What's One Line your OC would say? (Medium)

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 12 days ago) by PicklePantry

Posts here are 3-5 sentences!

We've got games with lots of writing, and some with little writing, so how about... m-medium?

Same as the original game!
Your character gets to say one (1) thing to the character above.
What is it?
Is it a simple insult? A small thank you? A love confession?

OC 1: (exists)
OC 2: She was in awe as she gazed at the splendor of the first person, only able to mumble, "I love your outfit." She blushed. How embarrassing.
OC 3: "Hey! You're really smart, aren't you? Can you build this?!"
OC 4: "How dull." He turned away with a scoff and crossed his arms. He wouldn't say anything else.

- This is an IC game! Please reply with your character's thoughts and reaction!
- Your post MUST be 3-5 sentences! Nothing more, nothing less (This includes any sentence in between dialogue!)
- Don't be mega rude or lewd.
- This is still a low effort game! Please don't write too much and don't expect a lot written back!
- You can post every two people, unless 5 days have passed.
- Follow-ups aren't required, it's up to you to decide if you want to write one or not. They don't have to be 3-5 sentences long, either.

Don't want to write a few sentences? Try out these games!

One Sentence Limit: [x]
Unlimited Sentence Limit: [x] [x]

1 strike per rule break
3 strikes = 3 day cooldown
Editing comments within 3 days of the post can remove the strike
You don't have to delete the comment unless it breaks the waiting rule, simply edit the comment into 3-5 sentences
Going 5 days without another rule break results in a strike removed
Posting in the thread when under cooldown results in a warning then a ban

Jacques Howlard fizzelston

"Hey buddy look, a hare," he said. Jack pointed at the startled hare in a small patch of grass jusr outside Jack's cabin. It was a massive beast, wild yellow eyes and roughed up fur, hard to miss.

"They say seeing a hare before nightfall brings you bad luck," he chuckled then abruptly stopped by seeing Chance's reaction too that. "Wow, what's wrong pal?" 


Jack's eyes went wide as he examined the keychain. "That's Mary!" He said, poor old Jack was so excited that he a) didn't even notice the small wood crafted tentacles on the back of the wooden keychain figure and b) started to wobble on his feet, "she's my best friend! Do you know where this meadow is located?" 

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Aiden salternate

"No-no-no need to-to-to be-be—" Aiden abruptly stopped speaking, his mouth briefly hanging open whilst he struggled to make a noise.

"...be so uppity, Mr. Fitzgerald." Upon completing his sentence, the teenager tilted his head down so that he could scan the elder party's expression.

"Hey, hey, y-you don't have to grab my-my-my ears, too. I-I can still hear you from up-up here."

Lacie Burnett Vapor

"I still stand by what I said about your clothing, about it complementing you, making you look responsible and all," the noblewoman said to him, preening in the mirror, "Practical clothing isn't attractive per se, but it's better than frolicking around in dresses and the like... Oh, I haven't worn a dress in so long, now that I think about it..."

But, never mind that. She pulled her hands from her hair, letting out a sigh, "It isn't any use to be tired, either, though -- which you look to be. Don't deny it, either." She eased out a soft laugh. "It's your mood."

Sounded like what her husband was hinting at. With a sigh, Lacie watched as the younger woman sobbed, feeling an intense déjà vu in the moment, but despite the situation between her spouse and Lena, she couldn't bring herself to be angry.

"You aren't the first, and you won't be the last," she said, "The difference between you and the courtesans that try to catch his attention is that they're dishonest, they think they're sly -- they'll look at me and smile and lie through their teeth. At least you're brave enough to admit it." The middle-aged woman scoffed, glancing away from Lena, scowling. "I forgive you just for that, and besides, Flavio isn't going to take you or any such courtesans under him, I've been sure of that."

Lena Marclyn

"Lacie, I apologize, for everything! I have been a bad friend, a terrible fellow sister, an awful woman. It was a moment of weakness! I'm a weak weak STUPID GIRL! But I have been trying to flirt with your husband, he is such a good man, he denied all of my advances. Please forgive me!"

(Oopps. fixed to 5 sentences! huehue)

"OH yes! Yes I can do magic! And I can certainly show you some! But uh... I'll need some real magic before I can show mines.... I can only manipulate elements, not really cast out any cool fireballs or anything...."

Miriel Regenfall (Modern AU) devaneios

"Arra, is it true you do magic, miss?" Míriel asked with gleaming eyes, imagining the 'false' kind of magic - the type in which a guy with a stylish cape pulls a coin out of someone's ear or takes a rabbit from his top hat. "We don't have stuff like that where I live - can I see you doing it?"


"Arra, so it was you?" Míriel put her hands on her hips in an attempt to look stern - but, being the type who can't get angry at others, failed miserably, and looked more like a pouting puppy. "I was much of the scared when I saw them all up in a tree, I was wondering if the cows and pigs all started thinking they were birds!" A small, somewhat awkward smile formed on her lips. "But if you say you're sorry and won't do it anymore, there's no reason to get angry."

Ponzu Pyntuma

Ponzu stifled a giggle, putting her best apologetic look on her face. Today's game was regret. So, as she walked up to the human girl, she said "So uhhh,, you know how one time all your animals were tied up in a tree? That was me, sorry. I did cushion them though, I'm not gonna hurt animals for a prank." Ponzu sniffles, drawing up her best mournful look, but the crocodile tears are broken by an impromptu giggle. "I mean, it was kind of funny though. Hearing moos and such from up in a tree. Plus it would be cool if they were able to get down by themselves, like secret escape artists. Don't you think??" She bounces up and down slightly, excited by the thought. Then she pauses, her look becoming more impish. "Plus your face was priceless." Ponzu snickers, tail lashing back and forth.

"Anyway uh, I don't often prank the same place twice, so you won't find any more animals in trees."

(Oops I might have written too much, sorry. Twas fun though. :3)

To Gabriella below:

"Oops, I've been caught, ehehe." Ponzu didn't look too bothered, though. She just grinned and shrugged. "Sorry about the injuries though, I'd do something myself but,," She holds up her claws. "I'm not really built for the whole fixing things part of it. I do know a preeeetty good doc who owes me a favour though." Ponzu chuckles. "I'll send 'em over." Despite the grins, Ponzu WAS actually a bit bothered that it ended not with laughter but with injuries. Sure, she has no qualms about injuring people who get on her bad side, but the ghouls had promised they wouldn't cause too much mayhem. A dangerous glint entered her eyes and she flexed her claws, her smile becoming slightly malicious. Perhaps she'd have to pay the ghouls a visit to show them what happens when they ruin one of her pranks.

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Penelope salternate

"Ooh, is that your costume?" Penelope asked, pointing at the cloak sitting nearby.

"I didn't know that big girls did halloween, too! My mama usually goes all by herself, then I get to go to my daddy's house, and—and Zuzu would be there, and we'd watch movies together, and eat popcorn, and..."

 Cliff horseradish

"Woah, hey, you're a young scamp, eh?" Cliff let out a hearty laugh and rustled her hair with his fingers, it's not everyday he's able to interact with kids like this; plus, he absolutely loves them and the energy they give off. "Hey uh, keep yourself outta trouble, alright.. we don't want any accidents happening."


 "You again, Do you have any fuckin' clue how much you annoy me? I have no reason to talk to you, hell, nor would I drink with you." That was a lie. Cliff craved alcohol more than anything else at the moment, he just didn't want to let down the persona he already put on for Brown; "I'll beat the shit out of you fair and square right here, hag, I don't need booze to do that."

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 Moscovium comrade_dragoslav

“I like your hair, I think I am going to sell it on eBay so I can have enough money to buy that AK-47 I’ve always wanted.”

He grabbed the other man’s goatee with one paw, holding up a pair of scissors with the other.

“I think this alone will be worth at least 58000 rubles. It reminds me of a warm cashmere sweater. Very nice, but reminiscent of a scenario where the Sun’s absolute magnitude is equal to -9.95.”

Leika Van der Khansen fizzelston

Leika leaned a bit closer to the beast of a man as lowered her voice to a conspiracies whisper: "I've seen someone throw away some good potato wedges nearby." Leika smiled at Moscovium. "Want to snatch them with me? We can share the loot," loot? She meant cold trashed potato wedges. 


Leika's cheeks were redder than her hair as she replied: "oh I do have strong arms, my arms strong, but they are flintlock.. Eastern-style, uh, oak wood handles," she paused. Plucked the edges of her ears, "they are pretty in quality yes, b..but don't tear them apart I don't know how to repair them!"