Reply With a Character and Number Question Game V2

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Update 21/04/2022: Just wanted to let people know that I don't actively monitor this game, so please PM me if any problems arise!

A while ago, I got permission from the creator of this forum game to create my own version! Most of the questions here are brand-new, though I also took a few from the original game because I liked them. The rules for this thread will basically be the same as that version. I recommend checking out the original, especially if you want to see examples of how people played it.

--How to play--

- Written below are two sets of numbered questions - the A set and the B set.
- Look at the characters of the user above you, and choose one that you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user (by writing @ followed by their username) and tell them the character you chose plus a few of the prewritten questions. (Example: 'I'd like to see questions A2, A5 and B7 with your character Frederick!')
- Once the next poster asks you some questions, edit your post to write your answers.


- This shouldn't need many rules, but keep the obvious things in mind - no excessively sexual, gory or disturbing answers, don't be rude, don't purposely skip people, and if you have a problem with anyone in the thread, PM me. Don't start drama here.
- Avoid asking more 'mature' questions (i.e. A7, B4) to very young characters, as this will likely make people uncomfortable.
- There's no specific number of questions you should ask, but in the interests of fairness and space, try to keep it between 3 and 6.
- After posting, wait until at least 3 other people have posted before going again. If over 24 hours have passed since the last person posted, then you can go again regardless of how many posts there have been.

Question Set A:

1. Something they might have nightmares about
2. Insecurities
3. What it takes to make them cry
4. Fears/phobias
5. Physical scars
6. Things they don't like talking about
7. How do they behave when drunk
8. Their worst failures/screw-ups
9. Best way to push their buttons/make them angry
10. What gets them flustered/embarrassed
11. What makes them stressed
12. Worst injuries
13. How they behave when angry

Question Set B:

1. What relaxes them
2. Things they're proud of
3. Personality traits they like in others
4. Physical traits they find attractive
5. How they show affection
6. Things they're grateful for
7. Habits
8. Pets they've owned
9. People they look up to
10. Comfort foods
11. Pet peeves
12. Inspirations or general thoughts behind their creation
13. Your favourite thing(s) about them as a character

That should be everything! The first person who posts can just claim that spot and wait for someone to ask them questions.

Viktor Kovac TenMomentsTill

How about A1, A9, B2, B3?


A1. He has nightmares tend to focus on monsters he's encountered, his family, war, and death. It's all a weird mash of the worst moments.

A6. He doesn't like talking about his ex-fiance or his daughter. Viktor also doesn't like talking about the times he's actually killed people, especially Jamie. Jamie was a monster, but still very much a person.

Ethereal RadiantRaindragon

TenMomentsTill - Maybe 1A, 6A, 12A, and B7 for him?

2. Insecurities

Ethereal worries that she'll never be a good enough leader to her people. She feels inadequate - mostly in her confidence and social skills, which she believes aren't as fine-tuned as a princess's should be. She fears saying the wrong things to the wrong people, and failing her duties to her family and kingdom.

13. How they behave when angry

Her anger is often a cold one, full of whispered, bitter words and deathly glares. When the anger is mixed with embarrassment, she can become flustered and snappy, raising her voice more than she normally would. That being said, she tries to keep a firm hold on her emotions, so she might not always show when she's angry. Sometimes she'll just be a little more cold and quiet than usual.

(She was more hotheaded when she was younger. If someone really pissed her off, she'd yell and threaten to have them 'banished from the kingdom'.)

6. Things they're grateful for

Having Adder. She didn't like him at first, but now he's the only person she feels safe confiding in. The only person she can truly 'be herself' around. She doesn't know where she'd be without his company - and doesn't like to think about it too much.

More superficially, she's grateful for having good food, a nice bedroom all to herself, and a family who (mostly) treat her well.

Eglantine IronyMobile

Going with Ethereal somewhat randomly?

A2, A13, B6?

A11: Social complications most likely. Those are not as easy to fix as physical or technical difficulties, or at least not usually that easy?

B1: Ambient scenery with no bustle of town-life, a sort of distancing in various regards from activity.

B3: Capability to take humour, along with general self-sufficiency. Her limits aren't that exacting?

B13: She has a sturdy, yet flexible personality that is easy to look to positively. However, she does not always go about things in the right manner, offsetting that through her technical ideologies. It can be varied in that regard idk. Aside from that, her straightforwardness is something positive I think?

ミ⿻ Kiba 🐉 Kairots

A11, B1, B3, B13?

IC please

Ashkar bailysis

A11, A13, B2, and B7? 

A4 - Fears/phobias - Ashkar isn't scared of much. Not even death or pain phases her, given that she is immortal. However, Hirosian (her brother) and Nephahem (her partner) are not, so any threats to their safety make her panic a little. She's also terrified of the thought of Hirosian or Nephaphem leaving her, but that's more of an irrational fear that doesn't cross her mind a lot. A fear that does plague Ashkar's mind, to the point of extreme paranoia in her earlier years, is the threat of her father (tyrannical god, tried to conquer the universe) returning to his former glory. It's almost impossible - but that sliver of uncertainty keeps her up at night. 

A11 - What makes them stressed - Getting bored stresses her out. Especially if she's been starved of a challenge or fight for a long period of time (long as in a couple hundred years). She thinks she'll get soft if she isn't battling something. Any sort of situation where Ashkar is forced to ignore her gut impulses and think for once also tends to irritate her - especially if it's Hirosian getting in her way and telling her to slow down, because she knows he's right and she has to listen to him. Doesn't make it any less headache-inducing. Ashkar doesn't like careful planning or complicated solutions to her problems and would much rather fight or smash or burn her way through. 

B1 - What relaxes them - Short answer: basking. There's little she loves more than lying down and letting her scales bake under a hot sun. She also enjoys flying or running to let off some extra steam. 

(violence/blood cw)

Ashkar also finds a strange peace in the aftermath of a battle. Once all her enemies have fallen and the adrenaline is wearing off, chest heaving as she's catching her breath, tasting iron and feeling hot blood staining her scales. It's euphoric. 

B2 - Things they're proud of - Ashkar takes great pride in her physical strength and ferocity. Any opportunity to show off her strength or any other skills can and will be taken. 

B11 - Pet peeves - Waiting. She does not like to wait at all and has very little patience. 

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Roen IronyMobile

A2, A6, B2, B11 for IC?

A6. Things they don't like talking about

Most likely mistakes as a generality. This is more potent as a factor when tied to efforts that have importance; he just does not have much esteem as a buffer I guess?

A11. What makes them stressed

I can visualize his stress being both a driving force and an impediment. He likely runs off of it when he needs to, such as when confronting someone (which he does not like to do realistically).

B6. Things they're grateful for

Having connections with others; and being able to waste time with them variously in games and other pastimes. The time has to himself is not overlooked either. He can work and consider his interests ambiently; working as a forester is somewhat ideal for him.


IronyMobile A6, A11, and B6 for IC?

I should have specified the folders like I always do;  I have no idea what the answers are for this character and I kinda don't care enough to come up with some on the fly

Gwynevere Fortuna DrLuminata

how about A8, A11, B7, and B12 for aziefa? :]


A5- Physical scars

Her scars are usually very well hidden by her clothes, but she has huge patches of burn scars covering her lower arms (from fingertips to elbows) as well as her entire back, from where she saved her father from their burning apartment complex. On top of those, there are surgical scars that go deeper into the backs of her hands, where doctors attempted a nerve reconstruction after said fire.

B2- Things they're proud of

She's proud of her gift! Gwyn has a special divine gift that allows her to see the threads of fate surrounding other people and things, as well as having other basic psychic abilities (telepathy, future sight, predicting death, etc). Her gift is unprecedented by any other in history, and she was hand-picked by her patron to help hone it. She's very proud of this :]

B3- Personality traits they like in others

Honesty, above anything else. Gwyn, being a psychic, is very good at seeing the true thoughts and emotions of people, and you can be assured that she will know if you are lying or not telling the full truth to her. Due to this she very much appreciates when people are honest, because then it feels more genuine, and like they aren't hiding anything.


DrLuminata A5, B2, B3? 


A7 - How they behave when drunk - More energetic? She drinks enough to feel a buzz and go have fun with her friends - partying, playing games, just hanging out, etc. She laughs more often than usual. 

B7 - Habits - Xenon tends to absentmindedly bite at their lips/inside of their cheek. She sticks to a fairly extensive morning/night skin (fur?) and hair routine. She constantly adjusts or messes with her hair - stopping at every mirror or somewhat reflective surface to make sure it looks good. 

B13 - My favorite things about them - Big fan of her hair and markings



I'll pick Xenon!

A7, B7, B13!

- Pretty much nothing of note. I'd say that Akeirkos and Slythos are both very self-reassured individuals who are content to be where they are, and as such they really don't have anything they're insecure over.

- In a very, very theoretical scenario, a possible permanent threat to Akeirkos would probably be the only thing to shake him. Not exactly sure if he'd cry out of sadness but you'd probably get him at his most emotional, and this is not a good thing.

- Akeirkos, in a way. His equal and dual partner. Besides that, nobody. He really just wants you to fuck off for the most part. Maybe he'd grudgingly respect you but ehhhhh.

Isaac Morgan TenMomentsTill


A2, A3, B9

for Slythos


A1. He mostly has nightmares about The Doppelganger and ghosts. His dreams tend to be rather abstract so his nightmares are more the feeling of about to be harmed than about something specific.

A4. Isaac doesn't have any phobias. He is afraid that he's going to be stuck with the life he has currently, one long miserable slog, and that will be it. He's worries that he'll never see his family again.

A6. He doesn't like talking about his family since he's starting to believe that he won't be able to go back home. He also doesn't like talking about the entity following him as he thinks attention only encourages it to act out.

B1. Mostly reading, but it extends into anything he can get 'lost' on. Work, music, movies, anything that makes him not think about the world immediately around him.

B7. He habitually lights a cigarette when near others since he knows that The Doppelganger makes him smell like bleach. He'll also open windows if he's going to spend a long time in a place that isn't his home, or will open windows in his own house before letting people in. Isaac bites his lower lip when thinking or nervous. 

Cean Damian denishdraws

A1, A4 ,A6, B1, B7 TenMomentsTill

A1. drowning and seeing his sister's death

A9. Just be an annoying patient

B7. putting candy on his coat and giving candy to a child patient

B12. uh..... I cannot explain, it's like randomly appear in my head

B13. he is not the best father figure and wasn't planning to be a father of 2 daughters he tries his best to become one, he likes to make fun of his relative for the reason they get sick, make him drunk we will rant about his day to his "siblings"

Yuè [HSR] Zoku

denishdraws perhaps, A1, A9, B7, B12, and B13?

v Haha no worries! They're all answerable somehow ^^

A3. What it takes to make them cry?
In one desperate moment before his Companion Quest, an important memory was slowly being eaten by the Erosion in his mind. It was the name of his siblings, a well-guarded and kept detail that had slipped his guard when the Erosion was on a feast, devouring his mind. Seeing a man always so cheeky or somber, but never desperate enough for tears (not even in the brink of death) had pretty much shaken everybody that saw it.

A11. What makes them stressed?
Back as Haoyu, he was stressed with his apprentices and getting them in tip-top shape before his time runs out and he has to pass on his title. As Yue currently... He doesn't stress out too much nowadays haha When he first awoken, he was disoriented and maybe in denial for a few centuries. When he finally got his bearings together, he's a lot less serious in many things and has reverted back to his somewhat childish/laidback state before he was a Watcher. Though Erosion does give him the occasional headache and maybe the pain of having ripped your memories away while being fully aware of it by the minute... yeah maybe that is kinda stressful LMAO

B2. Things they're proud of
Getting his siblings/apprentices in tip top shape... Sure he wasn't there to witness it precisely but the moment one of them had fully accepted the burden that he would carry and had killed him, he knew they were gonna make it. His time was up and he willingly passed on his duties and legacy to the three apprentices he cultivated. He just hopes that they're the last generation to take over.

B4. Physical traits they find attractive
People who are in top fighting form and people who tend to answer back to his teases/jokes. It doesn't have to be a full on banter, any response he gets that results in witty comebacks or even a fight, he cherishes them. Maybe he's a power-hungry little freak lmaoooo so showing off their injury/muscles tend to make him double take haha

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