Reply With a Character and Number Question Game V2

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Update 21/04/2022: Just wanted to let people know that I don't actively monitor this game, so please PM me if any problems arise!

A while ago, I got permission from the creator of this forum game to create my own version! Most of the questions here are brand-new, though I also took a few from the original game because I liked them. The rules for this thread will basically be the same as that version. I recommend checking out the original, especially if you want to see examples of how people played it.

--How to play--

- Written below are two sets of numbered questions - the A set and the B set.
- Look at the characters of the user above you, and choose one that you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user (by writing @ followed by their username) and tell them the character you chose plus a few of the prewritten questions. (Example: 'I'd like to see questions A2, A5 and B7 with your character Frederick!')
- Once the next poster asks you some questions, edit your post to write your answers.


- This shouldn't need many rules, but keep the obvious things in mind - no excessively sexual, gory or disturbing answers, don't be rude, don't purposely skip people, and if you have a problem with anyone in the thread, PM me. Don't start drama here.
- Avoid asking more 'mature' questions (i.e. A7, B4) to very young characters, as this will likely make people uncomfortable.
- There's no specific number of questions you should ask, but in the interests of fairness and space, try to keep it between 3 and 6.
- After posting, wait until at least 3 other people have posted before going again. If over 24 hours have passed since the last person posted, then you can go again regardless of how many posts there have been.

Question Set A:

1. Something they might have nightmares about
2. Insecurities
3. What it takes to make them cry
4. Fears/phobias
5. Physical scars
6. Things they don't like talking about
7. How do they behave when drunk
8. Their worst failures/screw-ups
9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry
10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed
11. What makes them stressed
12. Worst injuries
13. How they behave when angry

Question Set B:

1. What relaxes them
2. Things they're proud of
3. Personality traits they like in others
4. Physical traits they find attractive
5. How they show affection
6. Things they're grateful for
7. Habits
8. Pets they've owned
9. People they look up to
10. Comfort foods
11. Pet peeves
12. Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation
13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character

That should be everything! The first person who posts can just claim that spot and wait for someone to ask them questions.

Unitas Smudged

Manual bump + previous user has no characters anymore as far as I'm aware? Next person who's interested can ask me if you'd like to get this started up again.

Either IC or anyone else in the same folder!

Alrighty here are my answers!

A1: Something they might have nightmares about

While most nights are dreamless for Unitas, on particularly rough days where he has been up for far too long, sleep deprivation gets to him.
His nightmares may range from bizarre mishmashes of content he was reading (where he thinks its "illogical" to get so worked up about it) to genuine memories he'd rather keep buried, like being mistreated by his peers as a child. Those memories rarely surface, however, due to the fact that he's so future-focused. He'd hate to dwell on his own past.

A6: Something they don't like talking about

Unitas generally does not enjoy small talk. Whether it be celebrity gossip, the weather, or what a co-worker did the other day, he hates wasting energy on conversations that he considers trivial. On a deeper level, he also would rather not speak too much about himself in general. He finds no pleasure in talking about his achievements, or of his childhood, and the only real conversations he WOULD partake in are in regards to his research, theories, or discussions regarding the world he lives in. 

A7: How they behave when drunk

I can't answer since he's not one for alcohol, and he's responsible with how much he drinks. The last thing he'd ever want is to be blackout drunk in a social gathering.

This user is not visible to guests.

For crayola DYNOBONEzz 

A4, A9, B2, B12, B7, B1


Answers because I love answering questions:

A2. Insecurities?

He has one, and it’s not a big one, it’s one he is really annoyed of and it’s his height. His twin brother is taller than him despite his twin brother being the one made after him. Galveston gets mildly annoyed when people assume that he’s the little brother when in actuality Galveston is the older twin (the one who was made first)

A3. What it takes to make him cry?

Galveston isn’t much of a crier, meaning that he barely cries. What it will take to actually MAKE him cry is if he gets isolated away from someone he loves dearly (like his family, Mr Bear or Kendall), OR if someone he loves dies.

A10. What makes him flustered/embarrassed?

He doesn’t get embarrassed much, but if there’s one thing that makes him embarrassed, it be the fact that he likes a few western shows that many VFoxes don’t like (he won’t say which ones because if he says which specifically, he’ll be ridiculed)

B11. Pet peeves?

His biggest pet peeve has to be arrogance and just people being liars.. oh yeah and also just people blasting music outside when he’s trying to sleep.

B6. Things he’s grateful for?

Well one of them was being Mr Bear’s friend, the other having his family and the existence of flan

PAL lezbtron


A2, A3, A10, B11, B6 !

Sutāterā Yavervin

lezbtron A4, A8, A9, B1, B7, B12

A.4. Fears/phobias; as of right now terror [his real name] fears is being separated from his new tribe after his original tribe, where he was born in, disbanded due to complications and rumors that were actually real, he also has some trust issues with new yumekumus like him since he thinks they too will leave him, in the dirt.

A.9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry; saying that their love isn't real, since the Yumekumu he loves cannot be seen by the human and yumekumu eyes, and therefore he is called insane cause of it. and also saying untrue facts about space, and other yumekumus, apparently.

B.1. What relaxes them; anything with blue and lavender flowers involved, since those were the flowers he gave to his lost love, it relaxes him and also makes him a bit sad, but he also loves to star gaze! anything jazz/calming songs also works wonders when you accidentally met him during his song. he hates being interrupted when hes singing his song, but would love to listen to jazz to NOT make him kill you, in a fit of rage!

B.5. How they show affection; he doesn't show affection to anyone but his love but he would nuzzle you and kind of purr, like a house cat, and then just sleep on your lap till he wakes up lol.

B.13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character; he's more kind then other yumekumus! unlike his tribalmates, he would rather eat your nightmares then cause one since he doesn't like seeing people suffer by the hands of suka and yuka, he was based on a blue space! he was a custom made oc by my friend as a paymant for a comission i did for his friend. i love the little skrunkly and his lost lover lore.

Fritz ⭐ enlq

Mehryne A4, A9, B1, B5, B13

 Angelito 1800PAIN

enlq — A1, A9, B2, B6

A-1670, or anyone in this folder, is fine

A7: A-1670 can't actually get drunk normally; similar to tattoos, a special substance must be given to his model. When "drunk", A-1670 locks up and appears catatonic (no brain, head empty). In his human form/slice of life AU, he actually gets really tired, and becomes a bit clingy to his boyfriend, wanting to cuddle or otherwise be near him. His boyfriend is the only person Connor feels comfortable touching, so it means a lot to him whenever he's around when drunk.

A9: A huge way to piss off A-1670 is to mess with their creator, or anyone significant to him. If you hurt the person he's bodyguarding, expect to be flipped upside-down in a dumpster. This is the same with his human form, where if you mess with his friends or boyfriend, expect to head to the hospital. 

B11: Fluorescent lights, because it makes a low buzzing noise and A-1670 is especially sensitive to its environment. Getting unsolicited advice, because he feels he can do things himself. Strange textures, because A-1670 is especially sensitive to its environment (he even wears gloves to counteract this). He also doesn't fuck with passive-aggressiveness the most because it confuses his programming. (All of these equally apply to his human form.)

B12: A-1670 was based off of a YouTuber I really like (it's his voice claim) as well as the character he roleplays as. He's autistic, I'm autistic, it was a match made in Heaven. The general design was based off of his Minecraft skin, but obviously tweaked, and I really leaned into the "robot" aspect of his character to convey how it feels to be autistic and comparing yourself to neurotypical people. I also inadvertently based some of his personality and speaking style on Craig Tucker from South Park; he's straightforward, can be rude, but always tells it how it is. The human version of the character definitely has the most resemblance to his inspiration.

Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt

A7, A9, B11, and B12 :) 1800PAIN

A6: Things They Don't Like Talking About
Isri refuses to ever talk about her life as a noblewoman. People have managed to get bits and pieces out of her, but... not much.

A13: How They Behave When Angry
She doesn't get angry often - but when she does, she's filled with tears and can scream enough to make a banshee ashamed. In opposition to her usual poised self, she's as blunt as humanly possible, putting it like it is even if it hurts. One can often tell she's mad if her hands start to produce flame on their own.

B3: Personality Traits They Like In Others
She likes people who are on the gentler side, who love and care for all things and people. She especially likes people who won't pressure her into anything until she's ready - and if they have a good sense of humor, that's a bonus.

B9: People They Look Up To
She looked up to her older sister while she was still alive, because Rhisa was the warrior that Isri never imagined she could be as well. She also looks up to Erasmus, her party's tiefling barbarian, because she admires his wisdom and his undying loyalty to those he considers friends.

This post has been removed.
Commander Zagreus Lim (Siren Commander) AsianTapWater

angeliic_gestalt A6, A13, B3, B9


Things they don't like talking about
He doesn't like talking about his time working with the Sirens. He understands that there will be times when he has to, as someone with inside knowledge on the Sirens and how they operate, but in general, he will refuse to speak about it to most people (Moth is an exception, though).
Other than that, do not ask him his opinion on the character Dovewing from Warrior Cats. He absolutely despises her and will give you a long list of reasons why.

What makes them stressed
Knowing that he's slowly losing control of himself. Knowing that someday he'll lose the man he is and become nothing more than a mindless pawn, and there's nothing he can do about it.

Pet peeves
He hates it when people comment on his eye or on his hair; yes he knows it looks weird, no he doesn't want to talk about it, can he please get on with his day now?

Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation
Hawk's creation started with a pretty simple "what if", namely "what if the Sirens had a Commander, like Azur Lane?". Originally, he was just a typical, shallow villain--edgy, rude, coldhearted, that sorta thing--but while it was a fun idea to play around with for a little while, it became boring pretty quickly, so I decided to merge his story with Zagreus', and that original what if became "what if, instead of leaving Zagreus to die after the first attack, the Overseer took him in?". The rest is history.

[Edeia] Ifiragael SymeSynth


A6, A11, B11, and B12, please!

A12: Worst injuries
- He became an Edeia quite early into his adulthood, making the concept of injuries null and void, but he's probably broken his arm during his younger years. Being an enthusiastic explorer who likes venturing out into the woods can do that to you. (Probably climbed a tree and fell, bless his heart.)

A13: How they behave when angry
- He gets very vocal about his anger and will not hesitate to state his opinions at the moment. Being an outspoken and spirited type really means that he will not be afraid to start arguments and fight someone verbally for hours. It's bound to be a very exhausting and soul-draining affair, particularly if the other party is as stubborn as he is.

B1: What relaxes them
- He loves his nature walks. Just sitting down, taking a breath, and then observing the surrounding environment. There's just something about the tranquillity of nature that he appreciates. Maybe he'll don a human appearance and go hiking with a group, or outright do some camping.

B2: Things they're proud of
- He's proud of his projects and forays into creating new plants! It's a little something that he's been experimenting with relatively lately, using his powers to create new species, and for now he's starting off simple with various new flora, though he hopes to basically invent new animals from there and see what he can do to try and liven up some ecosystems.

B11: Pet peeves
- People who seem to maintain a separation between civilisation and nature. Seriously just really annoys him, thinking those subjects are opposites in a binary, when they're more of derivatives. As with A13, he is going to be vocal about this, and you will probably not like it.

B12: Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation
- He's kind of a mix of several inspirations, but I'd say that the biggest thought was the non-breath oblige song, as well as my musings on stuff like mortality vs. immortality, and what nature really is. I'm someone who tends to just mull over subjects heavily, so I was also considering the argument of 'natural vs. unnatural', and then you get it coalescing into Ifiragael's overall concept.

Tajir VimCurio


For Ifiragael (who is absolutely stunning btw), A12, A13, B1, B2, B11, and B13?


A2 - Insecurities:

Tajir is definitely insecure about the fact that he's missing one of his wings. He permanently grounded when he was once able to fly, and therefore avoids being around his kind because of it. Its hard for him to see others take to the air when he cannot. He also secretly has insecurities, or perhaps feelings of guilt rather, about the fact that he's become infamous for being a grave robber/tomb raider. He constantly reassures himself that he's doing nothing morally wrong, but there's a surpressed part of him that says otherwise.

A9 - Best way to push their buttons/make them angry:

Stealing from him. Period. He hates when people steal his belongings even if he himself doesn't need them. He also hates it when people manage to outsmart him, especially when bargaining. If he finds that the other party played him at his own game he'll quickly become outraged. He also finds adults who act childish to be especially annoying, and dislikes when people ask to "pet his fur."

B2 - Things they're proud of:

While he usually tries to appear quaint and humble on the outside, he is admittedly quite proud of the treasure hordes he's managed to build up over the years. He doesn't really care for the treasures themselves, just the fact that he managed to procure them, and they are his. He did that, he worked his way through the desert time and time again traded item after item until he struck gold. Literally. He's also plenty proud of all the survival skills he's picked up over the course of his life, and at one point, he was proud of his wings too.

B3 - Personality traits they like in others:

He enjoys the company of a quiet optimist. Just people who are genuine and relatively calm but also carry an overall positive perspective over life. The world is a rugged and difficult place as is, he believes it needs more people who can handle themselves while balancing a joyous and curious sort of outlook. He won't admit it outright, but he likes to see people smile. Kids are great at displaying such, with their almost otherworldly wonder about the world around them, eager to learn most anything with an open mind. Which is why he doesn't mind their company.

B12 - Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation:

As with most of my characters displayed here on TH, his creation was completely random. I like bugs, and I wanted a character themed as such. I sort of just smacked a bunch of traits I thought were cool (such as the fluff, the long tail, the wings, etc.) and wove them into traits from moths, cockroaches, and of course the scarab beetle. He also has a bit of arachnid thrown in there too!

Overall I wanted a desert theme for him, really thought a dark and mysterious merchant who traveled the dunes would be neat. Annnnd I didn't know what to call him so his name is actually just "merchant" in Arabic :]

Zhelo thalassophobic

Vimera For Tajir: A2, A9, B2, B3, and B12!

A1, A3 A12 A13 A11

A1. What's something Zhelo might have nightmares about?

Other than the usual mundane sorts of nightmares-- missing a deadline or an event, messing something up in front of a lot of people, falling off a high place-- I imagine Zhelo's nightmares would lean towards the weird, nonsensical, abstract side of things. Generally weird, kind of distressing stuff like 'something in the center of the planet is talking to me' or 'all my broken tools are hunting me down.' Things that feel terrifying while you're asleep, and just nonsensical once you wake up.

A3. What does it to make Zhelo cry?

Zhelo is really expressive. They tend to feel their emotions very strongly, and so the threshold for things that'll make them cry is pretty low. Like if they present a passion project that gets greenlit by higher-ups, and then their colleagues congratulate them on it-- they'd absolutely cry tears of joy. If they hear about a tragedy that affected many others of their kind on the other side of the planet, they'd probably cry over that. If a friend cries in front of them, Zhelo will probably start sympathetically crying too. They're not scared of their feelings!

A11. What gets Zhelo stressed?

Plenty of things. Deadlines, closed-minded individuals, being alone, chores, bureaucracy, not meeting expectations, not being able to help when something bad happens. 

A12. What are Zhelo's worst injuries?

Fortunately, Zhelo hasn't had any major injuries throughout their lifetime. I mean, they don't really often find themselves in risky or perilous situations. The worst "injury" they've experienced is probably from messing with the firmware of their prosthetics and accidentally bricking them. It's technically an injury, and they'd have to go get repairs, but it's nothing major, and certainly nothing painful.

A13. How is does Zhelo behave when they're angry?

They're LOUD. They'll rant and rave, and go on and on about what's making them angry. They'll get really creative with their wording, too-- string together expletives in the most novel of permutations. They'll feel the need to pace, to gesture wildly, like I said, they're very expressive. But even with all that movement and energy, they never get violent when they're angry, not even towards inanimate objects. Zhelo doesn't have a single violent plate on his exoskeleton.


thalassophobic A1, A3 A12 A13 A11


A8 - he had a few failures here and there when it comes to people. As an adult (in his 30s or 40s) he lost a couple friends due to a few mistakes he did that were unintentional, like lying about things and fighting with people for petty reasons (not constantly, just one or three times), he learns his lessons at the end. But that was the old Mangkhut, the person he is currently is much more wiser than young Mangkhut and rarely gets into any fights and tries his best to not do anything bad.

B10 - he doesn't have a comfort food, anything can be a comfort food when it comes to Mangkhut. The food he usually eats are those that have origins from China.

A11 - He rarely gets stressed, when he does it usually happens when he's arguing with others that are clearly arguing to get a reaction out of him or for petty reasons, or when people constantly pressure him to do something faster. He either twitches or crosses his arms and lies on the floor or both

B9 - He looks up to people like his older brother, and his uncle.