What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 9 months, 13 days ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!



The first thing I noticed about your characters is they have very simple color schemes, which is nice to see! Their bios are short but I like how they make sense and work with them too! In all, they are simple but sometimes simple is best <3



Ooo hey I'm really loving the uniformity in the art style you've got for all your char's thumbnails? like it strikes me immediately and makes you seem super organized aaaa

I also love the wide variation of different character designs! Different palettes, different species,... numbers of eyes? Limbs? Everything?? It's so cool to see :v

Like, there's so many babes here I'm a bit overwhelmed tbh :0 you've got everything from cool to creepy to cute and everything in between & honestly wow :0 I'm super impressed by people who can think up so many different ideas aaah

Another thing I really like is the lil aesthetic board you've made for a few of your characters? They add a real nice bit of flavour :y


Aarix All of your characters have really unique designs! I like the diversity! They all have great color schemes, too. Cobalt in particular has colors that could clash horribly if they were too bold, but since they're somewhat muted, they work. In addition, the rainbow markings really work for Lucifer, since they're presented in such a flashy way while his other colors are, again, somewhat muted. A lot of these characters have really been fleshed out, which is awesome.

...But seriously, I actually really like Cobalt's design. Succ Orb is clearly the best, though.

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I love how colorful your ocs are! The colors you tend to use are bright and they bring a lot of attention to your ocs and their designs... also youre consistent with your character profile pictures which makes it very nice to go through and look at them all

I love your alien ocs! I dont really see alien ocs honestly and yours are so freakin cool! Its easy to differentiate species and they all have cool designs! Id love to see a sci fi or something like that about your alien characters tbh!!! 

id watch/read anything about any of your characters honestly but i love aliens ;;



i adore your characters! i adore the way that you write out your bios- it's easy to understand the character and what they're all about really quickly, which is fantastic! aside from that, you have a lot of immortal characters, which i love! badass siren lady ivy...she can kick my ass anytime but i love a lot of your characters! their designs are both aesthetically pleasing and a lot of their personalities are like.... big fave... your eye's drawn to them which is something i appreciate! they're so sweet..



Your bios are really good! I like how you're able to explain what a character is like, how they relate to others, and their backstory efficiently, but not in a way that feels like it's lacking. They're also pretty unique too! I was expecting a character like Atlas to live life for his own interests and was pleasantly surprised to learn that he tends to help others more! Oh, and going back to your bios, one of my favorite things about how you write them is that I was able to learn things about some of your other characters and it makes me excited to read their bios as well!


Your designs are very appealing to the eye! They have a great color pallete and setup that makes them stand out on their own. All the info and the biographies that you make for them really show how much you do love and care for them.


Storm_Clouds You have really unique looking characters! I think it's really admirable that even though majority of your characters belong to the mlp universe they all have very different and memorable designs, especially Ancient Blade caught my eye! I also like the theme of how some of your characters are kind of outcasts, either feared despite being nice or feared for a reason. Some of them have also came out of nowhere and I think it's actually a very interesting and good way to get the reader hooked - now I really want to know the origins of some of the characters! 

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UmmMMMMmmMMMMmmmMMM that they're heckin' B A B E S?
You have such a variety of your characters, from monsters to gangsters! And each one of them is distinct! My absolute favorite thing about your characters, though, is the love I see is poured into them. Every single character gets attention, and not a single one of them is left blank. They all have a story behind them, even if it's just one little fact. I know you have a lot planned for your characters, and I always look forward to seeing them!

Smiley gonna heckin' smack ya
KEKEKEKEKEK but thank you   


I've always felt nervous of the thought of posting in this thread lmao BUT I GOTTA CLAIM BC IT'S PICKLE PicklePantry

You have! So many boys! They're good boys. Handsome boys. Even the bad ones. For real though, there's a lot of variety among them, and they're all really fun to see around the forum games! I live for the small interactions those bring, whether it's with my OCs or somebody else's. And they're all super fleshed out and feel really solid. I'd kiss most of them. :P

Tell Smiley to take a shower though, thnx xoxo

Ahhh, thank you! :D



I'm so sorry i claimed this and then promptly fell back asleep sdfsf 

But I love how many different types of characters you have!  I see anthros, and humans, and some creatures- There's so much variety among them!  i'm also a huge fan of info about ocs so I really like that you have at least a likes/dislikes list for each of them, even with something that small, you can find out so much about a character.  I really like that sort of thing!!

Thank you so much!!  that's what i aim for when i design characters <33

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I love how you have a good mix of cute chibi child OCs you want to protect, and more mature, adult ones you use for NSFW material! Usually people just stick with one type but you're not one of them, so I really appreciate that. Their designs are beautiful and their bio layouts are great as well, you really have good tastes!

spacecadet Ooh thank you so much!! ♥