What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 9 months, 14 days ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!


I love that all of your OCs have so much thought put into them!! All of them seem to have a fleshed out story. Also they are extremely diverse which is awesome and something I wish I know many people wish they could incorporate into their OCs!

Also, a lot of your OCs have either connecting stories (which I'm always a sucker for in OCs) or a very historical backstory, which is super cool. It lets me know you do research before you make your OCs or at least put a lot of effort into making sure all of their stories line up.



I like how you characters all follow a really cute kemonomimi aesthetic, but also have really original concepts and backstories behind them which make them stand out from the rest! Your designs are also really pretty, very good use of colours ~ ♥



I love the creativity of your characters! They all seem very thought out and well fitting with each of their designs~ 

Also, all of them look very original, I always know they belong to you when I see art of them! And they seem very lovable/likeable too due to their thought-outness...(is that a word?..")

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paranormal-thingum Dude i just adore how colourfull your art is and how unique your artstyle is! Keep up the good work!

Demons and stuff folder:

I love how different all your characters are and how they all have some kind of dynamic with each other (vega is super cute and I support them and Max' relationship ) speaking about Max, i love love  it that you made her an real average 10 y/o who just.. happends to be there, (like a said before your oc dynamics is really one of your strongsuits 👌👌) 

Windows 98 folder;

Now about ur Windows 98 folder, first of all you made me laugh with the " remember we are nyan cat fans first and people second" quote. Memz really pops for me and they are def one of my fav characters from you 🙏

Spacey folder:

AND yet again you suprise me with great character design and the way you use flashy colours god!! Roly poly istg i wish she was real so that i could pinch her cheeck like some old granddad who just loves his grandchildren. Thats how you make me feel with ur art man!? I love it!? Also the small details and weird facts god 👾❤️

Something something something,:

Yoooo!! Yo!? I also love their interaction and how their designs dont match their story at all (murder cuties count me in!!??) Again 10/10 character design and 12/10 dynamics

Im (not) sorry for my huge ass comment but you deserve it buddy 

Joo thank you so much ❤️❤️!! Im glad to hear that my character designs are on point  dhsh ❤️👌

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All your OCs looked lovely but some about Agnes Chroma really caught my eye! I also really loved the art for her. <3

"While mildly benevolent and kind to strangers, she's in no way soft. After all, she runs one of the most successful speakeasies in Asolia, even with all the competition from rival gangs." I loved that<< XD



I love how diverse your OCs are! Even when you just first take a look at their (sometimes black and white) avatars you can notice quite a lot of variety! Such pretty and original names too ~ They also have cool, detailed designs that blend well in the universes they come from

They also seem thought-out as well, but I'm not into they kind of fandoms so I can't really say anything about it (":

Omfggg thank you so much! Glad to know you like Bobby! ♥

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Your characters are all cute to me, but they have that just 'slightly' creepy edge to them. Like, most to all of them. They seem to be more focused on neutral colours versus pastels/neons, which I find admirable- most of my characters have pretty bright unnatural colours so seeing pretty natural OCs is a nice change!


OMG SO MANY CUTE KEMONOMIMI GIRLS! <333 They all have such unique designs and developed personalities! The designs are so pretty and sooooo adorable, the colors are so nice and they work together really well, really pleasing to look at! I thik this is my most favorite thing about your characters, they all are so cute i think i'm gonna die xD


Ahh I love your ocs♡ I adore their more mature looks and expressions! Theire all so beautifull seriously with their byutifull colorschemes and flowers and aah ;u; Like fantasy world models lol

They all seem very thought out too.. I love em srsly, ALSO SUIT YOUR STYLE VERY WELL BTW ;u;


I love all of their art, first of all. It's so expressive and just one picture can tell a lot about the characters! Plus I love the sharp, thick lines and the use of colors.   

I also really like the creativity behind them, from a demonic king trapped in a bunny to a singer with a gold head! There's not much info about them on their profiles, and yet what's there gives me all I need to know about them. No having to scroll through several boxes! It's a very comforting and welcomed change of pace!

These are good creative bois and I love seeing them around

Heckin' bless thank you so much!! And don't you worry, all the info about Yeli is already there. Somewhere. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)