Rate the Character Design Above You (GAME)

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by NoLongerInUse

A simple and sweet concept for those who are second-guessing their Character designs. Simialir to a Character Rating thread, this will more focus on the Design rather than the backstory or any information of the character. That way you can secure a great design before you set them up in a story or even an RP. (I do realize many people prefer to get their story done before locking down on a design, but this is for those who don't or are just looking to get advice on their designs.)


❀This is a friendly thread where others look for advice. Unless they want harsh critiques, please be respectful.

❀Try to avoid rating the same character multiple times.

❀The Character you post to be rated must have a Full-Body piece of art.

❀NSFW Characters are allowed to be shown here, just give a warning in your comment.

❀Rate the Character, not the art.

❀Ratings are given out of ten with an explanation. If you don't do so, you will get a warning.

❀Only post one character at a time by using the IC option.

❀Do not post Characters that do not belong to you.

❀Please put effort when it comes to rating a character. Don't just slap in "I like their colors!" as the only reason. Go into depth and try to find both the pros and cons of each design. If you want people to explain their ratings with good reasoning, do the same. A minimum of 3 sentences would be a good rule to go by when it comes to rating a character.

❀Have fun~!


Basic Form to Use when Posting (Red = For Them, Green = For You)






(Posted as 'Dainty' IC)

RATING(1-10): 8/10

EXPLAIN RATING: I do love the colors, though the face design looks a little plain compared to the rest of the character. I would suggest adding some accessories or maybe even spicing up the face with a unique mark? Maybe a cute black mole in the shape of a heart under her right eye?


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Not eaxactly in the MLP world, but I added him to Ponies just cause he's similair.


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Takuto carbon8tion

RATING(1-10): 7/10

EXPLAIN RATING: Xeno's design seems to match his personality quite well, he personally gives off major "Yokai Watch", vibes! Much like Yokai Watch's mischief filled characters, Xeno hit's the mark with a 'rough' shillouete. Not exactly rough, but it's the bets word I can think of right now. I have to say that his purple pallette is a bit too intense and eye-catching in my opinion. It makes him look alot like a japanese oni, which might just be the intent for all I know. The much lighter white with the purple shading makes the yellow eyes pop MUCH more. (I problem i'm all too familiar with, i've changed this purple bois skin tone countless times) Depsite the minor color nitpicking, he looks great!

YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME: Tácukó (Takuto) Ótónáshé. (((He totally needs a new last name but then i'll have to change his ref sheet, reccomend some fitting last names please if you'd like ;;)))

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: He started as a rinmaru games rp character but then I fell in love with him. I'm not all that satisfied with his colors but really wanna keep the overall "pale and blonde with long hair" thing going because it's a major part of his character, but I just can't figure anything out. He originally started as a..... filthy femboy trap but now he's just skinny, underdeveloped, and a bit sickly. It'll honestly be hard for me to change this boy but i'm desperate to make him more pleasing to the eye!

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Hot Noodles Storm_Clouds

RATING(1-10): 7/10

EXPLAIN RATING: The colors of the design go very nicely together, and they really do show that you thought a lot about this character. But for me at least, the blue markings on their body are a little to light to see normally, and their yellow and black eyes seem to be really contrasting with the pastel everything else. Despite the nitpick details, its pretty good!


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: they're a eastern dragon based off various hot noodle dishes.

Shell CallmeKomodo

(1-10) 8-10!
Can I just say that he's adorable and I want noodles now? XD I love his color pallet, and obviously a noodle based noodle dragon is awesome! I kinda wish he had more art though. I want to see more of this boy! How big is he? Does he like people? Does he eat noodles, or is that cannibalism for him? I wish to know more about this cutie! 

Also, I kinda feel like he needs noodles for whiskers, ROFL!!!

Antony Hill LunaBell

Rating: 9/10


I like how heavily anatomically referenced they look? Like i feel like you could definately see them in one of those creature study guides all laid out with differnt notations and such. I only wish you had more images

My oc: Antony Hill

Anything you need to know: He’s a ever after high oc. 

 Uyniam fuelli

RATING(1-10): 8/10

EXPLAIN RATING: I love how simple and nicely put together is colour scheme is, and he is also really realistic and believable! (: My only complain would be the colour of the shoes, since it isn't the same as the other red stuff, it's a bit surprising? The "red and black" palette is usually something I'm not too fond of since I find it pretty overused, but Antony's design has unique details which make him really stand out, such as the antennae!


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Basically Satan but she is a nice visual artist and the creator of flora lmao - also her design is a revamp of something I originally made when I was 12 haha

Nef Lilina


RATING(1-10): 9/10

EXPLAIN RATING: To be honest, I love the color scheme you give to her! The orange and green blend in well, and her horns look really cool! I love her youthful appearance, and that look suits her well! However, the only problem is that there's not enough images in her gallery, which really bummed me. Overall, she is really cool and cute at the same time! Keep up the good work!


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Her profile doesn't have enough info as of yet, but here's my mascot.

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RATING(1-10): 7/10

EXPLAIN RATING: The overall design is pretty good. You can clearly see that he's a clown, but there's just something off for me. The design seems over-detailed and too complicated to remember because everything kinda merges together with only two colors. Especially with the art style of the fullbody. I would suggest adding one more color, like blue or green, for him to look more like a clown and I just think it would look better and be easier to remember. One extra color would also make the design more interesting to look at. But it looks good already, so you can keep it the way it is.


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: If you will suggest changes, please keep her as close to her design now as possible, because she means a lot to me, and though I want her to look her best, every change gets harder and harder to make, because it gets further away from the original.

Tigra Lilina


RATING(1-10): 6/10

EXPLAIN RATING: I think Crystal is really adorable! I like her fluffy ears, and I love the colors in her hair! I also think that her ability to transform into a cat is awesome as well. However, the main problem that keeps me from rating this character higher is her outfit. I'm not saying it's bad or awful, but I feel like it's a little bland at best, since it doesn't have enough colors added on to it, but that doesn't end here; Her outfit also lacks a lot of detail, which is probably the aspect I think is missing from it. I think I would recommend you put more color to it, and probably add more detail to her outfit, though a pattern would be nice too. Overall, she doesn't look bad, but not good either. I find her to be decent.


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: He's a pretty old OC of mine, but he only has one image in his gallery. I still need to deal with the formatting in his profile, but I haven't finished his ref as of yet.

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Lorant (Doll Thralls) Dohmalore

RATING(1-10): 5?


She doesn't really have a 'movie monster' look?  Her design is kinda all over the place and doesn't have any particular vibe to it, it looks like you took elements from a ghost and a cockatiel and then put dinosaur spines on it.   Feels like your thought process while making this was 'how can i make this look not like reptar'(ie: starting with repatar and working backwards towards ????) and less 'i want to make a movie monster in a similar vein to reptar'(ie starting with a fitting/original idea & then trying to make the reference to reptar more obvious)

I do like the color scheme a lot though, and the cockatiel-like look of it, and tbh i think it would be a lot more cohesive if you just changed the posture(just turn her arms into legs instead?) and maybe added some wings, to make it look more like a cockatrice.  Starting w/ a different creature & working on stylizing it to look more like the thing you're paying homage to will def make the whole concept of her more coherent :O

plus a cockatiel cockatrice would be cool af



ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: Feel free to pick any one of them(def don't expect you to do all 3), I'm not super happy with any of their designs & would love some feedback on how i could improve them,,,It's kinda hard to balance pretty + horror aspects + no overly-bright colors,,

Asherah sovereign_blue

RATING(1-10): 7/10 (the ghost)

EXPLAIN RATING: I love the idea behind it, with the "enchanted to avoid notice from anyone who's not specifically looking for her" thing. I think you could make her design more striking and memorable with more contrast, but she looks pretty nice already! It would be cool to read more about all of them though, since there isn't much to go off


ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: She's my bab so hit me with your harshest. Also, is it OK for me to include your feedback in her "ratings and feedback" tab? I like to keep the critiques I get and reread them as I design different characters