highest bidder and thought that was the lead he needed to find his parents, so he tried to catch them, but found himself quickly outnumbered and outmatched. It was a trap from the start, and he fell for it easily. If he had to guess, he was stuck here waiting for someone to buy him like some kind of shiny, new toy.

Zaz'real Nisera DecayingIntentions

Zaz'real stares at the abductors, weighing his options. It wasn't his problem, it was an unspoken law not to get in the way of other bounty hunters and with that he walks away, but then again... Would he really be able to live with himself? Of course, he would but as he heard the cocking of the guns, he sighs, taking one last puff from his Cigar he quickly turns around and fires at one of the abductor's head, killing them instantly with an old six-shooter. He then pulls out another one and fires another one, soon they disperse, regrading the Bounty not worth the risk.


With that Zaz'real continues to walk away, not saying much of a word.


Gunshots can be heard, as Zaz'real's attackers fall down one by one, but then 'Click!', his Six-Shooter is jammed. Soon he's greeted with a swift 'Crack!' to the jaw, causing him to get knocked off balance. He tumbles with a loud crash, as his body lays unconscious on the floor. His attackers soon begin to drag his body out of the alleyway, and attempt to load him into a van.

Wraith Stormheart SpiritdragonRyuu

Wraith heard the gunshots and quickly went to investigate what was going on. His eyes narrowed as he saw a van, and a ground of people trying to drag an unconscious body into it. Snarling Wraith jumped down into a nearby ally and rushed the attackers, transforming as he did so. In his black panther form he lunged, claws extended as he tackled one of the people trying to haul the unconscious man in the van.  The other one shouted in surprised before also being attacked by the large cat. After killing the two men Wraith looked around, trying to see if there was anymore of them, looking into the van as he did so, upon not seeing anyone else, and no other hostages, the large cat darted into a nearby ally to stay hidden but to also keep an eye out for any other attackers. 


Wraith is kidnapped (includes fighting, and auctioning) :

He couldn't remember clearly what happened, one minute he was walking around the streets, the next he was in a fight and then knocked unconscious. How long had he been here, chained up in a small and cold stone room? A few days, a week? A month? 2 months? Everything was blurring together it was pretty routine to what happened daily, he would wake up, he would have food and water shoved down his throat, he would be beaten if he resisted or when his abductors were bored or in a bad mood. If he fought back or at least attempted to he was starved for several days and the cycle would repeat. New things would happen every so often, sometime he was injected with something that made him incredibly drowsy and other times it was a injection of something that made him resort to his more murderous instincts, something that turned him completely feral. On those days, he would be sent into an arena and fight with another person, he wasn't sure whether it was a prisoner or a guard, in that state, everything felt like a threat. He was told that his abductors were preparing him for something, he didn't know what, all that he knew was they were going to earn a fortune. 

The door of his cell unlocked, he was now 2 days without water and 10 days without food, his mind and body was so exhausted he didn't bother fighting back when he was taken off the wall and thrown into a another cage of sorts. More days passed this time on the road, his body aching with every bump they went over. He was given water and a small bit of food, but nothing that would satisfy the knowing hunger in his stomach. When his cage was taken out of the vehicle he was in a basement of some sort, but he could hear people, a lot of them actually. Feeling a sharp pain in his neck, a familiar rush of anger and feral instinct over took him, not long after a bright light shone on him, making him snarl and roar in anger, more anger than a human was capable of. 

"As you can see ladies and gentleman, this particular jewel today, is both young and ferocious, and may I add the added ability of being a shapeshifter, a truly rare being to have in any collection. If you are not convinced, let me show you." A male voice said before Wraith was taken out of the cage and pushed into....a pit? In front of him was a goliath form of man, making Wraith look tiny in comparison. The next few minutes felt blurred, the two of them fought, dealing deadly blows to each other, Wraith transforming to and from his panther form, making the audience gasp and cheer. It felt like mere seconds before the larger male lay unmoving on the floor, the stone floor and walls of the pit stained a dark red as the crowd cheered at the terrifying ferocity and mercilessness the shapeshifter showed. Breathing heavily, Wraith didn't even notice the wounds he had sustained himself, he could feel the strong pain of starvation as he looked at the fallen form of the man, he could faintly hear people shouting prices at the main man as Wraith was hoisted up out from the pits from the chain on his neck and thrown back into the cage, denying him of satisfying his hunger, his world soon faded to black as exhaustion took him. He knew that when he woke up, the feral instinct would be gone and he would probably be in a new place once more. He truly felt helpless.


Follow up:

It was a day or so before Wraith woke up, having the first night in months that he wasn't chained upright to a wall. He groaned softly as he opened his eyes, his whole body ached. He swallowed thickly before his eyes rested on a male about Wraith's age, so this was the person who bought him, certainly not what he was expecting, the shapeshifter wasn't chained and his wounds had been treated and bandaged. "W....what? W...what's going on?" He said, his voice sounding hoarse as he did so. "Who.....who are you?" He said watching as the other man jumped in surprise at the shapeshifters suddenly being awake. 

After being told what happened, Wraith looked down at the floor slightly and then back to Nico. "I.....appreciate what you didn't have to do that." From what he was told Nico and his sister spent 100k on him. Wraith may have gotten by without using money, but that wasn't a lifestyle for majority of people and that was a a lot of money they spent just to get him, a complete stranger, out of a horrendous situation. The shifter mentally made a note to repay them for helping him once he was able to fend for himself.

Several weeks later Wraith left the siblings, and after a couple of weeks past they received a package which had 110k in it and a note which simply read. Thanks.

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Petrel malaquill


The sight of someone being kidnapped wasn't one that Petrel was used to, let alone know how to deal with on his own. He'd almost not seen it, either, having been on his way home from a few errands, and minding his own business. What he saw was someone who seemed utterly defeated already, near-catatonic. 

One of the larger men moved toward him, and the moment a hand was laid on him, Petrel drew his knife and lunged. He didn't get terribly far before the kidnappers decided that this was more trouble than it was worth and exited the scene, leaving their victim and a very confused Petrel behind. It took a few seconds for him to fully grasp the scene in front of him a second time.

He knelt next to the man in the torn hoodie, not reaching out physically. "I'm... sorry." No response. "I can... take you to a healer..." He waited again for a reply, though it was an antsy sort of waiting, less in the name of Nico, and more in the interest of not getting in trouble himself (though he wouldn't). He awkwardly parroted the same things that had been told to him before, clearly not quite certain how they helped. "It's- okay?"

putting under a spoiler for Extra Bad Times- petrel does not handle this situation even remotely well 

Petrel awoke on a floor of cold, filthy stone, not fully present. His first, not-quite-conscious attempts to shift to a more comfortable position were met with clangs and cold resistance. A cuff was locked tightly around his ankle, connected to the wall with a long chain, wrists trapped firmly behind him (a response to him having fought quite a bit, though he didn't recall that) in shackles that looked enormous- though not so much that he had any hope of slipping through. 


This room was too familiar to him. These conditions. Consciously, it wasn't the same, it was hardly close, but unconsciously- it was identical to where he'd been sent when he'd been- the word he always used was bad, even if it wasn't quite true. His hands shook harder, the longer he had to take it in. The more he looked. 


Though he managed to shift onto his knees, it was hardly an improvement- he remained bowed, head low, the thin inner-shirt he usually wore not fully hiding old scars.

No no no n-

He couldn't speak to apologize, the only sounds managing to come out being short, sharp breaths. He lifted his head only slightly at the sound of distant footsteps, eyes wide. 

It was almost as if the weight of the bonds had been what was keeping him steady. He hadn't noticed just how weak he felt until he was released, wrists and ankles feeling as though they were no stronger than twigs, and he struggled to remain on his knees at all.

The fight hadn't quite registered, nor had the familiar face of his rescuer, not until the sudden warmth of the cloak covered him, until he stood on feet that weren't quite prepared for it. Dull surprise crossed his face when it finally clicked that it was I'sen, who he'd met before under circumstances of about the same dire nature, and much sharper surprise when he tried to walk and nearly stumbled right back down to the floor. Before he once again met rock and metal, he was picked up, and the two were on their way out.

He almost felt safe, exhaustion and the knowledge that- as the nomad had put it- he'd see everyone soon tempting him with a more peaceful sleep than before.

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Shamus Taoi SpiritdragonRyuu

purenai - I'sen finally gets to see what Shamus can do.

Shamus had heard the commotion nearby and nervously went to investigate, upon seeing the familar figure of I'sen and the situation he was in, the young male began to panic. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?  Shamus thought, his breathing speeding up. He couldn't go get help, I'sen and his captures might have gone by then, and what if they did something worse to I'sen because Shamus didn't stop them. The fragile man gripped his hair tightly, desperate to find a way to help but was coming up with nothing. 

The sound of one of the captures telling the others to get ready to move on, snapped him out of his thoughts. It was now or never, Shamus transformed. In his raven form, Shamus flew and dove in front of the cage and transformed back to his humanoid form. " leave him alone." Shamus said stuttering slightly, his whole body shaking in fear. The men laughed at him and told him to get out of the way or else he would be put in the cage as well or sold since he was such a 'rare specimen' that someone would pay good money for. When Shamus showed no sign of moving the men started to approach a couple of them raising their weapons towards I'sen and Shamus. 

Above the scene a storm began to brew, the skies turning dark as the distant sound of thunder could be heard, followed by the cracking of lightning. Around his fragile form, purple lightning began to course and crackle around Shamus' body as his eyes flared a bright purple, looking like purple galaxies. "I said leave him alone!" He screamed as two large black wings erupted from his back, as several bolts of lighting crashed from the sky and into the three men, as a burst of energy left Shamus' hands and towards them. Their bodies turning into ash not long after and scattering across the land. It took several minutes before the sky returned to it's normal state as Shamus tried to get his breath back. He slowly picked up his hoodie which was now ripped and he knew he would have to sew when he got home. Shamus then turned to I'sen, a thin layer of sweat clinging to his skeleton like body, the shifter wasn't sure what he was going to think of him after seeing what he had just done.


The group of men had come out of nowhere, easily overpowering Shamus and dragging him towards what looked like some sort of building. He kicked and screamed, causing the sky above to turn dark, however they dragged him into a building before he could use the storm to his advantage. He could feel a  familiar crackle of lightning beginning to form around his body before he got a heavy blow to the back of the neck, knocking him unconscious. 


Such a cool character ^.=.^

Follow Up:

Shamus felt himself being carried, but not the same way the group of men had tried. There was no forceful jerks of being pulled somewhere, no this person was actually caring him with alot of care. Purple eyes slowly opened and looked up at the face of the man who was carrying him, the shifter noticed that the man had a cut under one of his eyes, did he get that when trying to get Shamus away from the men.  It was then he noticed the strangers eye colour, they were violet just like Shamus' and there was a hint of something....supernatural about them, was this man like him? could he transform as well? Could he make wings appear from his back too? Many questions were running through the fragile mans head. 

Shamus wasn't surprised that Marco was able to carry him easily, he didn't exactly have a lot of weight to him, he rested his head on Marco's shoulder, exhausted from what had happened, and enjoying the amount of warmth that his new companion gave off. Maybe it was the similarity of the two of them, or maybe it was the exhaustion from trying to use his powers but Shamus felt safe in the other's company. He closed his eyes. "Thank you." He said softly before falling asleep.

Marco Taeya

Before things could get any uglier, a deep-pitched growl filled the room. Shamus kidnapper faced a huge, black wolf,  snarling at them aggressively. Marco, being the simple shapeshifting  hybrid that he was, found no other option than to handle this delicate  situation with violence. He found his odds were already in his favour, as some of the kidnappers were taken back by the sight of him and seemed  nervous already, giving him all the more confidence to pounce on them.  He did his best to not seriously hurt anyone. All he needed was to scare  them away, so they would leave the scene. Unfortunately he was injured  in the process and received a slash just under his eye. The wolf stubbornly powered through the sting and eventually chased away the last  bad guy, growling after them as if to say 'and don't come back!'.
Marcos  attention finally went to Shamus, lying on the cold floor. He turned  around and walked towards him, transforming back to his human form midst  his way. With a concerned expression on his face he kneeled down next  to him. "Who are you?...", he softly whispered to himself before letting  out an exhausted sigh. "Let's get you out of here..." He gently picked Shamus up to carry him outside. "Woah! So light..." His face showed even more worry.

Breaking into the home of a rumored crazy scientist was a bad idea. Who would've thought? Marco thought. But who cares what Marco thinks, right? His thoughts were sassier than he could allow them to be. He had to  think about a way to get out of this mess. He sat on a chair, with his  arms tied behind his back so transformation was no option. Taking his wolf form in this position would only break his arms. He scanned the dark, cold room for a chance to escape only to find his abducter  entering it. The man walked towards Marco ominously, holding a syringe. Fear swelled in his violet eyes before he closed them tightly, ready to use his last resort and endure the pain of two mangled front legs.

time for a very late follow-up ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Upon hearing the bonk, Marco stopped himself from transforming and opened his eyes. He was hoping for a certain white haired person to save him, but he didn't expect it to be the one who he so miserably failed to talk to. "Y-you!... I- uhh.." Being still in high alert, Marco stuttered nervously while he watched En taking off the rope. Finally, as he could move freely, he immediatly jumped up from the chair, rubbing his wrist in relief. He looked back at the ex-prince, with a lot of questions in his head. Why was he here? He remembered him? What's his name? What's his number? But En was right. They had to get out. "I'm... fine." He didn't seem fine, looking to the side with a nervous expression. "Let's go!" The dark haired man wouldn't stick around any longer and ran out the room, expecting his saviour to follow.

En Litari II PicklePantry

In every place En had travelled there was always some kind of myth or rumor that was spread. Werewolves, cults, PTA meetings. Scary things. This particular place had mentioned a mad scientist that would take people and harm them. That alone piqued his interest, but when he'd heard of the latest potential victim, a young, awkward, raven-haired man, he knew he had to go.
It was a vague description, he knew that, but there was something in the back of his mind saying, "What if it's him? That guy from before? What if he's in trouble?" He had to know for himself.

The scientist got closer and closer to Marco, a drop of the syringe's contents dripping off the needle's sharp tip. Despite Marco's squirming and glares, the scientist showed no concerns or worry. A gloved hand reached out and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look into his own reflections cast from the scientist's goggles. The syringe was lifted, aimed, and--
He fell with a thud, unconscious. Behind him was En, shakily holding a black sword. "I can't believe that worked," he muttered to himself before looking at Marco. "It really is you! I'd be happy to see you if it weren't here," he attempted a smile before running over to help him out of his restraints. "Come on, we'd better get out of here before that guy wakes up. Are you hurt?"

It was inevitable that En would get kidnapped at some point during his exile. Dishonored prince or not, he was still royal and with a fancy set of swords, so someone out there would see a price tag on him.
He currently laid on the back of a horse, behind its rider and his captor, hogtied and with his mouth muffled. Three other riders followed close behind, occasionally tossing him glances between amusement and greedy excitement. En wriggled. His wrists were tied up close, he couldn't hold his hand out enough to summon his swords.

(You bless me, and with that incredible interaction with the fat caterpillar)

It all happened so fast. Within moments of being captured, something had happened to cause most of the horses to run away in terror. There was fire, then a knife! He tried to move around to see what was happening, but everything was over before he knew it.
The person responsible came over to him, undoing his bindings. En blinked. What was with that comment and that glare? It was almost like he didn't want to do this. Nevertheless, when freed the prince gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come. If there's anything I can do to repay you, please let me know!" He hesitated. "Your powers, by the way. They were really cool."

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Quill Taeya

( PicklePantry hope you don't mind the ping but  the above users account closed and it's been a hella long time so I'm gonna sandwich!
Also first part is spoilered because it's kinda irrelevant, but I had fun writing it)

Hidden in the bushes, Quill was watching the parade of hooligans kidnapping En. "Look at him... How pathetic!", he told a fat catepillar crawling on a branch next to him with a smug grin. "I'd never get captured like this. (are you sure about that?) ... What?" His expression fell. The capertitle continued to crawl, in a worried way. "I don't need to save him! What am I, some kind of people saver? He's fiine. He'll manage..." The outlaw looked back to En, who was helplessly struggling. The caterpillar knawed on a leaf, in a condescending way. "Watch your mouth, you! I just don't wanna be involved with this..." The caterpillar did nothing. "I know who's brother-- Uuuuggh fine!" Quill silently crawled away, to get closer to the other ex-prince and his captors. The caterpillar looked around, in a pleased way.

A strange athmosphere fell over over the area. The horse carrying En, got slower and slower, eventually just laying down. Unlike the other horses, which after already being tense, now were scared by a little flaming ball, flying around and provocatively picking on them, eventually sending them running off with their riders. They left the man and his horse, which still had En laying on it's back alone. Now it seemed like the captor was looking for En and his horse, despite the both of them still being there. Then out of nowhere, a knife flew through the air and hit the man in the shoulder. Except the knife didn't came out of nowhere. The dark magician throwing it stood only a few meters in front of them, giving the man a sinister smile. Deciding this situation was too weird to handle, the last captor left the area.
Finally, Quill turned to En and pulled him not so gently from the horse. With a sigh, he released his spells, causing the horse to stand up and swiftly taking off. Seemed like Quill was a little exhausted from using so many spells at once. "You're more trouble than you're worth...", he began quietly, giving En a cold look. Taking out another knife, he squatted down to him and held said knife very close to Ens face. "Don't get your suspenders in a bunch. I'm not doing this for you...", he hissed. After ripping off the piece of tape that prevented En from speaking, he began cutting the ropes with the knife, he just held in his face to assert dominace.

It was only a matter of time. Quill was tied up tightly and just dragged like a sack of potatoes through dark alleyways by his captors. They were two large men. It wasn't sure what they had planned for the outlaw, but the look on their faces sure as hell didn't promise anything pleasant. With his hands and arms barely being able to move, he could not use magic, no matter how violently he would thrash around. And with his mouth muffled, he couldn't be heard by anyone, no matter how desperately he tried to scream for help. But then again, no one would come to help him out of this dilemma anyways, right? No one would even care... right? When these thoughts entered his head, he slowly stopped moving his limbs, tired from from fighting against his capture. The fear he felt in that moment finally hit him. After feeling tears dwell up in his eyes, he tightly closed his eyes shut, trying to stop it. But there was nothing he could do.

(Imagine me taking hours to write what Quill feels during a few seconds
Anyways here's a follow-up!)

Quill watched Roswell freeing him with wide, unblinking eyes. His breathing was fast, as was his heartbeat. Clearly he was still scared. He barely even registered what the fellow thief was saying. When Quill was finally able to move freely and stand he rubbed his wrists to relieve the pain. He looked at Roswell, with a quite strange expression. Confused, angry and still filled with fear. 'Not bad for a stinky auld man hu?' was the cherry on top of his highly emotional state. He already didn't think anyone would want to save him, but for his saviour to be someone he's been so rude to? There was a feeling in his chest he couldn't quite pin down, but it weighed heavy on him. Shame. Shame and to an extend, guilt. Out of reflex, he opened his mouth, ready to say something, but nothing came out. Instead he adverted his gaze to the ground to avoid eye contact. Sure he could've thanked him. He could've also gotten mad at him, saying 'I didn't need you help' which would've been a lot more in character, but Quill was well aware that he couldn't have gotten out of this alone. Not that there was time for any for chit-chat as his captors seemed to approach the kitchen. The fierce look in his eyes returned. "Don't worry..." He lifted one arm and tensed it up, making dark smoke appear around it. "This time, I won't make any mistakes..." Unlike Roswell, he seemed to be very ready to fuck shit up.

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Roswell silently opened a window and crept into the backroom of an old tavern. The one that held a certain prince. Ex-prince. The old thief's ears were pricked, as his feet (thanks to his own magic) made no sound. The Kraker had seen the robbery go wrong. Stalked the rooftops as the two men had dragged Quill off and through the streets (his streets!). Into the abandoned cafe. Something had forced Roswell to persuade. Some feeling had brought him here. Roswell cursed underneath his breath as he silently crept from shadow to shadow. He was getting old. Sentimental.

The leidsman was no fighter. He avoided conflict as much as possible. And still..
"Psst, kid," Roswell hissed underneath his breath. As he slipped into the empty kitchen. Quill was thankfully alone, while his two attackers were searching the taproom for a drop of alcohol or something to eat. One of them had lit up the furnace and the warmth it produced almost coaxed Roswell in ditching Quill and joyfully join the two-man by the fire.
He didn't though. Roswell unsheathed his kram and the faint light of the furnace in the other room made the curved blade glimmer. Roswell eyed Quill for a brief second. Then knelt next to him.
"Don't move, or oi accidentally slit yer wrists," the thief warned.

Roswell took a hold of the ropes as he pressed his kram against them. The footsteps and loud voices in the room next door made him nervous. His hand shook as he started to cut the ropes.
"Listen," he said. Snip- the one rope around Quill's wrists was cut. "Dis is maybe not de best toime to come clean but...Oi'm no foighter," -Snap. "If dese guys foind us 'ere yer are goin' to need to fend them off, alone. Alroi? Think yer can do that kid?" Roswell hushed under his breath. As the blade cut another hemp-rope. "Sure yer beat them fair 'nd square de first toime," Roswell muttered sarcastically to himself. "Don't know why oi'm worried in de first place."

The leidsman didn't wait for Quill's reply. As soon as the old crook cut the last string, he forced the outlaw back on his feet. "Good," he said. "Yer still breathin'. Yer need to shake yisser arm if yer want blood to flow back into them."
Roswell hung his knife back on his belt and dusted the ex-prince shoulder.
"Not bad for a stinky auld man hu?"
Roswell reared his head and his breathing stopped for a split second as he heard the voices in the room next to them getting wilder. Closer.
"Gran'" Roswell said. Giving Quill's shoulder absent-minded pat. "Well sprung, oi 'ope yer still pack sum magic.. Or leg-muscles for dat matter, cause we need to get outa-'ere."


Roswell's throat was dry. His hands reached for his head and he winched. Vot. His entire body ached and felt as if it was crushed by a horse. A camel.
Feverishly Roswell opened his eye and looked around. "Gustav?" The thief croaked. Before coughing. Void- his throat was so dry. "Anyone?" he added. Roswell tried to get up, but his foot was shackled to the ground. The ground? Roswell dusted some of the snow away, only to get greeted by a frightful sight. His foot was shackled with a cord to an iron ring that had been hammered into the ground. It didn't budge when he tried to pull it.

Roswell's eye scanned the make-shift camp he found himself in. The snow was thick and a small fire fended off some of the cold. The camp itself was empty, no soul in sight, and still… Roswell could feel someone, or something, watching him.


Ros when Kassius breaks that chain

Roswell had already accepted his life, bounded to this sole iron ring when out of nowhere the dragon appeared. He had to squint his eye and rub it several times before he´d accepted whatever was happening right now, was real.
“Aye,” Roswell muttered. His lip shook from the cold and cracked. But even that didn’t stop Roswell from talking.
Roswell’s eye went big when the other just bróke his shackle. Just like that.
“Whaat’s yer secret?” he asked Kassius. “Do yer eat loike 12 eggs for breakfast? A meat-only diet?”
Roswell used Kassius’ hand to get up, his legs shook and his stomach did a loopty-loop.
“Me camel must be aroun’ ‘ere somewhere.. If yer ‘elp me foind ‘im.. Oi pay yer,” he said. “Promise. Cross me h-heart 'nd such,” he added. As he still stood there trembling like a leaf.
Looks like you're in luck Kassius, Roswell has like 2 coins to spare.

Kassius kordesii

Kassius had a habit of wandering the woods and running into trouble, which was exactly what happened to him as he ran into a group of people who he assumed were up to no good. They spoke in hushed tones about something or another, or rather someone. They spoke about a man, and what they were going to do with him now that they had him. Kassius licked his lips, finger on his chin as he sat, crouched above them on a tree, his tail flicking as he thought to himself. What an interesting predicament he could find himself in! They spoke about some sort of "payment" and the dragon felt his eyes light up at the thought. He always did love gold, or really anything that sparkled and shined. A reward, or a ransom, would work out fine for him!

He jumped from the tree, landing with a thud! a few feet from the men, who all turned to look up at the large dragon. He stuck his tongue out at the men, a smile on his face, "I heard you have someone tied up somewhere, care to show me where?" He asked, noting how he newfound "friends" were reaching for their weapons. "Ah, not going to give it up easy, huh? Well, good thing I have a good nose, and also a good thing you all made great footprints in the snow!" He spoke happily, snapping his fingers, one of the men erupting into flame as the others turned in shock, before deciding their lives were worth more than coin. They fled, and he let them, watching them for a moment before heading out towards their camp.

Kassius sauntered in like he owned the place, not even trying to hide his presence or steps. He saw the man shackled to the ground, and made his way over casually, a smile on his face, "a bit chilly out, ain't it?" He asked, hands on his hips and he leaned down. His smile was full of teeth. He let out a small laugh after a moment, tail flicking as he kneeled down next to Roswell, taking his foot into his hand and breaking the iron shackle with ease.

"Now then, those guys could still be around, so how about I escort you to wherever you need to go?" Kassius offered a hand to the human, knowing he didn't have anything of worth on him right then. It was possible the bandits, or whatever they were, had taken his things and put them somewhere, but Kassius wasn't too worried. He'd find a nice shiny reward one way or another, whether it came form this man or from this camp, he didn't really care.


Kassius found himself in some sort of... cage? He stood quickly, annoyance and anger coming over him as he reached for the bars to the small cage, only to find an electric current surge through him and throw him back against the other side of the cage. It also electrocuted him and fried his magical circuits, causing him to start coughing as he fell to the ground of the cage. He was barely able to breathe, looking up to find himself in some sort of small camp, people milling about here and there, none casting him more than a glance.

He growled, wiping his face as he sat, tail curing around his feet as he tried to get his mind right. He was in some sort of camp, and he saw similar cages to his own scattered around filled with any and all sorts of creatures, some of them even being humans. A slave market perhaps? They had to be some powerful slave traders to be able to make a cage to seal him. He sighed, deciding that this sucked and he would merely have to wait for an opportunity to escape.