What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 9 months, 13 days ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!

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The thing is, you have some pretty rad range in characters yet you still aren't 'messy'. In fact, even with a long, rad range, I can still identify that your characters are really made by you, they're so original! You can go from death god Christopher to your ol' buddy chum pal Alois. I really love the way you design your OCs and their designs may either often catch me off-guard because they say so much of your characters!

It's not 600 but boy, four pages of aliens, demons, angels, and goats is still a lot. It's nice to see you can handle them and give them a shot on the forum games rather than just tell "lol they're here too"

Speaking of forum games, I always get more than excited when I see your characters since the way you portray them in the forum games are rad enough to spawn an interesting reply from anyone, which includes me

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The first thing I noticed were the colors you use! They seem a bit closer to earthy or natural colors, and I really like them! Sometimes I'm not a fan of super desaturated stuff but yours is right in the middle and it works very well! I especially like Tate and his design, the colors go together very well! I think you have a lot of interesting ideas and I'm excited to see what you do with characters like Abaddon and Mirage!


@softsybil OK to start with i really love all the icon artwork ur characters have, it's very cute and simplified and it really makes me smile! the artwork that u use makes ur characters all look very individual and unique i think :D
ur character profiles (or the ones that are mostly finished) all appear to be short and sweet, and i really like that because that means they're easy to read through (as someone who has trouble concentrating on lots of text it's rly good imo) and they seem to cover the important parts about ur ocs! from what i've read they all seem really interesting too and i love their designs :D



I love their designs. Each one is far more unique than anything I've ever seen, and the art work is just gorgeous. I like the way each of their profiles are done, too. It's easy to find information and it's easy to follow along.
I love the variety of characters too, not just in their design, but in stories and personality too. Each one has had a lot of thought and love poured into them, I can tell! It's very cool!

It's okay because I'm so in love with all of them and stare at them all so much rip
Bless you for that wonderful post   I love you characters so much that it's so cool hearing that you like my characters.

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(Ok sorry for taking forever, had to eat dinner right as I claimed!)

I'm not sure if I've done you before actually (I see you around a lot) but your characters look great! 

Their bios are very interesting to read, and they all have such unique designs. I like how you use darker colors with a pinch of lighter every now and then- it keeps the designs from getting boring or stale.

Also your art style is perrrfffecct for them!

Over all great, interesting characters that are all pretty unique in some way. (Can I steal them pls)



I like how your characters are sorted into their specific stories, it’s all very organized and easy to navigate. Stylistically, I like how blocky/angular you draw your characters, it looks really neat! I especially like all of your robot New Worlds characters, it’s nice to see creative robots whose designs aren’t simply humanoid. I enjoyed reading through their bios, they all have unique personalities and quirks that make them stand out.



Upon first look at your ocs, I already like the colors most that I see use!! There's a lot of color and species diversity, which is something that takes a good amount of skill to do. At the very least, the designs seem very nice and like you do them well. :>


ccelestialGlitch First thing I noticed was your use of colour... I LOVE colour They are incredibly diverse which is great, I love that! I know I keep going on about it but... ALHSFDKASDGFALSFD COLOUR! I freaking love that, it brings life to them tbh




Your characters are so well designed and detailed that they look like real people! I love the details in the drawings, the trivias, the personalities... I can see that you put your heart into creating one! Honestly, my favorite is the Dr. John Wolfsbane, but i faved all the three! 

Keep up the great work you do, please! 


@Devvychan i took a look at your humanoid characters, and they're adorable! they've got a lot of unique and cute personalities, and a lot of 'em give me cute vibes!! (well, except for mad LOL but even then their design is awesome) but they're really gorgeous designs!


@bortz Even a simple look at your character thumbnails shows you have a WIDE variety of different characters! They all look really different from each other and are easy to tell apart, which is something I always appreciate a whole lot in characters! Also taking look at your character bios there seems to be at least a vague theme of characters struggling to achieve what their respective society or community considers good and something to strive for, but instead they find other ways to live and go on and carve their own paths, which is a theme I greatly enjoy - it's so fulfilling to see bullied characters and those considered "weaklings" to find their own place and purpose, whether it's a simple life or something grander. 

The way you write about your characters is also super pleasant to read; the text flows nicely and your wording is elaborate but not too complex so it makes it very easy to read, and I mean this as full compliment! I tend to run out of stamina with profiles that go on full purple prose mode or otherwise just try to play with the language to the point it tires the reader.

 Also hi I'm gay for Mikiko????

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