What's One Line your OC would say? (Medium)

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 11 months, 20 days ago) by PicklePantry

Posts here are 3-5 sentences!

We've got games with lots of writing, and some with little writing, so how about... m-medium?

Same as the original game!
Your character gets to say one (1) thing to the character above.
What is it?
Is it a simple insult? A small thank you? A love confession?

OC 1: (exists)
OC 2: She was in awe as she gazed at the splendor of the first person, only able to mumble, "I love your outfit." She blushed. How embarrassing.
OC 3: "Hey! You're really smart, aren't you? Can you build this?!"
OC 4: "How dull." He turned away with a scoff and crossed his arms. He wouldn't say anything else.

- This is an IC game! Please reply with your character's thoughts and reaction!
- Your post MUST be 3-5 sentences! Nothing more, nothing less (This includes any sentence in between dialogue!)
- Don't be mega rude or lewd.
- This is still a low effort game! Please don't write too much and don't expect a lot written back!
- You can post every two people, unless 5 days have passed.
- Follow-ups aren't required, it's up to you to decide if you want to write one or not. They don't have to be 3-5 sentences long, either.

Don't want to write a few sentences? Try out these games!

One Sentence Limit: [x]
Unlimited Sentence Limit: [x] [x]

1 strike per rule break
3 strikes = 3 day cooldown
Editing comments within 3 days of the post can remove the strike
You don't have to delete the comment unless it breaks the waiting rule, simply edit the comment into 3-5 sentences
Going 5 days without another rule break results in a strike removed
Posting in the thread when under cooldown results in a warning then a ban

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Jacques Howlard fizzelston

"I am tracking some deer," he said. "I can give you a few bucks if you help me out." Jacques snorted. "Pun unintended." 


 "Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Very human."

Mottoshi ChanSimping

"I wouldn't expect you to be a boxer. I'm rather impressed at this skill of yours. And your strength is up there for a human. Human, right?"


“Yeah… Short…”


"Oh cheer up now, my good friend. I'm sure you will break out from your shell someday! After all, you know what they say, life's too short to be miserable!"

NP: Sorry for having no info about this guy. To put it simply, he is basically a himbo Superman rip-off.

Star Power Marclyn

"Follow my lead my guy. And we can save the city together! Say... What are your super power?"


v (omg! This Xeno dude. Why does xe crack me up so damn much!! I could taste this dude's personality. Man. So good.)

Star Power scratches his empty head as Xeno kept talking. Then Darli!? No! Not Darli!!? "What- Where??! Which one did you strap her to villain!!?"

Xeno Cherenkov junebuggeryy

"LAY LOW, vile heroes of light!! You think yourself so bold as to lay claim over the stars themselves? Then you should look in the mirror, misteerrr Star Power, and ask yourself what EXACTLY POWERS THOSE ATOM-CRUSHING, INCANDESCENT NUCLEAR SPECTACLES OF THE COSMOS!! Tonight, I, MASTER OF MALADIES AND MADNESS, XENO CHERENKOV, declare that the night sky is not YOURS TO RULE!!! Also that I've strapped Darli to a rocket heading towards the sun. WHEEHEHEE!"

v (( im going to FUCKING sob ))

There is a long considerate pause before Xeno, hand already on the trigger, re-holsters xer weapon, effectively putting the entire hijink on hold. "Archy, we gotta talk about this. You don't need those things to be my arch nemesis. You're already my arch nemesis! WHO ELSE, HAS THE COSMOS CONJURED TO COUNTER THE VERY ESSENCE OF MY NARRATIVE BEING?? Look, is this- bothering you? Do we need to-"

And then, statistically, Xeno is bodyslammed and hauled off by another caped vigilantee.

Archaeus Chartreuse PicklePantry

"That's... That's the kind of hero you like, huh? Is it the muscles? The costumes?! I-I can have those too!"

Navalix STOy_Box

"You appear to be very confident in the power of the many abilities you claim to be able to use. However, I have yet to see this power in person, which is cause for doubt regarding your strengths."

Nava crosses his arms, a doubtful expression showing on his displayed eyes.

"In Layman's Terms, are you as strong as you claim to be?"

⬇"My line of work does require me to be operational at all times, but if I am able to do so with no consequences, I will usually sleep to accompany my colleagues, mainly my creator."

Reyna Vidales Vapor

"If I were you and could just sleep whenever I want, then I would do it all the time! ..Or, no, maybe not, that would be really boring... um..." The young woman tapped mindlessly at her bottom lip. "I guess that would get in the way of your work, anyhow. You can't exactly do anything as a... a... a cop or whatever when you're napping, right?"

Zack Bradshaw PicklePantry

Zack examined the injured animal resting on the pillow Reyna had provided. "... I'll take it to my store." He got up to get his supplies for transporting it, but paused to look at the animals' guardian angel. He stared at her for an uncomfortably long time with a cold expression that never wavered. "... Thank you for your kindness."

Jackie Cox / Magma batsunsetz

"Please don't look at me like that. Please- please," Jackie's tail hid itself behind his leg, and he tried to dig his ears down into his hair, but it didn't really work. His tail flicked back and forth- it appeared and disappeared, instincts making it incredibly hard to hide. "I know I'm a cat, but I- don't need to be protected, okay?"


"Man, life must be gone harsh on you huh? You don't deserve to be treated like a joke and I'm sure you can do better than that. Good luck trying to fix your life for a while, buddy."


"It's like a curse and a blessing. That's all you need to know."

Ava STOy_Box

Ava was writing down something in a notebook. She showed it to Clyde.

"(I've never been as famous as you before...)"

Ava wrote again.

"(Could you tell me what it's like?)"

⬇️"(I got it in an auction when I was just starting off as an adventurer! I've never let go of it since...)"

 Patterson (D&D) fizzelston

 "That is an impressive looking vehicle," Patterson said. As he weakly gestured at the plane. "How did you acquire such a thing? "


"So what is this train? It looks pretty convenient. Care to tell me more about it? I love to learn more about this magnificent machinery."