Chips? Making an ic thread? I would never! Drops this forum game from my pocket

I swear if this is already a forum game I will eat a brick

Your oc is at the hospital with the oc above! What are they there for? Did the above oc trip and fall while your oc was there? Or are they just visiting someone with your oc there? Go ham with your responses! Feel free to make some characterisation notes as to why your oc is at the hospital, too! Not required, just recommended.


1. 3 sentences minimum.

2. Post every 2 times, or if it's been 24 hours since your last post!

3. Have fun!

First post below me gets a freebie! ;3c

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Maribelle was here for emotional support!

..As much emotional support as Kjaya could get out of her, anyway.

She returned to the hospital room after a few minutes, drinks in hand. What had happened wasn't that big of a deal, at least in Maribelle's opinion -- a hunt for adrenaline left Kjaya with a shanked foot, skin sliced by glass. This is why you don't listen to DeviantArt users.

That all aside, Maribelle noticed Kjaya fidgeting on the exam table, and turned up her nose at the older woman's restlessness. "It'll be just ten minutes, and then we'll leave." she tried to reassure her, "They need to wrap it, and then we can get... the... the yellow thing." She was talking about a taxi. She was stupid. "Even still, maybe you should've expected this one. Shit like this is why I always wear my boots, even in my room... I mean, what if you got jabbed by a dirty needle or something?"

Maribelle shook her head. "Whatever. Ten minutes, and then we leave. And stay still while they patch you up. You're... moving so much and it's so... annoying." Nerve-wracking, really, not so much annoying, but she was running out of words.

She didn't run out of drinks, though! She held one of the glass bottles out to Kjaya -- both were green tea Snapple.

"If you don't like it," said Maribelle, "Then it's not my problem."

@ NP: go crazy . maribelle can be sick, or gored, or whatever you want, if she's the one being forced to an appointment. would be anxious at the doctor's just because of her haphephobia, might insist on being able to patch herself up or rest any illness off, that's kinda it .


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Phantom Kvroii

He witnessed it all happen so quickly; the shattering of bone, the tearing of wing membranes, the figure folding in on itself from the impact against the unrelenting metal scaffolding that the strange beast struck. All in broad daylight, the cow dragon tumbled to the sidewalk. 

A pang of panic struck Phantom. Was anyone around to see this accident? Was anyone around to see him witness it? It would be detrimental to his plans if he stopped to help, but oh shit, she's bleeding. No one is around to help her and she's bleeding.

Phantom felt queasy to see the blood, a fact he refused to admit to himself while he donned the mysterious facade he wore for his investigations. Was it the blood that sickened him? It couldn't have been the sympathy he felt for the beast, right?

And so he crossed the street, glancing over his shoulder, praying silently to whomever would answer that Moo would live until he could bring her -- bring her where? -- to the hospital, that had to be the right choice. He only knew one veterinarian (rather, a vet school dropout) and cow dragons were far from his area of knowledge. 

"Hey, can you hear me?" Phantom asked, his voice kept low as if too harsh of a sound would hurt the creature more. "I'm taking you to the hospital. They'll fix you up." 

With little regard for who saw him, as uncharacteristically as he knew himself to be behaving, he lifted Moo over his shoulder and carried her through the doors of the cold, stark hospital that loomed towards the middle of the city. From there everything was out of his hands -- out of his control -- as the hospital staff rushed Moo to be triaged. 

They saw her quickly, and with her return to consciousness came the relief that she needed only a cast and a few stitches. Still, Phantom lingered, swapping his mask for his glasses to look closer at the delicate, clinical stitches they gave Moo. 

"You had quite the fall out there, hm? I'll stick with you here until you're discharged." Shit, I can't stay here that long, flashed a momentary thought. But what else could he do? As much as he hated to admit it, it wouldn't be fair to leave Moo alone in an unfamiliar hospital.

@ np, you can hospitalize Phantom however you want!! He's actually quite a pathetic little meow meow when he's injured, and he has the constitution of a soggy paper towel, so feel free to go wild >:D

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Anwell nyaar0n


Anwell had just finished a mission and is feeling lightheaded from the adrenaline rush, He had injured some enemies and almost killed some of them, but held himself back since he needed them to stay alive as well. Not only is Anwell feeling dizzy from the mission, he was a bit careless today and the enemies had got to him. He had been stabbed on his side and there was no way he could move any longer. In this state, he couldn't go to the Elf Kingdom to get treated in time, and he was on his own. He had to be in the nearest hospital or else his injuries will worsen.

Limping to the nearest hospital, Anwell also noticed someone laying nearby a hospital. When he got closer, he immediately realized that the person was sick. Even though Anwell needed to get treated fast, he couldn't just leave someone here, let alone an unconscious person who's actually in front of a hospital. Was he also trying to get to the hospital but passed out before he could enter? Did no one else even notice him laying here?

Anwell used the under-arm method to carry the man as he was in a hurry. While this position may look embarrassing for the unconscious man, Anwell hopes he forgives him when he brings him into the hospital and gets him treated.

...After bringing the man in the hospital, the two of them were hospitalized. Anwell didn't have to say he was injured, it was actually obvious from his appearance that he needed medical care as soon as possible. Anwell shared the same room with the man and when Anwell heard a groan and a bed moving, Anwell looked at where his bed is, not bothering to open the curtain.

"How are you feeling so far?" Anwell asked, forcing his voice out.

@NP: Anwell would be at a hospital when he's badly injured and would barely have the energy to talk. He would still walk around when he gets better, but he doesn't have the energy to talk and would use body language to the best his body allows him to.

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Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Hospital. Hospital, it surely pretended to be one. Roswell rolled his shoulder. He'd carried J to the nearest straat-chirugijn he could find. Charlatan, wound stitcher. Roswell did not have the money for a real chirugijn. Uneasily, he sat on the small chair beside the treatment table. The room was barely lit, the windows were boarded up and the air stank of blood and old oil. The smell made him nervous. Plague, blauwkoorts. Subconsciously, Roswell pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth. No bumps. Not yet.
"Oi think yer fainted," Roswell said through his teeth. He forced a smile on his face.  Roswell angled his head curiously. "Found yer on a street corner. Pale loike a sheet," he told J. "Sleepin' loike a rock," he added. The smile froze. Roswell bit down his a shiver as he recalled the memory. He thought that she was dead. He'd seen it before. Bodies collapsed underneath their fatigue. Hollowed out by hunger and a lack of sleep. The thief frowned. J had blood underneath her finger nails. Blood that wasn't hers. Black liquid had stained her cheeks. Surely he'd cleaned up most of the smudges before dragging her into here, but still.... He could see a glimpse of it by the corner of her mouth. Taunting him.

Something in the back of the old thief's mind warned him. Made the hairs on his arms raise. Yelled at him, that J wasn't who she pretended to be. That something was a miss here. He smiled. "Now, now, don't get up to hastily,"  Roswell said while reaching out for her shoulder."De doc shot yer with sumethin'. Oi canny recall what preciously. But!" He pointed up a finger. "We use de same stuff to get a draft horse back from the brink of death." he snorted. "Surely in a milder dose," he reassured her. Though he wasn't sure of it. "Troi to drink sum water first before boltin' off. Oi paid sum good 'ard duiten to get yer back in dis realm. De least yer can do is be polite 'nd thank me."


Roswell in any hospital like setting, he's dying from the inside Haru I am so sorry

"Fret?" He laughed. Just a little bit too loud. "Oi do not fret," he said, as his fingers fidgeted. There was no rest in his body. Roswell's shoulders were tensed, and he occasionally wobbled his nose, scratched the back of his neck or coughed. Still, he tried his best to keep his face calm. Unaffected. Like he'd acted as the other had rejected him. Something that stung him. Not unlike the deep cut on his arm, though, or the sensitive skin around his only eye. Oh, the irony of receiving a black eye, while you only have one eye left. "Mebbe another painkiller is a good idea," he admitted underneath his jagged breath. Mebbe 5. Roswell pressed the back of his head against the wall, allowing his entire body to rest against it. This was it. The end of the Krō. Killed by some thugs! Him! Anger flamed in his chest. No, Roswell refused to die by their hands! (Note: He had nothing major. Just a mayor hole in his ego.)

The wound on Roswell's right arm was small, but deep. The sight of blood was enough to make his head swim. "Vot, fuck, klote," he cursed underneath his breath as he'd moved his arm. Allowing the stinging sensation to inflame his entire arm and fingers. He hissed. "Damnit. Oi need dis hand," he pleaded with faith. "To do..." he quickly eyed his companion. "Charity work." He pressed his lips together. "Foine, foine," he breathy replied to Haru's reassurance. "Dey better hurry up or dey need to get a bonesaw or sumethin'. Damnit," he said. Then frowned. He eyed Haru again, but a hint of a smile appeared on his face. 

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Tekuka Kvroii

Tekuka hated being in the hospital again.

The fluorescent lights were a constant ache, and there was something that felt dehumanizing about being so restricted in his movement that it was confined to an impersonal bed with a slender needle precisely kept in his arm. Not that he felt he had any right to anything more 'humanizing', but still the constant awareness of it all made Tekuka plainly aware, despite the drugs that threatened to steal his awareness, that such a place had brought nothing but pain, regret, and fear many times before.

But who was this stranger, walking from room to room, pulling each flimsy curtain aside to deliver fresh flowers and baked goods to each patient? His snowy-colored hair that Tekuka noted was somewhat wispy like a collection of cirrus clouds, bright eyes, and calm demeanor was a pleasant sight, contrasting the sterility of the rest of the room. More than that, he was pretty -- this wasn't a doctor in a crisp uniform, this was someone with a natural beauty that the hospital couldn't have created. And even more than that, if it was possible to be so captivated by something, Haru had a certain vacant look accompanied by a notepad.

So... people like that... can live good lives, Tekuka thought. People like that... can be a visitor. Not just a patient.

It felt unfair for Tekuka to look directly at Haru, especially here, especially being who -- or what -- they both were. Had amnesia been kind to Haru, or bitterly cruel and devoid of mercy to even the most treasured memories? And yet.

He's... a visitor. He's... choosing to be here...?

Tekuka's eyes directed themselves at the floor, unworthy to look at Haru the closer he approached, with fresh flowers and cookies. Had he made them himself? Tekuka couldn't recall if he had seen this man before. Was this the man he saw posted with a cafe on social media before...? He must have been--


Haru was here to give him flowers and cookies.

The flowers were so full of life. Cut flowers, arguably, were already dead, and waiting to rot, but how did they look so full of life? 

Tekuka touched one of the flowers, so carefully as to not damage the fragile petals. He smiled at Haru.

Maybe... Tekuka liked being in the hospital again.

^^^ THAT PROMPT YOU GAVE WAS TOO CUTE NOT TO WRITE AWWWWWW, i wish i could have made it longer but i have another appointment today :sob: I hope you'll like it anyway!! 

@np, Tekuka often ends up in the hospital. Not only was he partially created in one, and was kept in one to extract something from his body, but it also ends up in the hospital from becoming wounded frequently. Feel free to do whatever you want, but reading his profile may give some ideas!

vvv OMG I LOVE THIS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, THIS IS SO COOL!! (also thanks for letting me brush up on reading french, havent done it since canadian public school dfdfsdfghfh)

Samaël Raffaëlle (Modern) EclipsedShadowK


A new patient enters the hospital and Raffaëlle was tasked to do pre-rounds and to check on the new patient. Before entering, they try to prep themself up.
'Oh... J'espère que ce patient coopérera..." Their tail curls and sways before shyly opening the door. "Euhhhh... Excusez-moi," they say with their voice becoming softer. "Mais je dois vérifier vos signes vitaux."

A bright red blush on their lightly paled face appears when they've entered the room. "Bordel de putain de merde ! J'ai oublié, vous ne pouvez pas parler français, n'est-ce pas ?" No answer. Raffaëlle's face is getting redder and their tail starts to sway faster. They grab a pen and notepad and begin scribbling before handing it to the patient.

"Would this be a preferable way for me to communicate to you? I can understand languages like English, German, Dutch, Italian, Romansh, Greek but I can only speak in French... Ó^Ò;"

Their tail sways faster in worry and they attempt to give Tekuka more space, so they sigh in the corner. "Je veux rentrer tôt à la maison... Mon ami interprète tout à l'heure sur scène une de mes chansons préférées tirée d'une comédie musicale que j'aime..." They look at the ceiling and their tail starts to sway slower a little, letting their own thoughts wander a bit as they hum the chorus of Die Schatten werden länger from Elisabeth das Musical.

@ np: Raffaëlle is a medical student. They're studying in general surgery, though, they're often giving tasks by the doctor teaching them, like pre-rounds and such.

vvv Vapor fhdjgdjddhskdjfhsjfh yeah, they can be friends!!!! Also, I love this so much hfjdhdhfksjdjf

Shrike Vapor

Shrike was an idiot. That was purely the reason why she ended up at the hospital, her leg up in a sling, her face uncomfortable nude without its feathered mask, all thanks to a failed attempt at parkour. The plus to all of this? Well, she got to meet all sorts of new people -- for example, the shadowing medical student. She had heard tales of a particular newcomer in the corridor, ones she was prior to this moment ready to dismiss, but upon seeing them, she could tell what all the fuss was about.

Raffaëlle just had that look to them, you know? That was ignoring the inhuman qualities they bore -- thankfully for her own poor heart, Shrike could not spot them -- they were still physically striking. She liked that. Their mere presence broke up the monotonous string of elderly doctors and mousy interns... but, she knew they weren't there for her. They were there for hands-on studies. After seeing them, she wasn't so sure how she felt about a rumored hell-beast tending to her, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe even... they could be... besties!!!

Because, well, for starters. Limpwrists. She totally agreed. The only good fascist is a dead one.

"How! How is it looking." Shrike quickly lowered her voice, dulling her tone to what sounded more as a statement than the question it very much was. Admittedly, she wanted to be out of here as soon as possible, because... again, her face was so naked here! And for what?! ..She didn't know. What she also didn't know was... how difficult it might be to communicate. If only there was a handy notepad around for--

"I really do need! To get out! Soon." she added quickly, "Because. My friend, she is... Heidi! ..I think. She needs me." Heidi totally did not need her. "And I found a fat cream cat! In Iceland! I do not know why it is out in the wild but I must feed it! ..Have you ever been to Iceland? I heard that you are well-traveled! That is what the other lady said before you came in. Or well-read. Or both! Very intelligent. Yes. Ha..."

She wanted to go hide in her RV and watch Spirited Away.

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Zen Yamachiche ZeCrazyAngel

(I hope this post is ok!)

Zen sat at the bedpost of a patient, his eyes closed as he focused on the events that had just happened a few hours ago.

Zen had been chasing someone through the woods, dashing as the wind blew in his fur. It was some other supernaturals who Oz had asked him to take care of considering the urgency, and that the vampire couldn't take care of on the moment. Zen was always willing to help out as much as he could since how much of a hell this place had been. (For anyone reading this I havn't added that part in his ref but theirs a lot going on) But it was more rare occurance, since he was capable of doing it he did accept those extra jobs.

Poor Spud had ended in the crossfire, hit by an explosive burst of flames and electricity. Fortunately, his sturdiness permitted him to survive the blow. Though it did knock him out and gravely injure him, he at least survived. But, unable to leave him to die, Zen abandonned his target "Fuck!" He snarled to himself in annoyance.

He sighed and with that, he had brought the Carmine spy to the hospital as quick as he could. He had never seen someone like him, it was strange. Soon, the spy woke up and started shifting on his bed. Yet, soon enough, he had fallen asleep. What had woken him up was the sudden shifting and tossing as Stud immediately tried to get out of there. Medical professionals were trying to stop him and to this, Zen immediately got up and intercepted him, surprisingly fast at that. "Yo, mate, what the hell are you doing! Have you seen your burns?" He spoke up, alarmed. The response he got was a certain set of tapping, almost as if it was morse code. Zen understood jack shit. "Listen, just… Please let them take care of you!" 

He couldn't openly say he was the one who hurt him, the fact he was in his wolf form permitted him not to be recognized. And he also felt pretty bad for hurting him. "Once you're back in shape you're free to skidaddle and go on your day."


Anything can honestly happen to get him in the hospital. He's very sturdy so getting hit by a car probably would not get him hospitalized, but like, their are major accidents that definitely could. And sometime, though his main focus is being a musician, he actually helps certain people in capturing supernaturals who cause problems. That and I never mentioned this on his ref because I had changed him world and now brought him back to his previous one due to issues, his world is infested by zombies in a more actual time. He can't be zombified but he does get in more fights, and a lot more stuff happens. I still wont mention right away that bit since I'm waiting on the owner to finish setting up stuff. So honestly, can be a heavy accident, can be a fight he got in, anything.