What's One Line your OC would say? (Medium)

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 11 months, 20 days ago) by PicklePantry

Posts here are 3-5 sentences!

We've got games with lots of writing, and some with little writing, so how about... m-medium?

Same as the original game!
Your character gets to say one (1) thing to the character above.
What is it?
Is it a simple insult? A small thank you? A love confession?

OC 1: (exists)
OC 2: She was in awe as she gazed at the splendor of the first person, only able to mumble, "I love your outfit." She blushed. How embarrassing.
OC 3: "Hey! You're really smart, aren't you? Can you build this?!"
OC 4: "How dull." He turned away with a scoff and crossed his arms. He wouldn't say anything else.

- This is an IC game! Please reply with your character's thoughts and reaction!
- Your post MUST be 3-5 sentences! Nothing more, nothing less (This includes any sentence in between dialogue!)
- Don't be mega rude or lewd.
- This is still a low effort game! Please don't write too much and don't expect a lot written back!
- You can post every two people, unless 5 days have passed.
- Follow-ups aren't required, it's up to you to decide if you want to write one or not. They don't have to be 3-5 sentences long, either.

Don't want to write a few sentences? Try out these games!

One Sentence Limit: [x]
Unlimited Sentence Limit: [x] [x]

1 strike per rule break
3 strikes = 3 day cooldown
Editing comments within 3 days of the post can remove the strike
You don't have to delete the comment unless it breaks the waiting rule, simply edit the comment into 3-5 sentences
Going 5 days without another rule break results in a strike removed
Posting in the thread when under cooldown results in a warning then a ban

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Cheetah Princess Marclyn

"Why yes, I know exactly what you mean... I too find knights to be charming, even more charming than a prince. Prince are usually rather self indulgent." 


"....... I didn't know.... But then again I don't know much about men...."

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This user is not visible to guests.
 Kibble the Merciless Shadowzim777

“Beware rather huge and somewhat intimidating bird thing, for I, the evil Kibble the Merciless shall pluck each and every feather from your peaceful little body. Just because I am evil and cruel and all that evil jazz! I mean, I need to do something cruel to be noticed so that’s a pretty good evil start!”

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

"I guess you're not that... I can't even bring myself to say it. You look normal, despite being a plush animal, but I don't think... that's not it..." Maribelle's voice tapered off. Clearly, she was struggling to voice her thoughts. "..I just don't know how they haven't tossed you yet with how you act, though."

"I thought it was still January............"

".....I want a LEGO mantis set, though. Please."

Magni zeta-male

^ maribelle fixes magni and ways marriage by teaching magni that children can be fucked up and also getting them into doing lego together.png

"Well, happy birthday! What would you like for a gift, then? Not optional, I'm afraid, you'll have to pick something good," spoken with a sage faux-apologetic nod.

v Visibly choosing to take all that as a compliment, "Unless you can build something to reverse death, I think I'm a bit stuck down here, but it's very kind of you!"

Tobi DreamyDinosaur

Λ "What if I told you- naaah, I'm fucking with you, I ain't some goofy necromancer. I can't do shit to fix that, so have fun down there!"

"Oh greeeat, dorky-ass romantics, my favourite kind of... human...? Yeah, whatever, human. Well, atleast, you're a pirate, and a pretty powerful one, that's cool. I'm pretty powerful myself... if you ignore the gut and the kinda weak baby arms, but anyways, I could build you something that can get you out of the ocean... unless you like it there or whatever?"

V "I doubt that'll happen, buuut..." She lets out a little burp before continuing, "I'll tell you if something happens."

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

"I know we didn't start off so well- buuttt, brushing that aside, I must admit your inventions are impressive!" She would say, clasping her hands together as she flashed a smile, genuine of course. "..Though, if they start gaining sentience I'd love to know!"

This post has been removed.
Percy "PD" Dude Orisquirrelking

(quick note that i love being @ pinged in these so feel free to notify me >:33)


"I uh.. i know how it's like, you know." Percy says, cautiously shifting his weight to his other foot. "I might not have been lab made but my 'creators' weren't the nicest people ever either. Even when they died, it's like. i miss you, but i hate you, yeah?" He paused, looking down at the sentient phone. "I'd offer you coffee, but uh.. i'm not sure you can drink it."

(my friend i would have to say that your writing is absolutely pheeeeenomenal!!)

Percy stood silently for a second, eyebrows raised and expression flustered, unsure of how to respond to the handsome stranger. "I.. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." he managed to get out, gaze flickering from Alois's head to his shoes. He stood in silence for a mere moment before extending his hand towards the being before him, shaking his hand with a firm but slightly sweaty grip. The atmosphere was not tense, though Percy could not sense what emotion was flowing between the two. Perhaps it was simply the awkwardness of having stumbled across a similarly well dressed stranger in a place like this one, or perhaps it was how off-putting the first question aimed towards him was. Whatever it was, Percy aimed to get the better of it. "Surely you know who I am, no?"

Alois SymeSynth

Orisquirrelking Hello! Dusting off my writing since I have been radio silent for a while. Apologies if the writing is a touch messier than usual.

"I suppose even someone that carries a fanciful demeanour such as you has something to hide?" Alois begins, his voice a casual drawl despite the calculated manner he flutters his eyelashes, his blank gaze settling on Percy. Perhaps the orphan will realise that Alois' question is rhetorical in nature, but it is also within the realm of possibility that he will not catch on, considering that smile the dark-haired being wears: disarming, yet carrying an undercurrent that indicates he is waiting for some kind of response. "Regardless, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Koba Harbringer

“I understand what it is like to yearn for normalcy. To be constantly isolated in your own strength is not a way of life, but it is a reality for many. However— I don’t believe that my power can compare to yours. I am not sure exactly what you are capable of, though I am sure that it is beyond my comprehension. Your size—“ Koba evaluated the physicality of the seemingly young man. “—is deceitful.” 

Rylex Marclyn

"Rylex be liking yo grind, grit, 'n dedication to yo craft. Yeah, you kinda like Rylex ain't you. You a good soldier. How about Rylex 'n Koba git together sometime 'n do some reps?"

"Ah shh-, ya gurl's got a sis? If she wanna hit up wit Rylex, he more den happy to meet yo gurl's sis. Tonight yo!"

Aaron ChanSimping

”Well you don’t look half bad to train with. I’d be down to see what you can do. And while I’m at it aye man, there’s this cute girl I’m seein with a sister. I bet I could get you guys into a lil thing if you know what I mean~”

“Hah… Well I did have a pretty deadbeat dad. The fact both my parents were always deemed so highly while I was cursed. It was never a good feeling. But I’m happy with where I am today. If my life wasn’t fucked, I wouldn’t have met a lot of people. In the end, this is just my fate and I’ve accepted that. I’ve always loved my mom. Even though my dad was never there, I don’t hate him for some reason. I just wish he was there.”