Guess The Above OCs Secret

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Lonestarcelt

Everyone has a secret. You do, I do, and our characters do too. These could be small things. Little white lies they have told over the years with zero consequences where maybe the worst thing that they're keeping to themselves is that they don't like fast food or they don't know how to tie their shoes. However, those aren't the only secrets out there. There are also ones that people, your characters, might take to their graves. Things that could bring about such massive, world-changing, revelations that anyone knowing would change everything. Do they know the secrets about the afterlife, have they been on the run from the law for years, have they been having an affair and has a secret family a thousand miles away, or maybe they just know something truly eldritch, something that should have been unknowable, but they have that floating around in their head? Everyone has a secret. The point of this thread is to guess what that secret is. 

That's right! We are delving into the recesses of characters minds and guessing what they are keeping close to the vest. If you don't know how to play this game? It's simple. A character will post and the person after them will then post what they thing that character's secret is. They can either guess completely blind. Seeing nothing but the icon the person is using or they can sneak a peek at their profile and glean something from what they read (although, if you do? Maybe give your post a little indicator *, like demonstrated below, if just so people don't feel like their character's secret is super obvious if you get it right.) 

Character One-Posts-
Character TwoI think that character one stole money from their parents when they were younger and has never fessed up.* 
Character ThreeI think Character two is a bank robber whose been on the run for at least a few years. 

Now, before we start trying to guess at closely guessed secrets? Please keep some rules in mind.

  1. Keep your guesses SFW. This thread should be preferably PG and PG-13 at most. NSFW topics are forbidden and sensitive topics must both be blacked out. For example: Example text. As well as anything underneath that blacked out text cannot be graphic or explicit. 
  2. Don't be needlessly harsh or edgy with your guesses. Try to be kind of sensible in what you guess. For example, maybe don't bring up a character having some traumatic history due to war if their icon is a child with a flower crown. Yes, that stuff does happen but consider it the exception not the rule. 
  3. While sneaking a peek at a character's profile is technically allowed? Try to avoid it is possible. Sometimes it can be hard to guess something purely from a picture and if you need to know a character's immediate family or something in order to make a guess that's fine but don't read over a character's backstory and then make a "guess" based on what you read from that backstory. The whole point of this thread is that slight element of mystique that comes from not entirely knowing everything and needing to guess.
  4. Don't causes drama, start fights, or break this rule or any of the above. If someone does? Bring them to my attention and either me or the admins, if needed, will deal with it.
With all that said? Let's get to guessing.

Current Ban List:

  • None, let's keep it that way. 

 Milo cosmicconundrum

he has an affinity for art--specifically painting--and he doesn't want anyone to know about it, because it would screw up his reputation.

 Velvet ickei

Milo looks like he stole a friend's gameboy when he was a kid.

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Monty always eats at least two grapefruits a day. 

Mittenz HeartofRoses

Roswell secretly wishes magic were real, so he could make his eye reappear.*

(I already read his profile for a different thread, haha)

Ryleagh hedgemaze

She thinks winning hide and seek is the best, but kind of lonely afterward...*

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Jill hedgemaze

(This is too old to bump, so I guess I'll go again? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Ryoji also secretly likes muffins!*

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His ears and tail are actually real, But he refuses that they are.

His style of clothing is also from when he was little, he just likes things to stay the same

☆Charlotte☆ abbysavvy

She accidentally slipped some hair into soup and no one noticed


SHHH, Abby ate the entire castle's supply of a macaroons, don't tell anyone

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